Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 362 - Chapter 362: This Guy Secretly Earned More Battle Credits Again?

Chapter 362: This Guy Secretly Earned More Battle Credits Again?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Battle, an endless battle!

Wang Ye once again saw Xia Yu, the owner of jade carving light ball N0.5, in the fight before the Super Star-level black hole.

But this time, it was no longer from an omniscient perspective. He had become Xia Yu.

He was Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was him.

With the dragon spear in hand, he was invincible!

Space distorted and time was interrupted.

Wherever the spear went, Black Hole-level devil commanders-in-chief and demon commanders-in-chief were killed one after another. The area covered by the dragon spear was like a forbidden land that devoured all battle domains.

He was the absolute king.

The spear battle domain that had fused with time and space was too powerful.

At that moment, it was as if a lock had been unlocked in Wang Ye’s body, and he gained a new understanding of the paths of time and space, especially the path of time, which he had been ignorant of before. It was as if the clouds had parted and the sky could be seen for the first time.

So this was Time Control…

Wang Ye had an epiphany.

On this unimaginable battlefield, he was integrated into Xia Yu’s body and kept fighting.

The Super Star-level experts were like cannon fodder, unable to even withstand the aftershocks of the Black Hole-level experts’ attacks.

A confrontation between Black Hole-level experts had far exceeded the limits of what this cosmic could withstand.

Dimensional cracks appeared one after another. Time was chaotic, and energy dissipated.

The super black hole at the center of the Milky Way was shaking violently.

In an instant, its devouring power increased by tens of millions of times, and the domain was endless.

The balance of the cosmic was broken.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A terrifying explosion swept across the Milky Way.

The entire galaxy encountered a huge disaster. Countless planets exploded and stars were devoured.

Humans, demons, and devils were all destroyed by this terrifying strength.

A galaxy-scale catastrophe!


Wang Ye’s eyes widened.

His chest heaved, feeling as if he had died once and been reborn.

He had experienced and seen everything. It was like the wrath of the Gods and the punishment from the cosmic.

So this was the explosion of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way 5,000 years ago. It was too terrifying.

This was the fourth time he saw Xia Yu.

Different from the previous three times, he possessed the other party’s body this time. Then, he perceived the other party’s experiences like memories.

What was the relationship between Xia Yu and him?

Also, was he dead?

Wang Ye didn’t see Xia Yu being swallowed by the black hole. Rather, in his memory, the other party took the initiative to enter the super black hole.

Besides, with his strength, even if he was swallowed by the super black hole, he would not die.

“The guidance left by Xia Yu is near the super black hole. I will know once I get there.” This was one of the reasons why Wang Ye had joined the Milky Way Ace Team. After the Silver Road Team’s continuous exploration, he was now only 10000 light years away from the super black hole!

He was getting closer and closer.

“The supreme treasure component Senior Wu Yuan mentioned is quite far from the super black hole.” Wang Ye sensed it through the perception of his bloodline, Treasure Hunting.

The treasure with the strongest energy perception was about 1000 light-years away from the super black hole.

He didn’t want to miss either of them!

Plus, he now had the strength to fight for them.

Wang Ye opened his interface.

There was no change, but this time, he had gained a lot of insight.

Whether it was the path of space, the path of time, or spear techniques, he had gained a deep understanding of them.

Xia Yu’s spear battle domain too.

However, he wasn’t too interested in spear techniques.

The path of time, on the other hand, was one of the four great powers of the cosmic.

The key to breaking through past the Dark Energy level and reaching the Super Star level was the comprehension of time. And this time, the mist had been dispersed!

“So it’s that simple. Hmm, I’m indeed talented in the path of time.”

After cultivating for a while, Wang Ye gained something. It was almost effortless.

[Time Control, f]

His consciousness landed.

[Do you wish to spend 500,000 potential points to upgrade Time Control?]


[Do you wish to spend 18,000,000 potential points to upgrade Time Control?]


Three consecutive rises!

Wang Ye raised his Time Control to stage 4. in one go. His attainments were so high that they even surpassed most Super Star-level experts.

If one were to ask why he upgraded it so many times, it was because he had a lot of potential points.

The last wave of devil race troops that he swept through had provided him with another hundred million potential points.

Raising Time Control to stage A only consumed 21.5 million potential points.

He did not have a time-type treasure and did not plan to cultivate saber techniques and battle domains related to Time Control for the time being, but with this, he would not be at a disadvantage against Super Star-level experts who were proficient in Time Control.



“Circling?” Wang Ye was surprised.

“Yes.” Chu Leqin pointed at the radar map. “Look carefully at the route we’ve taken in the past few cosmic days. It’s not hard to notice that there are many irregular routes. They’re not heading to a single destination.”

Wang Ye nodded.

It was obvious at a glance. There were many turns. Once or twice might be a coincidence, but if there were too many, it wasn’t.

“They are waiting for help.” Wang Ye understood.

“Yes. There must be more than one wormhole here since it’s impossible for reinforcements to appear out of thin air,” Chu Leqin said. “However, since they didn’t head to the other wormholes, they must be waiting for reinforcements.”

“So what do you want to do?” Wang Ye looked at Chu Leqin.

She was very bold, but he didn’t know if she was bold in other aspects…

Under such circumstances, she didn’t hurry to part ways, but instead wanted to beat the other party at their own game?

“Are you in?” Chu Leqin’s beautiful eyes were bright. “Yuanqi and the others are already rushing over. The other Silver Road Teams and Silver Warbands are also coming. We can do something big.”

“No.” Wang Ye refused without hesitation. “It’s too risky.”

He really wanted to take off her battle uniform and see how her heart grew…

She was too bold.

Besides, Captain Ke was only leading a Silver Warband ranked 30th.

The enemy was obviously waiting for them. How could they not be confident?

Moreover, more than one devil race’s troop might appear!

Battle credits were important, but there was no need to risk his life like this.

“Fine then.” Chu Leqin looked a little regretful.

Wang Ye glanced at her and smiled. “I mean, it’s too risky to do that. The enemy is in the dark, and we’re in the open. We’re exposed to the devil race. Instead, we can change our method.”

“You mean…” Chu Leqin’s beautiful eyes lit up.

Wang Ye pointed at the devil race’s starship before them. “It’s useless now. Get rid of it!”


The Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship was avenged.

The two starships were locked in a fierce battle as Wang Ye floated in the air.

30 pearls of the Whitewheel Origin broke through the defense of the devil race’s starship.

As the lightning spread, the performance of the devil race’s starship was greatly reduced, making it difficult for it to speed up and escape.

The hatch was broke open and Wang Ye barged in alone.

Hysterical howls of devils instantly sounded before quickly weakening.

Then, silence.

Within the damaged starship, piles of corpses.

The devil race experts were annihilated.

The strongest among the fish that escaped the net previously was only at the Dark Energy level, so the potential points they provided were limited.

“Did you find anything?” Chu Leqin looked at Wang Ye.

She didn’t expect a warrior like him to be proficient in control-type ability spells.

“No.” Wang Ye shook his head. “Their souls are badly shattered. There are only fragments of memories. It’s difficult to gather any useful information. But I’m sure they’re waiting for reinforcements.”

Chu Leqin nodded. “After the Dark Energy-level devil commanders fuse with high-dimensional energy, their souls can be ignited to unleash their strongest combat strength. It’s indeed difficult to enslave or detect their souls.”

Wang Ye said, “But the GPS, communication, and network in the starship haven’t been destroyed. Get the brothers to work and see if we can dig out any useful information.”

“They’re already at it.” Chu Leqin signaled with her eyes.

So fast?

Wang Ye turned around and looked.

The group of experienced team members did not need any orders and were already doing their work.

Xiaobai was also extremely focused and eager to prove himself.

The Silver Road Team had such a good atmosphere.

Wang Ye sighed.

He glanced at Chu Leqin.

It was different to have a good captain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dark power surrounded Ke Yuanqi as she swung her two mallets vigorously.

With Ke Yuanqi as the leader, the iron triangle once again showed their might and wiped out a group of devils.

“Roar!” Ke Yuanqi retracted her bloodline.

Her bulging chest muscles seemed to have been pierced like balloons and quickly shriveled.

Her one-meter-long legs retracted, turning back into stocky short legs, but her fighting spirit was still strong.

They were here!

They were extremely lucky. Not long after passing through the wormhole, they encountered a group of devils.

No, they were battle credits!

“Wang Ye really is my lucky star!” Ke Yuanqi was very happy.

She had a great time fighting this round, sweeping away the decadent atmosphere from the past few days.

“We’re second place in the demon-exterminating mission.” Lan Jian also smiled.

It had been too long since they had gotten second place in a mission. And this time, it was even a competition between eight squads.

Indeed, as the captain said, Wang Ye was a lucky general.

“What the hell? Why are my battle credits still less than Wang Ye’s?” Ke Yuanqi cast a glance at the ranking, and her happy expression froze.

She should have surpassed Wang Ye with her burst of energy, but…

Something’s not right!

Did this guy secretly increase his battle credits again?

“Perhaps they encountered devils again.” Lan Jian wasn’t very sure either. He smiled and said, “That’s not important. Captain, Wang Ye’s increase in battle credits is also a good thing for our team.”

It was important! How could it not be?

Ke Yuanqi gritted her teeth and put her hands on her waist. She was the captain, so how could she let a newcomer steal her limelight?!

“Let’s go and continue to capture the devil race!” Ke Yuanqi gripped her mallets.

This time, she was full of confidence. She was only 300,000 points away from Wang Ye. One more battle, no, one more Super Star-level devil general, and she would be able to catch up immediately!

In the devil race’s starship, the members of the Silver Road Team’s Azure Mountain Squad were analyzing the clues without stopping.

The starship was almost dismantled entirely.

The members had a clear division of labor.

After all the information was analyzed and summarized, it would be sent to Captain Chu Leqin.

Chu Leqin was focused and quickly operated.

Wang Ye sat at the side to assist.

Well, with his gaze.

The content regarding technology and the Silver Road Team was a little too hard for him.

However, watching Chu Leqin work, he also gained a lot of knowledge, such as the fact that the other party was very knowledgeable.

She was proficient in almost all professional knowledge and was quite all-rounded. She relied on her brain to become the captain, unlike some other captains who only had brute force.

“I got it!” Chu Leqin suddenly propped herself up with both hands and stood up abruptly. She revealed a rare look of excitement and turned to look at Wang Ye. “We did it! Do you see this, Wang Ye? We finally found it!”

“Well done.” Wang Ye smiled sympathetically and gave Chu Leqin a big hug.

He glanced at Chu Leqin’s workbench from the corner of his eye. The fluorescent screen was filled with astronomical numbers and all kinds of scribbles. It was an unimaginable amount of calculation and analysis.

So, what did she find?

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