Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 361 - Chapter 361: You’re Certainly Great in Delivering an Extra Punch

Chapter 361: You’re Certainly Great in Delivering an Extra Punch

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Silver Warband Azure Mountain Starship.

“What happened to Captain?” Yu Yuyu, who had just come out of the cultivation room, looked curiously at the captain who was sitting cross-legged on the main control seat, huffing angrily.

“I don’t know. She’s been that way since just now,” Lan Jian said.


Ke Yuanqi’s fists collided like weapons.

“Damn devils, where are you hiding?! Come out!” Ke Yuanqi gritted her teeth and her fighting spirit surged.

Lan Jian and Yu Yuyu looked at each other.

“Doesn’t it look like the state she was in when she competed with Xiao Anli?” Yu Yuyu said.

“Yes, but our battle credit is currently ranked fourth in the demon-exterminating mission,” Lan Jian said. “We’re far ahead of the Red River Squad.”

“How is Wang Ye now?” Yu Yuyu asked abruptly after thinking for a while.

He’s pretty good.” Lan Jian revealed a knowing smile. “I just checked the latest information. In the area that the Silver Road Team was investigating, there were signs of a devil race’s troop appearing and then disappearing. It just so happens that Wang Ye is there. They should have run into devils.”

“Then I know what’s with the captain.” Yu Yuyu nodded.

Strange, why isn’t Yuanqi replying to my messages? Did they also encounter a devil race’s troop?” Chu Leqin said.

Wang Ye, who was checking the radar map, glanced at her. “What did you send her?”

“A thank-you message” Chu Leqin smiled. “If she hadn’t sent you here, we wouldn’t have been able to get through the crisis so easily. Although it’s a mission, we should thank her for it.”

Was she thanking her?

This was adding fuel to the fire!

As expected of her best friend.

I see. Please put in a good word for me,” Wang Ye said.

“No problem.” Chu Leqin smiled.

After sending a few more messages, she suddenly realized something. “Why did Yuanqi off her messages? What happened to her?”

She probably had something on her mind.

Wang Ye held back his laughter. “Maybe she’s focused on her task or cultivation and doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

Chu Leqin nodded slightly. “Let’s not disturb her then. We’ll talk about it when we meet.”

“Alright.” Wang Ye applauded Chu Leqin in his heart. She surely knew how to deliver an extra punch.



Cultivation room.

[Thunder Fusion Technique: stage 5 -> stage 6.]

[Battle Domain: stage 5 -> stage 6.]

240,000,000 potential points were quickly consumed.

In the space of consciousness, Wang Ye practiced the Thunder Fusion Technique to increase his explosive power in close combat.

The upgrade of his battle domain allowed him to unleash the might of the Space-lock Battle Domain, which was invincible in group battles.

“With my current attainments in the battle domain, even if I use it normally, I’ll be able to unleash extraordinary power.” Wang Ye tried it out.

With his body as the source, he erupted with astonishing combat energy.

Unlike the Space-lock Battle domain, an ordinary battle domain used one’s own energy, with the black realm as the core and combat energy as the power.

There was a limit to the power of the Space-lock Battle domain.

In contrast, the strength of one’s own battle domain would change as one’s strength improved.

The stronger one’s black realm, the stronger one’s control of the battle domain.

The stronger the combat energy, the stronger the power!


Wang Ye withdrew his battle domain.

The combat energy returned to his body and had only been consumed a little.

The vast majority of warriors did not like to use battle domains purely because their realms were too low. Their inability to control the consumption and usage of the battle domain resulted in a contradiction with the use of their combat energy.

But in fact, regardless of whether it was a warrior who purely cultivated the physical body or a warrior who mainly cultivated the physical body while having others as support, the battle domain was an extremely effective supplementary method!

Even if space was limited and time was controlled, warriors in their own battle domain still had the strength to fight!

After his combat prowess increased, Wang Ye continued to cultivate the evolution technique.

Two cosmic days later.

Dark Energy level 6 ability user, 90%.

He was getting closer and closer to breaking through.

After the last battle, the Silver Road Team did not find any more devil race’s troops.

However, as they went after the devil race’s starship that they had locked onto, they felt a sense of danger as if they had entered deep into the enemy territory.

All members of the Silver Road Team were on full alert. Detection, vigilance, analysis. The atmosphere was tense and excited.

Adrenaline surged. That feeling was extremely stimulating. It was as if they would ascend to heaven at any moment.

“It disappeared.” Chu Leqin suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes.” Wang Ye and she looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

They had made the right bet!

The devil race’s starship that was being pursued indeed returned through the wormhole.

Devils were selfish by nature. They would not have any thoughts of taking the overall situation into consideration. Exposing the location of the wormhole did not mean anything to them.

Locking onto the coordinates!

Soon, the Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship arrived at the wormhole.

“It’s a natural wormhole. Based on the energy reaction and supernet data analysis, the warp distance is about 220 light years,” Chu Leqin said.

“You’re the captain. Why are you looking at me when you make the decision?” Wang Ye couldn’t help laughing.

“I have uploaded the wormhole coordinates, but if we wait for the Silver Warband to arrive, it will take at least four cosmic days,” Chu Leqin said. “The main force will take at least seven cosmic days to arrive.”

She tapped her fingers and pondered.

Risk it or go steady?

Wang Ye glanced at her. “Seventy percent. I can’t guarantee it, but if there really are devil race reinforcements, they wouldn’t ambush us at the wormhole’s entrance. They would’ve passed through the wormhole and faced us head-on by now.”

If there is an ambush, how confident are you?” Chu Yueqin looked over.

“Ninety percent.” Wang Ye didn’t hesitate. “An ambush means that their strength is limited and they aren’t confident. That will mean that we are facing the devil race scouting troop from the previous battle. It’s very likely that the devil race’s combat troops haven’t arrived yet.”

I’m relieved to hear that. Activate the strongest defense system and prepare to pass through the wormhole!” Chu Leqin stood up and ordered decisively.

“Yes, captain!” The team members were impassioned.

To the scouting troop, this would be a huge amount of battle credit!

Furthermore, they were the first squad among the five Silver Road Teams to discover and pass through the devil race’s wormhole, leading by several cosmic days.

Just with one step ahead, they would be ahead for the following steps as well.

After entering the wormhole, they would have a higher chance of discovering something else first!


The Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship completed the warp.

It was calm. As expected, there was no devil race ambush.

“Do we still go after them?” Chu Leqin asked for Wang Ye’s opinion, her beautiful eyes twinkling.

Just do what you want. Don’t worry about me.” Wang Ye laughed.

This seemingly gentle captain was extremely daring when she did things. She was completely different from her appearance.

“Give chase! The devil race’s combat troops should still be at the back,” Chu Leqin said decisively. “Ahead are all scouting troops. Even if we encounter them, their strength will be limited.”

An accurate judgment.

Wang Ye praised in his heart.

Smart, driven, and decisive. This was a true captain.

Compared to his captain, who had nothing else other than the drive…


Chu Leqin was right.

The devil race’s troops were paper tigers.

Wang Ye’s existence gave her ample confidence.

On the second cosmic day after passing through the natural wormhole, they once again encountered a devil race’s scouting troop.


This time, it wasn’t just firearms that suppressed the opponent.

Wang Ye once again displayed his powerful combat prowess and massacred the enemy’s experts!

Fighting the battle to his heart’s content, he fiercely boosted the morale of the Silver Road Team, filling them with fighting spirit.

F*ck! What was there to be afraid of?

With Wang Ye around, no one could stop them!

The Silver Road Team advanced like a hot knife through butter, charging into Kuigu Galaxy.

7.2 million battle credits!

Ke Yuanqi was dumbfounded.

Wang Ye’s battle credits soared once again, surpassing her by 2 million!

What did he do?

Why did his battle credits rise so quickly?

How was she supposed to catch up?!

Even if she found another devil race’s troop, she might not be able to surpass him.

Captain, we’re in third place! Wang Ye’s battle credits for killing devil-race experts are also included in the devil battle mission. Now, our total battle credits are already in the top three!”

Oh.” Ke Yuanqi nodded.

It was a piece of news worth celebrating, but she felt inexplicably stifled.

Wang Ye! He had stolen all the limelight from her, the captain!

I must kill a group of devils by myself and take back the number one in terms of battle credits!” Ke Yuanqi bumped her fists hard. Her fighting spirit was ignited again. She ordered, “Continue searching. Find those bastards!”

“We can’t, captain. The mission location has been changed. We have to rush to Wormhole No.257 that Wang Ye and the others discovered,” Lan Jian said.

“Since when?” Ke Yuanqi was stunned.

“Just now,” Lan Jian said. “The eight squads for the demon-exterminating mission have been divided into two groups. Half will continue to stay here and sweep the area. The other half will pass through Wormhole N0.257 and head to the new battlefield.”

“Why us?” Ke Yuanqi’s mouth twitched.

“Because we are the closest,” Lan Jian said. “Moreover, our squad is intact. After the first round of the demon-exterminating mission, four squads have casualties and one has been wiped out.”

Anger boiled!

These useless fellows!

Ke Yuanqi’s fighting spirit instantly withered as she sunk back into her seat.

Heading to Wormhole N0.257…

Wouldn’t that be following Wang Ye?

She was clearly the captain, so why was she being led by the nose by Wang Ye instead?

Damn it!

On the eighth day of the guardian mission.

In the cultivation room.

With the Whitewheel Origin as the core, Wang Ye continued to cultivate the Primeval Universe Evolution Technique, and a steady stream of energy flowed into his psyche.

Tempering, opening up.

With the star core as the center, his psyche kept changing. The energy intensity and energy properties changed step by step, from the low dimension to the high dimension.

Level 6 dark ability user, 99%!

It was almost saturated but strands of energy continued to pour in.

The saturated psyche accumulated a huge amount of energy which charged toward the advanced Dark Energy-level barrier for an ability user.

He used the evolution technique again and again, and his psyche which had reached its limit tried to break through.

When the energy accumulated was strong enough, it was like a flood breaking through a dam!

In an instant, the barrier in his psyche was broken by the boundless energy. The energy washed out in all directions like a tsunami, forming a new world.


Dark Energy level 7 ability user!

Wang Ye’s eyes were bright.

He sensed the changes in his psyche. His white realm had expanded rapidly, a result of the formation and absorption of dark energy.

This was the second threshold of the Dark Energy level, and also the second transformation of the white realm!

The star core was even more dazzling, like a star. The transformation of the white realm made the energy of the star core even stronger.

Wang Ye entered a daze.

He saw the jade carving light ball and the clear number 6.

A familiar energy fluctuation came over, and the number 6 instantly blurred, gradually turning into the number 5.

His heartbeat accelerated.


The scene in front of Wang Ye changed..

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