Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 363 - Chapter 363: He’s a Professional in Demolishing Bases

Chapter 363: He’s a Professional in Demolishing Bases

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The location of the wormhole!

Wang Ye was extremely surprised.

Chu Leqin’s ability was beyond imagination.

According to the models of the galaxies and the energy curves, together with the data she had obtained from the devil race’s starship, she deduced the approximate location of the wormhole!

This woman was terrifying.

If she became the official wife, what would happen…

“There’s a problem now. If we head in the direction of the wormhole, we might bump into a devil race’s troop.” Chu Leqin thought for a while, then quickly tapped on the screen and connected the lines.

After looking at it carefully for a while, she nodded.

“What do you think?” Chu Yueqin looked at Wang Ye.

“No problem.” Wang Ye never cared about this.

Professional matters would be left to the professionals. He was only responsible for the fighting.

Of course, Chu Leqin wasn’t asking for his opinion. She was just informing him. With her bold personality, since she had found the approximate location of the wormhole, it was impossible not to explore it.

It was not without reason that the Silver Road Team’s death rate was second only to the Silver Warband.

“It’s decided then. Let’s go!” Chu Leqin was swift and decisive.

She had a quiet and intellectual temperament but a storm-like style of doing things.

This was the first time Wang Ye had seen such a woman. He admired her.

They could communicate in depth.

Three peaceful cosmic days.

Even though Chu Leqin was bold, she was a professional.

The devil race reinforcements were clearly close by, but they always managed to bypass their exploration range and advance step by step.

She was very cautious. She would never fight a war that she shouldn’t.

They were the Silver Road Team, not the Silver Warband.

Wang Ye didn’t care. He had accumulated enough battle credits from this mission.

There was no need for his battle credits ranking to be higher than the captain and embarrass her.

Even if they didn’t meet a devil race’s troop again until the end, his battle credit gains were close to ten million, including the team share from the demon-exterminating mission and the guardian mission.

He was satisfied that he had achieved one-tenth of his goal in one mission.

Moreover, he had gained a lot of potential points, and his combat prowess had improved greatly in all aspects.

In particular, the enlightenment from possessing Xia Yu after he reached the advanced Dark Energy level as an ability user was even more fruitful.

Time Control, which could only be comprehended by a Super Star-level being, had already been cultivated to stage 4.

After returning, he could cultivate a saber technique of the time system and increase his combat prowess.

His Spatial Control was not too shabby either. He could basically comprehend the advanced path of space and reach a higher level.

The biggest gain was still the experience of battling with many Black Hole-level experts and the use of Xia Yu’s combat prowess.

Such an experience could only be encountered by chance.

“Captain Ke must be beaming right now.” Wang Ye looked at the team mission details.

The captain was quite lucky. Yesterday, she had bumped into another devil race’s troop, and now her battle credits had surpassed his.


Becp, beep, beep!

An urgent alarm sounded.

Wang Ye’s eyes turned sharp and he left the cultivation room.

“What’s the situation now?” Wang Ye stared at the radar map.

“A wormhole has been discovered, and at the same time a devil race’s starship has been detected.” Chu Leqin quickly arranged the personnel. She was calm and composed, like a senior general.

The red light quickly disappeared.

Chu Leqin exclaimed, “They didn’t come after us?”

“Did they not notice us?” Wang Ye asked.

“No, for an origin energy starship of this level, detection is two-way. When we discover them, we will most certainly be discovered by them too,” Chu Leqin said.

“Did they move their positions?” Wang Ye asked thoughtfully.

“I don’t think so.” Chu Leqin observed for a while and then quickly entered the command. “Activate the strongest defense system. Return to the previous position and continue to investigate the wormhole.”



Good heavens, she was well-versed in military strategies.

Wang Ye glanced at Chu Leqin.

Soon, the alarm sounded again.

Chu Leqin’s eyes were bright like torches as she stared at the movements of the devil race’s starship. She gave the order to move forward again.

She kept testing the other party’s bottom line, until…


The devil race’s starship finally moved.

“It’s a wormhole base.” Chu Leqin made a judgment. “This should be a key wormhole occupied by the devil race, so there’s a starship and strong warriors guarding it.”

“Open the hatch. You guys retreat.” Wang Ye’s answer was also very concise.

Just do it!

Against a devil race’s troop, he still had some confidence.

If they didn’t meet, then there was nothing he could do. But now that they have, as a member of the Silver Warband, he naturally wouldn’t be afraid.

After all, he was a professional when it came to demolishing bases.

Wang Ye floated in the starry sky, surrounded by the Whitewheel Origin.

Facing the devil race’s starship, a domineering battle began!

Boom! Boom!

The Whitewheel Origin shot towards the devil race’s starship like cannonballs, and the white origin of thunder exploded in an instant, penetrating the protective shield and the destroying starship.

Wang Ye, who was blocking the path of the devil race alone, was like a descending God.

The cabin door opened, and one by one, Super Star-level devil generals charged out.

Their refined and powerful bodies emanated boundless devilish energy, bringing Wang Ye into purgatory.


The Space-lock Battle Domain was unleashed.

Wang Ye condensed the white origin of thunder, and there was a vague sense of compatibility. It seemed to have changed and taken shape.

“It’s this feeling…” Wang Ye, who had once transformed into Xia Yu and used the spear battle domain, had a new improvement in his control of the domain.

The white lightning fused with the battle domain and was like a part of it, instantly causing powerful damage in all directions.

Two sabers appeared, and combat energy exploded.

The Whitewheel Origin followed Wang Ye like a star.

After reaching the advanced Dark Energy level as an ability user, his control of energy had evolved.

Go all out!

[Killed Super Star level 3 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 129.2 million ->

144.2 million.]

[Killed Super Star level 5 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 144.2 million

179.2 million.]

[Killed Super Star level 7 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 179.2 million

242.2 million.]

Wang Ye went berserk.

His strength soared, and it was as if he had entered a focused realm.

Five Super Star-level devil generals and nearly ten Dark Energy-level devil commanders.

Under the suppression of the evolved White Lightning Space-lock Battle Domain, the Six Intents of the Kui Cattle Saber was unstoppable!

His potential points exceeded 300 million.

Wang Ye, who was almost unharmed, sent a signal to Chu Leqin.

Then, he charged straight into the wormhole base.

Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship.

Inside the starship, Chu Leqin’s beautiful eyes lit up when she received Wang Ye’s message.

“The devil race troop has been wiped out!” Chu Leqin swept her gaze across the crowd and clenched her fists happily. “Wang Ye has already entered the wormhole base. Let’s follow him!”

“Yes, captain!” The team members were extremely excited.

Wang Ye was too strong!

Although it was not their first time seeing Wang Ye unleash his might and slaughter a devil race’s troop by himself, they still felt their blood boil!

It was as if they had returned to the battlefield of the military camp and the days when he fought devils.

Pure power!

“He is too strong…” Yan Sanqi was both happy and disappointed.

With her current strength, she would only be dragging Wang Ye down if she went to battle. Staying in the starship was the right decision.

Not long ago, she was only slightly inferior to Wang Ye. But now, the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

“Don’t compare yourself to him. He’s a monster. The Milky Way Ace Team is a place for us to realize our drcams and goals but for him…” Ju Bairuo said. “It’s just a step into the Supreme Being.”

His eyes were sharp. “Wang Ye will definitely enter one of the seven supreme human factions in the future. His future is boundless!”

The devil race’s wormhole base.

Wang Ye charged in alone.

Chi, chi!

Countless devil-race experts bombarded him with firearms, charging straight for the tiny Wang Ye and quickly burying him.

Lightning flashed, and blood splattered everywhere. One by one, devil-race experts fell.

However, devilish energy raged, and the devil core’s special ability was unleashed. The tyrannical devil race’s bloodline severely injured Wang Ye.

The number of devil-race experts held an absolute advantage!

Wang Ye, who only attacked and didn’t defend, couldn’t resist the devil-race experts that filled the sky despite the protection of the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor.


His body exploded.

The group of devil-race experts let out deafening roars, incomparably excited.

This terrifying human expert was finally dead!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In an instant, white lightning surged!

Boundless combat energy and white lightning combined, mixed with traces of the paths of space and time. It enveloped all the devil-race experts who were extremely excited just now.

The immortal Wang Ye was like a divine judgment.

Six Intents of the Kui Cattle Saber!

No one was left alive where the two sabers went.

Lights and shadows flashed, and Wang Ye’s potential points increased exponentially, breaking through 400 million in the blink of an eye.

Clear the area!

Wang Ye was invincible. It was as if he had returned to the time when he fought against the 5 great cosmic nations’ families.

He was still him, but the difference was that the enemy’s strength had increased countless times.

The weakest Dark Energy-level devil commander here, if placed in the 5 cosmic nations’ families, could stand alone.

Still, Wang Ye, who had transformed into the White Lightning Yama and was like a god of death, could not be stopped.


His massacre forced out the strongest expert in the wormhole base.

A Super Star level 9 devil general!

He was covered in blood-red scales, with a long tail wrapped around his waist, and a sharp horn on his forehead that contained bloodline mystical engravings.

Holding a blue saber that was condensed with dark energy, he roared!

He seemed very slow, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared before Wang Ye.

Time Control!

The attack of the level 9 devil general broke through the new battle domain formed by Wang Ye’s combat energy, but it was blocked by Wang Ye.

Time Control?

He was already at stage 4 and not weak cither!

“Swoosh!” The level 9 devil general was shocked, but he was even more furious.

At this moment, Wang Ye, whose battle intent had reached its peak, quickly shot out pearls of Whitewheel Origin.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The attack speed of a level 9 devil general was extremely fast. His powerful Time Control skills shot down the pearls of Whitewheel Origin one after another.

The eruption of the Whitewheel Origin outside his body could not do anything to his strong defense.

Was it not enough?

Then he would be stronger!

Wang Ye released energy from his white realm and his star core bloomed. His control as an advanced Dark Energy-level ability user reached its limit!

With stage 4 Whitewheel Origin Intent, 30 pearls of the Whitewheel Origin blasted out their strongest attack, heading straight for the level 9 devil general in all directions.

An interface appeared in front of him.

[Do you wish to spend 100 million potential points to upgrade Time Control?]


Time Control was upgraded once again, instantly reaching stage 5!

It was as if he had stepped onto a new level.

Looking at the level 9 devil general’s immature Time Control, Wang Ye looked down from above and used his battle domain to envelop him.

In an instant, the white lightning struck, and the saber intent of the Kui cattle appeared in the void.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wang Ye’s power reached its peak.

Tearing apart the defense of the level 9 devil general, the Whitewheel Origin engulfed him.

The strongest expert in the devil race’s wormhole base had forced out Wang Ye’s strongest state.


A powerful force enveloped the wormhole base.

The powerful and invincible level 9 devil general’s saber shattered and his body collapsed.



[Killed Super Star level 9 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 355-8 million -> 454-8 million..]

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