Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 360 - Chapter 360: The Captain Must be Very Happy For Me

Chapter 360: The Captain Must be Very Happy For Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“I’ll help you!” Yan Sanqi appeared behind Wang Ye.

“You stay here and guard the cabin. It should just be a small scouting troop, Wang Ye said. “I alone am enough.”

A small… Scouting troop?

The Silver Road Team didn’t know what to say.

He was too arrogant!

He was just a Dark Energy-level rookie of the Silver Warband!

Before they could react, the hatch opened and Wang Ye disappeared.

“Quickly abandon the starship and prepare for battle!” Captain Chu Leqin made a swift decision.

In the process of scouting, they would encounter various situations. Since they joined the Silver Road Team, they couldn’t avoid the worst.

The enemy was clearly prepared. Relying on the wormhole, they had already begun their sneak attack before the radar could even detect them.

After being ambushed, the starship’s body and energy system were damaged. Even if it ran, it would not be able to run fast.

Rather than abandon the starship when it was completely damaged, it was better to take the initiative to attack now!

“He’s not flustered when he encounters problems and acts swiftly and decisively. Yuanqi has taken in a good seedling.” Chu Yueqin had a high opinion of Wang Ye.

It was already very rare for a newcomer to be able to do this.

Those from the Silver Warband were still a little impulsive, though the flaws did not obscure the merits.

In the starry sky, a great battle instantly erupted.

Wang Ye charged forward. Facing the encirclement of more than ten devil-race experts, he entered the enemy camp alone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The devil commanders at the front had already tempered their bodies countless times with dark substance. Each had a body comparable to Super Star-level humans, or even better.

Devilish energy covered the area, and soul energy surged out!

They attacked from the left, center, and right at the same time, erupting with astonishing power.

Thunder Fusion Technique!

White lightning appeared, and Wang Ye held two sabers.

Saber intent appeared!

The self-created Six Intents of the Kui Cattle Saber was perfectly compatible.

The image of the cosmic beast in the void was lifelike as if it had arrived in the cosmic itself. White lightning rumbled and fell.


Wang Ye’s saber shattered the central devil commander’s weapon and devoured his body.

White lightning rumbled. The Thunder Fusion Technique and combat energy perfectly combined and exploded, killing the devil commander head-on.

He was incomparably fierce!

At this moment, the left and right devil commanders attacked at the same time.

The Whitewheel Oblivion Armor appeared as a heavy blow landed.

Wang Ye forcefully withstood the impact, and the white origin of thunder’s backlash surged out violently.

The two devil commanders were somewhat taken aback and hurriedly retreated.

But in that instant, Wang Ye’s attack landed.


One was cut in half at the waist!

The other devil commander roared as his giant axe slashed Wang Ye’s shoulder, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Dark energy gathered, and the cosmic beast Kui cattle swallowed the other party in an instant.

Wang Ye ignored the injury and turned around to kill again.

Blood was dripping, but he ignored it.

In a single exchange, he killed three devil commanders!

For Wang Ye, who had fought countless Super Star-level devil generals, the current devil commanders were like an appetizer.

They were nothing.

[Killed Dark Energy level 9 devil commander.]

[Potential Points: 85.2 million -» 87 million]

Light flashed before his eyes.

Wang Ye charged into the encirclement of the devil-race experts.

The transparent Space-lock Saber in his hand lit up, and boundless energy transformed into a halo that instantly enveloped all the devil-race experts.


Space-lock Battle Domain!

Six Super Star-level and six Dark Energy-level opponents!

Wang Ye’s condition had reached its peak. In an instant, 12 pearls of the Whitewheel Origin shot out and attacked the 12 devil-race experts.

Chi, chi!

They immediately fended themselves, and those who were slightly further away were dodged.

However, four of the devil-race experts were still penetrated by the Whitewheel Origin, and Wang Ye’s consciousness controlled the Whitewheel Origin to explode.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three Dark Energy-level devil commanders died on the spot.

The remaining Super Star-level devil general, who was the closest, was heavily injured and had devilish energy overflowing. His bloodline erupted.

Suddenly, light shadows flashed and an illusion appeared.

Countless sabers came from all directions, but the devil general instantly broke free with a roar.


An indestructible saber slashed down from the sky.

The eyes of the Super Star-level devil general were torn open, and he died tragically.

[Killed Super Star level 2 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 92.4 million

100.4 million]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The attacks of the remaining devil-race experts bombarded him.

White lightning covered the Space-lock Battle Domain, and the pearls of Whitewheel Origin shot out from all angles.

Wang Ye, who was flooded by devilish energy, was like an unkillable monster.

Accompanied by the bombardment of white lightning, he wandered on the battlefield.

Every time he appeared, he would take away a devil-race expert!

The battle domain was like a purgatory.

The White Lightning Yama was on a killing spree!

Everyone behind him was stunned.

The Silver Road Team led by Chu Leqin rushed over and saw a one-sided massacre.

For a moment, they did not know if they should help.

Rather, they couldn’t.

They had never seen such a miserable devil race’s troop.

It was massacred by a Dark Energy-level human.

Just a moment ago, they thought that they were done for. Even if they could escape this calamity, who knew how many casualties they would suffer?

Many members were filled with resentment towards the irresponsible Silver Warband’s Azure Mountain Squad, which caused their compromised protection for the sake of battle credits.

But now, all the resentment had disappeared.

Wang Ye was too strong! He alone was equivalent to an entire team!

More than a dozen devil-race experts, including six Super Star-level devil generals, were all beaten until their skin and flesh were torn apart. They were in a sorry state, like stray dogs.

Devils were most proud of their strong bodies, but they were completely unable to withstand Wang Ye’s critical attack.

The advantage of numbers was useless in the face of absolute combat strength.

They were ashamed, too ashamed. They felt ashamed for misunderstanding the Silver Warband and Captain Ke.

She sent such a strong member to protect them, but they weren’t satisfied and did not think much of it.

These two cosmic days, they had even ignored the other party.

An expert of this level must be befriended!

In particular, the other party was only at the Dark Energy level!

If he was already this strong at the Dark Energy level, how strong would he be at the Super Star level?

If his strength improved by several folds, he might be able to enter the seven supreme human factions in the future and become a fish leaping through the dragon gate!

“Is this his true strength…” Ju Bairuo looked at Wang Ye’s figure with respect in his eyes.

What kind of expert had he been fighting side by side with all this time?

He was too amazing.

No wonder Wang Ye joined the Silver Warband without hesitation. With his strength, he could even touch the position of captain.

“This time, he has made a contribution again.” Ju Bairuo said deeply.

Everyone had joined the Milky Way Ace Team at the same time. He was still learning and adapting, but Wang Ye… He had already taken charge of a mission and led his own team to carry out the mission.

“Everyone says that Captain Ke is brave but not resourceful. Little do they know that they are fools.” Ju Bairuo said.

How many captains would put a rookie in such an important position?

Ke Yuanqi was certainly not as foolish as she looked. She had great wisdom!


The Super Star-level devil general in the lead exploded into pieces. Pearls of the Whitewheel Origin that flew from all directions buried his huge body.

Even if he had an extremely powerful bloodline, he still couldn’t resist the eruption of the white origin of thunder within his body. It destroyed his body and his willpower, and he was dead.

[Killed Super Star level 7 devil general.]

[Potential Points: 190.3 million

253.3 million]

Light flashed in front of Wang Ye’s eyes.

After killing the last Super Star-level devil general, his body exploded.

The people behind him widened their eyes.

Before they could react, Wang Ye’s body had already rapidly reformed.

The pearls of Whitewheel Origin were like stars, revolving around him and then returning to the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor.

The two sabers were sheathed, and the Space-lock Battle Domain disappeared.

Wang Ye appeared in front of everyone and looked straight at Chu Leqin. The latter’s expression was slightly unnatural.

Although she had always maintained her good manners, she did not take Wang

Ye seriously. Who knew…

“Don’t just stand there. Lock onto the devil race’s starship and chase after it,” Wang Ye said.

Swoosh! Chu Leqin, who had regained her composure, instantly understood Wang Ye’s meaning.

“Everyone, return to the starship!” She ordered.

With Wang Ye in the lead, everyone entered the starship.

The initial nervousness disappeared, replaced by the joy of victory and a sense of security.

With such an expert around, what were they afraid of?

They could boldly explore!

The Silver Road Team quickly got busy.

Everyone had their duties. After locking onto the devil race’s starship, they quickly chased after it.

The engineers and repairmen repaired the starship while Wang Ye and Chu Leqin observed the map radar and exchanged opinions.

After this battle, Chu Leqin treated Wang Ye as an equal even though he was still a newbie.

In the military camp, strength determined everything!

“You deliberately let them go just now, right?” Chu Leqin looked at Wang Ye.

With his strength, he could destroy the devil race’s starship during the gap between attacks.

Wang Ye nodded. “The devil race’s current exploration progress is ahead of ours. To survive, the remaining devil-race experts in the starship will probably head to the wormhole and jump to a safe zone.”

“But it might also attract other devil race’s troop reinforcements midway.” Chu Leqin pondered.

“Are you scared?” Wang Ye smiled.

“If you’re not, what should I be afraid of?” Chu Leqin smiled gently. “We are the Silver Road Team. We have to take the risk. If we can find the wormhole discovered by the devil race, we can catch up with the progress. It’s quite valuable information for the other Silver Road Teams.”

Wang Ye nodded.

It was easy to talk to smart people.

Captain Chu looked weak, but she was not sloppy when doing things. She was a very good partner.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong. Does Yuanqi know?” Chu Leqin looked at Wang Ye.

“How could she not know…” Wang Ye thought.

Along the way, her desire to win was aroused and she secretly competed with him. Just a moment ago, she even sent a screenshot of her battle credits to show off.


“It seems like she knows. No wonder she was so confident.” Chu Leqin was deep in thought. “So she’s not making a baseless claim.”

Chu Leqin smiled and looked at Wang Ye, then said, “That’s good then. With you around, there shouldn’t be any problems with the guardian mission.”

“I’ll do my best.” Wang Ye said humbly.

“You’ve done well enough. Look at everyone. They’re looking at you differently now. Your performance just now has won them over.” Chu Leqin signaled with her eyes.

Wang Ye’s gaze swept across the area.

No, there was still one person who was not convinced.

His consciousness landed on the Azure Mountain Squad emblem.

Wang Ye looked at his battle credits, which had increased by nearly two million points and accumulated 5.75 million battle credits. He quickly took a screenshot.

Then, he sent a private message to Ke Yuanqi.

[Message read.]


She read it but won’t reply?

The captain must be very happy for him now..

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