Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 359 - Chapter 359: I’m a Professional in Combat

Chapter 359: I’m a Professional in Combat

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Was it the same name or was it the Yao he knew?

Oh, he actually didn’t know him.

Among the many experts on the Azure Planet, Wang Ye was most unfamiliar with Yao.

The other party was once the strongest person on the Blue Planet, the guardian of Huaxia, and the favored son of heaven. He was as dazzling as fireworks, but he quickly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

When the other party stood at the top of the world, he was still in the training camp and had just started.

“But Yao did enter the military camp.” Wang Ye knew this very well.

According to the information he obtained when he left the Azure Planet, Yao had already participated in several battles and became a sergeant.

The him then was already a cosmic-level warrior.

Since he was from the Munro family’s colony planet, he naturally joined the Red River Milky Way Army.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years had passed.

With Yao’s talent and aptitude, if he had not died in the military camp, he would have been a Dark Energy-level expert by now.

However, why did he join the Silver Road Team?

Shouldn’t it be the Silver Warband?

“Looks like he’s not strong enough and can only use tricks to enter other places.” Wang Ye almost understood.

Yao’s strength was estimated to be on the same level as Sanqi.

There was a huge gap between the other party and the current him.

But now, since he knew that Yao was in the Red River Squad, he would find an opportunity to meet him.

“You’re Ju Bairuo’s ex-captain, Wang Ye, right?” The leader of the Silver Road Team’s Azure Mountain Squad, Chu Leqin, walked up to Wang Ye. She smiled and extended her hand. “For the following period, I’ll leave the task of protecting us to you.”

“It’s my duty.” Wang Ye reached out to shake her hand.

Her hand was soft and smooth like silk.

The graceful woman in front of him had a smile on her face, giving people the feeling of a spring breeze.

However, one could not tell what she was thinking. Wang Ye maintained his smile.

This woman had a good upbringing.

“If you need anything, you can look for me. I’ll get my team members to familiarize you with the interior and various workstations of the starship,” said Chu Leqin. “It’ll be convenient for future cooperation.”

“Xiao Bai it is. We are more familiar with each other.” Wang Ye looked into the distance and saw Ju Bairuo still pretending to communicate. He seemed to have heard his voice and his face turned pale. “He and Sanqi are old acquaintances. They have a lot to talk about.”

“Good idea.” Chu Leqin looked at Wang Ye, “Then you…”

“I still have some things to ask Captain Chu,” Wang Ye said. “Can you send me the current mission information? I’d like to see the Silver Road Team’s location, direction, planned route, all the radar maps in the surroundings, as well as the area markings where the devils have appeared.”

Although this woman appeared friendly on the surface, she probably didn’t think much of him. This could be seen from the way she spoke and the importance she placed on the two of them.

She just had better self-restraint.

It was human nature though.

If it was someone else, they might have already fallen out with Ke Yuanqi.

As for Chu Leqin’s reaction and attitude towards him…

To be honest, he didn’t really care.

It was just a temporary mission.

Business came first.

Since he had accepted the mission, he naturally had to take it seriously.

In particular, after the appearance of the devil race’s troops, he did not think that this guardian mission would be smooth sailing.

There was a huge potential threat.

“Hmm… Alright.” Chu Leqin looked deeply at Wang Ye and nodded.

A rookie who took his job seriously. His attitude was not bad.

Compared to the eight squads of the Silver Warband each fighting their own battles, the Silver Road Team had a clear division of labor.

The five squads of the Silver Road Team were in charge of different exploration areas and went deep into the Kuigu Galaxy from five directions.

Like an open fan, they moved forward.

Whether or not they could find cosmic wormholes and natural wormholes was the key to the Silver Road Team completing the mission and obtaining battle credits.

As for how to explore and what the route was, Wang Ye naturally wouldn’t ask.

The other party was a professional in this aspect. He only needed to do his job well – the guardian mission.

“Currently, none of the five Silver Road Team’s squads have encountered any devil race’s troops, but they have appeared in the Kuigu Galaxy.” Wang Ye browsed through the information.

The area where they had fought with the devils had been updated. It was like an isolated star without any markings around it.

Most of the marks were at the edge of the Kuigu Galaxy, where they had fought the devils for the first time.

It seemed as if the previous battle was a coincidence.

“Whether that is the case or not, we’ll know soon enough.” Wang Ye thought to himself.

Captain Ke and the other two had already rushed to the area where they had encountered the devil race’s troop.

If it wasn’t a coincidence, they would surely gain something in these few cosmic days.

“You just joined the Silver Warband. How do you feel?” Chu Leqin asked.

“Not bad. The captain is a very good person, and the two seniors also treat me like family.” Wang Ye replied politely.

He had just joined and was now in charge of a mission. Wasn’t such a captain good enough?

Chu Leqin seemed to understand what he meant. She could not help but laugh. “Yuanqi is actually quite strong, but her personality is most suitable to be a member. She can become a sharp knife to break the formation of any team. She’s always successful.”

“Why don’t you just say that she’s brave but not resourceful…” Wang Ye thought.

“She’s not a scheming person. She arranged for you guys to stay here purely because she wants to earn more battle credits. Normally, there won’t be any danger,” Chu Leqin said. “Just stay here for a while. Don’t worry about the gazes of others.”

Whose gazes?

Oh, those mediocre guys from the Silver Road Team.

Who would care…

To be honest, there was nothing special about it. He simply ignored them.

The members of the Silver Road Team didn’t take him and Sanqi seriously at all.

It was normal. After all, both of them were at the Dark Energy level, and they were both rookies. The experienced members could tell at a glance that they were here to earn battle credits.

However, they were all from the Azure Mountain Milky Way Army, so they wouldn’t say anything.

It was just that they weren’t familiar with each other, so there was no need to give each other smiles.

“Alright.” Wang Ye replied politely.

“Then look at it for a while longer. If there’s anything, look for me.” Chu Leqin stood up, smiled, and left.

After reading the information, Wang Ye walked around the cabin to familiarize himself with the environment.

He also interacted with a few female members and quickly became familiar with them.

The main purpose was to gather information. It was better to make more friends and have more options.

Wang Ye only entered the cultivation room when he knew the Silver Road Team and the upcoming mission like the back of his hand.

[Energy Control Spell: stage 5 -> stage 6]

[Origin Core Spell: stage 5 -* stage 6.]

Both had improved!

The strengthening of his ability spells would increase his control of the white realm. The eruption of dark energy was a great help to his close combat strength.

Most importantly, his control over the Whitewheel Origin had improved.

The 36 pearls of Whitewheel Origin were his strongest combat power at the moment. At the same time, they were also the strongest treasures that could break through the tough defense of the devil race.

That being said, the more they were, the more difficult it was to control them. The precision and explosive power would also decrease.

Enhancing the Energy Control Spell and Origin Core Spell could improve all aspects!

Prepare for battle.

Without the support of strong teammates, the upper limit of one’s combat prowess would determine the outcome.

Unless he met a Black Hole-level devil commander-in-chief, he would have the ability to fight no matter how strong the devil race’s troop was!

Two cosmic days later.

Dark Energy level 6 ability user, 85%.

Wang Ye’s Azure Mountain Squad emblem vibrated slightly. There was news from Lan Jian and the captain.

Lan Jian: “We just encountered another devil race’s troop. It’s 0.07 lightyears away from the location of the previous battle. There might be a natural wormhole here. We’re expanding our search range now.”

Ke Yuanqi: “[screenshot of battle creditsj.jpg (pleased.jpg) (pleased.jpg) (pleased.jpg)”

Wang Ye quickly replied to their messages.

The captain, who was not suppressed by him, finally held her head high.

However, she did not know that if he also encountered a devil race’s troop, his battle credits would soon be higher than hers once more…

This possibility was very high because the distance was too close!

On top of that, they encountered the devil race’s battle troops both times.

What did this mean?

The devil race’s scouting troops were very likely to be even further ahead!

They might not be the ones with the advantage in terms of progress. Although they had entered the Kuigu Galaxy first, if the devils were lucky enough to detect the location of the wormhole in front of them, it was entirely possible that the other party was ahead.

In a galaxy, the wormhole paths were complicated.

“Yes, I have received the news. You’re quite alert,” Chu Leqin said to Wang Ye.

As the captain of the Silver Road Team’s Azure Mountain Squad, she had a lot of experience and had long guessed this possibility.

However, it was rare for a newbie like Wang Ye to have such vigilance.

“It’s what I should do.” Wang Ye nodded. “Will the Silver Road Team take the initiative to start a battle when they encounter the devil race?”

“No. Normally, we will retreat immediately as a test,” Chu Leqin said. “If the devil race’s troop comes after us, we will run. If the devil race’s troop also turns around and runs, we will chase after them.”

Wang Ye was speechless.

The Silver Road Team was a bunch of old foxes.

Unlike the boorish Silver Warband which would use hot weapons against fighter jets before fighting and even show off their battle credits after the battle.

“Understood.” Wang Ye knew what to do.

“Don’t worry, our team is very strong.” Chu Leqin smiled. “In terms of combat prowess, even if we aren’t in the first tier in the Silver Road Team, we’re at least in the second tier. In terms of performance, our starship is not only fast, but also-”


Before she finished her words, the starship shook violently.

“Enemy ambush!”


“Activate the backup defense system!”

A red-light alarm sounded inside the cabin.

As the cabin crew shouted nervously, the expressions of the members of the team froze.

“Sh*t, the protective shield can’t hold on anymore!”

“The starship’s body is damaged!”

“Detestable devils! How dare they ambush us?!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The starship shook. All of it happened in the blink of an eye.

The hull was damaged, and the energy source was destroyed. In the battle of firearms, they were at a disadvantage.

The situation was about to collapse.


Wang Ye looked at Chu Leqin.

This captain’s slap in the face came a little too quickly…

The starship was indeed fast, but the problem was that it couldn’t run anymore.

Moreover, looking at the way the members were acting as if they were facing a great enemy, the atmosphere was completely different from the Silver Warband.

If Captain Ke was here, she would have been shouting with fighting spirit long ago.

Perhaps, the combat strength of the team members here was quite good in the Silver Road Team.

However, there was a fundamental difference between the Silver Road Team and the Silver Warband.

“Open the hatch.” Wang Ye’s voice was concise and powerful, attracting the attention of the team members in the cabin.

In a flash, he appeared at the cabin door.

Wang Ye turned around and looked at Chu Leqin, his battle intent radiating.

“I’m a professional in combat..”

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