The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 355: How to Train your Vendor

Chapter 355: How to Train your Vendor

“Wait wait wait!” Fang Yu raised both of her hands as she sent the 3 Djinns a slightly apologetic look.

“How about you fight me one by one? That way, you will know about your real skills....”

“Shut up!” Beleth said as he glared at Fang Yu. “We are greatly worried about Lord Solomon, and you think we will just waste our time here? We could not just dilly-dally here!”

“Is that so.....” Fang Yu pouted as she gave a look to Genie. “In that case, Genie will bring us to her special place~”

“What an idiot!” Andromalius muttered as he pointed his gnarly fingers towards Genie. “You know that Genie has no way to use her power, as Beleth’s ‘Domination’ was still working on her! You bringing this ugly Djinn here is just a mistake!”

“If you just left this planet earlier while we were chasing your clone, then you should have been out of this planet! But look at you now, wasting your expectations on a trash!” Andromalius said as he sneered towards Genie.

“Well if I want to fight you guys, there is no way that I can do it outside the planet right?” Fang Yu knew that with the enslavement power Solomon had over these Djinns, it will be basically impossible for them to fight against Fang Yu outside the planet.

But even if they could, they will surely not allow Fang Yu to regain her advantage.

As such, Fang Yu can only rely on Genie to give Fang Yu the chance to defeat the 3 Djinns.

As for Genie’s abilities being suppressed by Beleth, Fang Yu already had a solution for that.

“Can you see this?” Fang Yu muttered as she fished out something from her storage.

Upon seeing what this object was, the eyes of the Djinns shone as they gazed at it in wonder.

“That’s right.” Fang Yu smiled as she saw the infatuated looks on their faces. “This is a Million Year-Old Ginseng! You must have known what this thing can do right?”

“Of course we know!” The 3 Djinns shouted as they gazed at the ginseng with blazing eyes.

A Million Year-Old Ginseng was a ginseng that lived for at least one million years(duh). Because of that very lengthy lifespan, this ginseng was able to absorb the purest natural energy inside it.

This energy was extremely beneficial to anyone, specially to the Djinns whose power relies on Nature Energy!

“If you use this ginseng on your Lord Solomon, I am sure that most of his injuries will be healed...” Fang Yu said as she waved the ginseng enticingly.

Andromalius’ body shifted as he tried to snatch the ginseng away. But Fang Yu was faster, as he stored the ginseng back on her storage.

“...What do you want then?” Beleth realized that Fang Yu had her motives for suddenly just showing that object to them. “You want a deal?”

“You caught up quick.” Fang Yu said as she gave a condescending look to the embarrassed Andromalius.


“Let me fight each of you one by one inside Genie’s Mist Room.” Fang Yu declared as she swung her arms over Genie’s shoulders.

“If any one of you wins against me, I will immediately give the Million Year-Old Ginseng for your use. But if I defeat all 3 of you consecutively, then you should let me and my companions leave this planet for good.”

Fang Yu then raised her chin as she said,

“I swear with my soul that I will fulfill the conditions stated above. If I in whatever way violate this oath, my soul shall be destroyed by the heavens, and my soul will be banished into the nothingness!”

“Heh, you really dare to make such a deal with us? You know, we 3 can just attack you now and get that ginseng from you later.” Phenex muttered as his aura began to rise.

“If you attack me now, I will immediately destroy that ginseng.” Fang Yu replied cheerfully.

“...” This statement forced the 3 Djinns to cease their attacks, as Fang Yu took initiative of the confrontation.

That ginseng could immensely help Solomon, but its upon Fang Yu’s grasp! If the Djinns make a wrong move, their Lord Solomon’s chance to be healed will be gone!

“What a cunning person....” Phenex thought as his gaze at Fang Yu was now traced with admiration.

It was rare for Phenex to find a person who managed to seize the dominant position in a confrontation with just a few spoken words!

And Fang Yu managed to be one of those rare people!

“So what do you think about my proposal?” Fang Yu paused as she listened to the pained roars of Solomon that was staring to increase in intensity.

“Hurry up, or else it might be times up for your boss.....”

“Tsk, we agree!” In the end, Beleth has no choice but to follow Fang Yu’s orchestration.

“But instead of just allowing you and your companions to leave, can you also add a clause stating that you and your companions will never come back on this planet after you left?”

“Oh just that? Sure!” Fang Yu surprisingly agreed quickly, which managed to rouse some suspicion upon Beleth.

“If we 3 defeat Fang Yu, we will get the ginseng that will help Lord Solomon. But if she wins, she and her whole team will be allowed to leave this planet, but she will not be allowed to go back anymore.” Beleth cast a suspicious look at Fang Yu before he said,

“Let me take a look at that ginseng again. I just want to confirm if its real.”

“Oh, he got me there.....” Fang Yu thought merrily as she showed the ginseng to Beleth. “See? It’s not fake!”

“Yeah it’s really real....” No matter what he did, Beleth could not find any signs telling that the ginseng Fang Yu held was fake. That just means that that ginseng was real.

“I swear with my soul....”

“I swear with my soul....”

In the end both sides agreed and made an oath, ensuring that the terms of their deal will be upheld.

If Fang Yu wins, she and her companions will be allowed to leave, and they will not be allowed to come back anymore.

If the 3 Djinns win, then Fang Yu has to give the Million Year Old Ginseng to them. What happens to her after that will depend on her condition later.

“Hehehe... you all got punked!” Fang Yu thought sinisterly as she tried not to laugh.

After all, she just managed to con these 3 Djinns!

“Haiz, my bloodline memories sure worked wonders...”

Because of her mutated and upgraded bloodline, Fang Yu’s bloodline memories of the Yin-Yang Beast was delayed.

Instead of receiving these memories during her breakthrough, the memories hit her during the time that she was fetching Genie.

Fang Yu was not sure why it became late, but maybe it was related to the conflict between her old and new bloodlines.

Fang Yu was supposed to receive new bloodline abilities based on her Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast Bloodline.

But with the upgrade of her bloodline to the Duality Godly Divine Beast Bloodline, the abilities she will receive also changed.

This clashed with her bloodline memories, as these were the memories of the past Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast.

Fang Yu was the first Duality Godly Divine Beast, so the new bloodline abilities she received will not mesh well with the bloodline memories of a Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast.

Some minutes must have been needed to synchronize her bloodline memories and her new bloodline abilities.

What Fang Yu saw inside her bloodline memories was another past version of the Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast.

It was a male and female pair who were tending a garden.

What was astonishing about this was the place where the garden was located.

The garden was actually a large piece of land floating through space!

What made Fang Yu drool was that each herbs and plants in that garden were extremely precious!

If Wang Hao saw this garden, he will surely ask Fang Yu for a way to harvest these herbs from her memory!

The remaining contents of this bloodline memory were more and more gardening methods employed be the gardening pair.

The memories stopped after the gardening pair destroyed a fleet of spaceships which tried to attack their garden.


As for her new bloodline abilities, she found out that her body was still busy on receiving it.

Right now, Fang Yu still had to wait for few more minutes before she could use her new bloodline abilities.

But it was there on that bloodline memories that Fang Yu got the inspiration to con the 3 Djinns.

In one point in her bloodline memories, Fang Yu saw a Million Year-Old Ginseng being picked up by the female gardener.

Upon seeing this, Fang Yu knew that she can use that as a leverage later.

Once she was done watching her bloodline memories, Fang Yu called forth the power of the Demonic Unicorn and she sacrificed 100 High-Ranked Pills inside her storage. Fang Yu ignored the stabs of pain in her heart as she watched these pills disappearing.

She needed her illusion this time to be extremely realistic, so Fang Yu had to do a permanent sacrifice!

This meant that even after the illusion dissipated, what she permanently sacrificed will not come back!

But the upside of this was that the illusions that came from permanent sacrifice will be almost impossible to be seen through!

And what she summoned was a Realistic Illusion of the Million Year-Old Ginseng that she saw in her memories!

Since she experienced how that ginseng felt like inside the memory, her realistic illusion of the ginseng was perfect!

Even the 3 Djinns were fooled by this ‘ginseng’!

“All of you will just fight for a fake ginseng!” Fang Yu resisted the urge to laugh as she imagined what the Djinns would feel like once they discover that the ginseng was fake.

“Well, it’s not like they will even have the chance to obtain the ginseng....”

Fang Yu just used that ginseng to force the 3 Djinns to fight her one by one inside Genie’s Mist Room. Fighting them all 3 at the same time will be hard, so the lazy Fang Yu just chose the easy way out!

Now that she accomplished that goal, the only thing she had to be worried about was on how she will win.

Beleth let out a sigh, which made Fang Yu slightly on guard. Out of all her enemies, it was Beleth who was making Fang Yu extremely wary.

After all, even with his Nature Power focused on weakening his opponents, Beleth still had the ability to actually jump ranks in terms of his battle prowess!

Genie’s body then shook as she felt the suppression of Beleth over her disappearing.

She gave a nod to Fang Yu, who swiveled her head towards Andromalius.

“You. You have been pissing me off since earlier. I really want to beat you up right now.” Fang Yu said through her gritted teeth. “So how about you become my first opponent?”

“Oh, it will be my extreme pleasure....” Andromalius replied back as he licked his lips with his abnormally long charred tongue.


Both Fang Yu and Andromalius disappeared as they were dragged by Genie to her Mist Room.

“Make sure to give me some entertainment, petty rebel!”

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