The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 354: Faith Energy

Chapter 354: Faith Energy

“Well first things first, I have to eliminate those 3 Djinns.” Fang Yu muttered to herself as she entered the Goddess Planet boundary.

“Woosh.” With her suit unable to provide flight to her, Fang Yu had to use the flight ability provided by the Moon-Eating Serpent Form.

Every surface dweller who looked at the flying Fang Yu felt as if they were seeing a majestic being meandering through the sky.

That thought was further amplified when they saw her appearance.

“It’s the Goddess!!!!” Almost everyone who saw her prostrated in deference to her appearance.

With her breakthrough, the current Fang Yu looked more holy and seductive. Even if she had her cultivation suppressed, the people below could still feel the pressure from her.

If it was before, Fang Yu would be extremely embarrassed, and she would try to hide.

But now, she adapted a thick skin as she smiled at her devout ‘followers’.

“This planet has been long encroached by a stinking parasite.” Fang Yu said imperiously as she tried to act majestic. Her voice was heard all throughout the planet. Everyone who heard her stopped what they were doing as they listened in wonder.

“That parasite only wants one thing, and that is to devour this planet! Do you want it? Your home, destroyed by Solomon?”

“No!” The people below shouted in fervor as they began to look at Fang Yu with glow in their eyes. “We are not like those traitors who switched sides!”

Their shouts all echoed out as they all said,

“Praise the Goddess!”

“Um!” Fang Yu suppressed a moan as she felt a powerful wave of energy entering her body.

“What is this?” Fang Yu thought to herself as she looked at this new type of energy.

This energy was attributeless, and it seemed bland compared to Fang Yu’s Origin Core Energy.

But once this energy entered her body, Fang Yu felt her abilities rising in power!

It was as if this energy provided a power boost to her.

And what was more exciting was the fact that this energy does not seem to have any side-effects.

“This energy is so miraculous!” Fang Yu thought as she realized what this energy was.

“This is faith energy!”

Faith Energy can be only generated from the hearts of those who follow a certain being as their deity.

The more people follow a certain deity, the more faith energy will be generated that will strengthen the said ‘deity.’

Just like what Fang Yu’s body felt, those beings that received faith energy will have their attributes raised in proportion to the amount of the faith energy they have. Even their comprehensive abilities will rise with the aid of the faith energy.

There are no side-effects on using faith energy. Its only downside was the fact that if the faith energy disappears in one’s body, all the benefits its gives to that being will also disappear.

Even though its benefits were great, the reliance of faith energy to devotion and its temporary boost made many to be not that enthused on using it.

Only those who were brave or desperate would attempt to harness this energy.

Solomon was in fact in that precarious situation.

He was barely alive after his fight with the Goddess, and the only way he can preserve his life in the Goddess Planet was by harnessing the faith energy prevalent here!

With the aid of this faith energy, Solomon was able to cling onto his dear life for centuries. And while this faith energy was keeping him alive, Solomon was using other ways to recover from his injuries.

“Yeah, this is faith energy, definitely. But why am I receiving this?” Fang Yu sighed as she realized what happened.

There were still many people who stayed at the barren surface who still zealously followed the original Goddess.

When Fang Yu appeared with her promise to exterminate Solomon, they began to think of Fang Yu as the return of the Goddess, which brought forth the generation of the faith energy.

This situation had Fang Yu thinking.

“The one they worship is the concept of the Goddess herself and not me. In that case, I should not be the one receiving the faith energy, but the real Goddess!” Fang Yu tilted her head as she thought,

“But since I am the one receiving the faith energy, does that mean that the Original Goddess was already dead, which made her unable to receive the faith energy?”

Fang Yu bit her lips as she felt disappointed by this discovery. After all, she also wanted to meet the Original Goddess.

If Solomon was able to survive the battle years before, then surely the Goddess would have survived too right?

But form the looks of it, the Goddess was dead, and it was now Fang Yu, Tang Li and Shamaila who will be considered to be the Goddess by the surface dwellers.

“Haiz, now this gives me some selfish desires.” Fang Yu shook her head as the thoughts of becoming a full-fledged Goddess on this planet flashed on her mind. This seemed tantalizing, as she knew that the faith energy of a whole planet will be enough to make her power rise higher!

But she restrained herself in the end, as she knew that she, Tang Li and Andromeda were only passersby here.

They only stayed here to kill Solomon for reasons that they have. After this, they will already leave and let this planet recover on its own.

Fang Yu was now a spacefarer, someone who wanders the void. Staying here won’t do well with her or Andromeda.

Fang Yu shook off her idle thoughts as she focused on the situation at hand.

Fang Yu could still hear the roars of pain coming within the planet’s core.

“Heh, so those two really did it. Well they have no choice but to do it.” With Shax and Stolas’ distraction, Solomon will be occupied on himself that he will be temporarily unable to stop Fang Yu.

“Time for my payback!” Fang Yu muttered as she entered the Common Layer once more.

With the destruction of Illusion Fang Lin, Fang Yu regained her libido. This time, she once again sacrificed it to use the Illusion Power of the Demonic Unicorn.

She created a copy of herself, which appeared in front of her.

Illusion Fang Yu gave a nod to Fang Yu, before shooting off in the opposite direction.

By this time, the 3 Djinns already realized that Fang Yu can change her appearance at will. This will make them more wary as they looked for her.

“But with that knowledge, those Djinns will surely chase ‘me’ if they sense my aura.” The real Fang Yu muttered as she changed her appearance to look like Wang Hao.

Illusion Fang Yu then flared up her aura, which will surely attract the 3 Djinns looking for her.

While all these were happening, the real Fang Yu will sneak in to save a certain someone.

“Heh, they really took the bait!” Fang Yu laughed as she saw Beleth, Phenex and Andromalius suddenly appearing, all with murderous intent in their eyes.

They all looked ready to kill, and they all accelerated towards Illusion Fang Yu.

“Have some fun ok?” Fang Yu smiled as she used a fake identity she prepared earlier to reenter the Median Layer.


“B**ch, this time you will not be able to escape!” Andromalius shouted as he and his companions almost caught up with Illusion Fang Yu.

They have been chasing Illusion Fang Yu for 10 minutes already and this time, they were about to catch her.

“I told you that I will not let you live a happy death! Now, I will use you as the medium for my curse!” Andromalius waved his hands as she said,

“Curse of Envy!” Countless insects sprung out of Andromalius’ arms, which all shot out towards Illusion Fang Yu.

They swarmed over her, seemingly intent on devouring her.

“Now feel the pain of- wait what?” Andromalius boasting speech was cut off when he saw that the supposedly powerful enemy that they were chasing just died after being attacked by his insects!

Illusion’s Fang Yu’s body broke down just from the first wave of the insect’s attacks. Nothing was left from her as her body disintegrated into nothingness.

“....” The 3 Djinns all looked at what happened with wide eyes, as the realization slowly sunk in.

“That bastard tricked us!” Andromalius shouted angrily as he noticed that the one they were chasing was just a fake after all. “I swear I will torment him once we see him!”

“That should not be the thing that we are worried about now.” Beleth said as he looked below the ground worriedly.

“Did you hear Master Solomon’s roar of pain earlier? It was as if there was something extremely bad that happened to him. I say, let’s go back to check up on Master Solomon first, then we will just go search for the rebel after that.”

“I may sometimes disagree with you, but this time, you are right.” Andromalius replied as he also felt that there was something wrong with the way that his Master Solomon roared. What was worse was that it was heard all throughout the planet.

Something like that means that his Master Solomon was greatly suffering now.

“Well I concur too.” Phenex replied in assent. He was the most quiet out of all them, but he was also the most level-headed. He adjusted the orb placed on is back as he led the way back to the Exalted Layer.

But before they could do so, two figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was Fang Yu and Genie!

“Well, long time no see I guess?” Fang Yu smiled as she looked at the 3 infuriated Djinns. “I am back now, so why don’t we have some fun?”

While the 3 Djinns were busy chasing Illusion Fang Yu, the real Fang Yu rushed towards the Median Layer to fetch Genie and the remnants of her soul army.

She saw them being chased by the remains of Solomon’s traps, so Fang Yu unceremoniously place them all inside her storage.

As for Genie, she was grabbed by Fang Yu before Fang Yu shot back to the Common Layer.

“So, you used that distraction to get Genie huh.” Beleth muttered as he and the 2 other Djinns glared at Genie.

“Well then, since you are here already, let’s continue where we left off earlier!” The aura of the 3 Djinns rose up as they slowly inched towards Fang Yu and Genie.

“Continue where we left off? You 3 were just torturing me earlier!” Fang Yu muttered as her eyes narrowed towards the 3 Djinns.

“Oh, so you must have some masochistic tendencies then. Do not worry, I have more in store for you!” Andromalius cackled as his hands began to turn black.

“You dodged my throw earlier, but this time, I will not miss.” Phenex said as the orb on his back began to glow brighter.

“It’s now or never, rebel!”

“I know.” Fang Yu smiled as she sent out a punch towards the 3 of them!

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