The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029: Love discovered (1)

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ


The afternoon sun was exceptionally bright and radiant.

Lin Jiayi and Xia Sui had arranged to meet at the racecourse at three in the afternoon. Before it was even midnight, Lin Jiayi dragged Xia Shangzhou out of the company and headed to the shopping mall next door.

However, this time, Lin Jiayi didn’t buy anything for herself. Instead, she went to the men’s sports area and picked out a set of clothes for Xia Shangzhou. After tidying him up and taking a good look at him, she left the shopping mall with Xia Shangzhou.

In the elevator downstairs, Lin Jiayi would occasionally glance at Xia Shangzhou, who was standing beside her and had been dressed up by her.

Her gaze was as if she was looking at her own child, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became, in the end, she couldn’t help but praise Xia Shangzhou, “Little navigation device, I didn’t expect you to be so handsome after all this… in the future, buy some fashionable clothes and dress yourself up while you’re still young. Don’t always wear white shirts and black suits, it’s too monotonous… also, take off those black-rimmed glasses of yours, and don’t wear them anymore… Let me tell you, I’m not bragging, but with the way you look now that I’ve made you, if you record a video and post it online, there will definitely be many young ladies calling you husband…”

As she spoke, Lin Jiayi stretched out her hand and helped Xia Shangzhou tidy up his hair.

Her fingertips accidentally touched his forehead.

The soft touch made Xia Shangzhou’s back subconsciously tense up.

Lin Jiayi didn’t notice anything wrong with him. After helping him tidy up his hair, she took two steps back and examined him carefully to make sure that there wasn’t anything wrong with him anymore, with a smile, she added, “Little Navigator, I’ll take a handsome photo of you at the horse ranch later, and you can change your profile picture…”

She kept calling out little navigator, and Xia Shangzhou couldn’t help but reply, “CEO Lin, can you remove that small character?”


“I’m only two years younger than you, not twenty.”

“You’re still young even if you’re two years younger. Little Brother, listen to me obediently and don’t resist me. If you’re happy, I’ll buy you some candy…”

Xia Shangzhou:”…”forget it, I’ll Just Call You Little Navigator instead?

By the time they arrived at the racecourse, Lin Jiayi’s appointment with Xia Sui hadn’t arrived yet.

She and Xia Shangzhou found a seat by the window in the lounge and sat opposite each other.

About ten minutes later, Xia Sui arrived.

Just as Lin Jiayi had described, Xia Sui was indeed quite beautiful. She was probably born into a scholarly family, and her actions and words were filled with a soothing aura.

Lin Jiayi had intended to matchmake Xia Shangzhou and Xia Sui, but after Xia Sui arrived, she chatted with them for a while before leaving on the pretext of riding a horse.

“I heard from Jiayi that you graduated from G University?”


“Your school is filled with top students, so you’re the legendary top student?”

Xia Shangzhou chuckled.

“But it’s such a coincidence that both of our surnames are Xia.”

“That’s right, what a coincidence…”Xia Shangzhou seemed to be chatting with Xia Sui, but in truth, his eyes were darting over to Lin Jiayi from time to time.

Dressed in a black riding suit, Lin Jiayi was riding on a white horse, galloping around the racecourse.

When the horse’s speed increased, a radiant smile would appear on her face.

Every time Xia Shangzhou saw this scene, the corners of his lips would curl up.

However, not too long after, the white horse, which had been fine a moment ago, suddenly turned violent for some unknown reason.

Upon seeing this sight, Xia Shangzhou stood up without a second thought and dashed out of the lounge, rushing straight for Lin Jiayi.

Just as Xia Shangzhou reached Lin Jiayi’s side, the white horse suddenly stood up and flung Lin Jiayi off its back.

Without any hesitation, Xia Shangzhou leaped forward and caught Lin Jiayi.

Due to the immense impact, Xia Shangzhou fell to the ground with Lin Jiayi in tow.

Even though the series of events happened too suddenly, Xia Shangzhou still managed to protect Lin Jiayi perfectly, using his body as a cushion to prevent her from being hit by the rocks on the ground. However, before she could digest the shock from the previous incident.., the white horse’s hooves suddenly stomped on Lin Jiayi’s back..


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