The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028: The beginning and also the end (2)

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ


Leng Nuan took a deep breath and continued, “So, I hope that after our conversation this time, we will be completely clear.”

“Alright, I’ve said what I wanted to say. You’ve said what you wanted to say, right? It’s about time, I have to go to work…”

As she spoke, Leng Nuan did not wait for Lu Benlai to speak. She reached out and pushed the car door open.

The moment she bent down and got out of the car, Lu Benlai turned his head and called out to her, “Nuan Nuan, but I still like you very much…”

Leng Nuan did not say anything, but her fingers, which were holding her bag, were trembling violently.

She pretended not to have heard Lu Benlai’s words and got out of the car in an orderly manner.

A second ago, she stood firmly on the ground. The next second, he spoke again, “Nuannuan…”

Leng Nuan was afraid that he would say something later that would disturb her mood. She instinctively wanted to close the car door, but before she could move, his words had already reached her ears. “Don’t move…”

Leng Nuan did not expect that he would say such a thing. She was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

He did not look at her. He lowered his head and stared at his fingertips. No one knew what he was thinking about. After a while.., he continued, “You said it yourself. It’s not easy to bring Coco with you. You Don’t have to move just because you want to. You can change your job just because you want to. So, don’t move. I came from your house this morning. I told your aunt to return the things she packed. I also sent away the people from the moving company… didn’t you move because I knew your address and was afraid that I would pester you? “You really don’t have to hide from me like this. You Don’t Want Me to disturb your life, so I Won’t disturb you. Whatever you want, I’ll listen to you. If you want to maintain the status quo, that’s fine. I promise I won’t affect you…”

“There’s one more thing. Maybe you don’t need it, but I still want to say that I still have my old phone number. You know my current work number. If you have any trouble with Coco, you can look for me anytime…”

Leng Nuan wasn’t sure if Lu Benlai had finished or not. Without saying anything, she suddenly raised her hand and closed the car door. She didn’t linger for a moment. She held her bag tightly, turned around, and walked to the roadside in her high heels, she hailed a taxi and left.

After she left for a while, Lu Benlai turned to look at the rearview mirror.

She was already nowhere to be seen, but he still stared at the rearview mirror in a daze.

Actually, meeting her again was already something worth celebrating. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t willing to accept him for the time being. He could just wait patiently, just like what Shi Yao had told him in advance, to tolerate her a little more.., tolerate her a little more..

With this thought in mind, a hint of absent-mindedness appeared in Lu Benlai’s eyes.

Four years ago… if he had known how to Love a little more four years ago, he would have been able to tolerate her a little more then. Would they have ended up in a different way?

[ note: The words of a bad man aren’t the main point, and those words can’t come out of Lu Benlai’s mouth either. It’ll make Leng Nuan think that Lu Benlai is trying to stir up trouble because she was raped for a month. ]? From the beginning to the end, Lu Benlai only cared that Leng Nuan did not love him. Therefore, Lu Benlai’s “I thought you didn’t love me”was an explanation. In the end, when some babies said that they were gentle, that Lu Benlai would definitely not force himself on her, snatching the babies? If that was the case, then they would have even less chance. The baby who said that was probably telling a joke, right? ]

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