Take My Breath Away

Chapter 917 - Kneel On The Keyboard

Not long after Sheffield's car left, two police cars came, responding to the call. Tayson went to the police station with them to make a statement.

The moment they pulled up to Sheffield's apartment, Evelyn's heart still fluttered with fear.

She felt uneasy in her heart. What if someone was after Sheffield because of her? Had their relationship put him in danger?

However, Sheffield seemed very relaxed. He took out her slippers and changed them for her. Then he asked, "Need a shower?"

She nodded her head absentmindedly. "Okay."

After Evelyn entered the bathroom, Sheffield went to the study and turned on his computer to call up the surveillance footage of the streets around No. 9 Princess Cruiser Nightclub.

The installed cameras didn't capture everything. There were limitations based on the camera's range and rotation. The stalker made most use of this. He must have come from somewhere there was no camera. The black car didn't show up for several minutes, and by then it was following Sheffield's car.

But Sheffield knew someone was following him. He pulled into an alley, where there were also no cameras. He killed the engine, and peered through the rear-view mirror. He could see the other car speeding past.

Sheffield was getting a little bored. He knew all this. Then something strange happened. The black car stopped. It looked like it was going to turn around, but the driver rolled to a stop, and stayed there for about a minute. Then the car zoomed off.

Sheffield zoomed in, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man's face. But the guy wore a black mask and a black hood, fouling attempts at identification. He couldn't even get the general shape of the man's face.

Obviously, the man was extremely careful. He was well-disguised, and the car had no identifying marks whatsoever—no license plate, logo, or model.

The young doctor could tell the guy was driving an ordinary sedan. Sheffield compiled the few clues he could, and saved the important evidence on his computer.

By the time Evelyn finished showering and walked out of the bathroom, she saw him leaning against the headboard on the bed lazily, phone in hand. She was none the wiser as to what he'd been doing.

Seeing her, he put down his cellphone and crooked his index finger in a come-hither gesture. Then he patted on the bed and said, "Honey, come here. I kept it warm for you."

Evelyn let down her hair. "Can I use your computer for a minute?" she asked him.

With the same grin on his face, he jumped out of the bed and said, "Sure! But why now?"

"I need to deal with something. It'll only take a minute." Wearing a white nightgown, Evelyn looked at him with a smile on her face.

Sheffield walked to her and put his arm around her shoulders. He led her to the study. "You can use my computer, but you have to do something for me. Since you used my computer, you gotta let me use you later."

"Use me?"

"Yes. For example, a kiss. And another kiss, and... "

As Evelyn pinched his cheek, he gave in immediately. "Sorry, honey," he apologized.

Evelyn let go of his cheek and snorted.

When they entered the study, Evelyn seemed excited about something rather mundane.

"Wow, the keyboard of your desktop computer is so cool!"

"What?" He looked at the black keyboard. Except for the fact that there were dedicated macro-keys, there was nothing special about it.

However, since Evelyn said so, he nodded and said, "It's not bad!"

"Could you disconnect it and give it to me?"

"Yeah, sure. Why?" Sheffield scratched his head. After looking at her and then the keyboard, he finally disconnected what he needed to and handed it to her. "Anything else you want? It's yours!"

With a mysterious smile, Evelyn took the keyboard and left the study.

Looking at her back and then at the desktop computer he turned on, Sheffield scratched his head again. Didn't she say she wanted to use the computer? Why did she walk out of the study?

Why was she acting like this? Sheffield was wary.

He turned off the computer and followed Evelyn.

In the bedroom, Evelyn drew the curtains and opened the door to the balcony. A gust of cold wind blew in.

She shivered from the cold, and looked at Sheffield's pajamas. She put the keyboard on the floor.

Sheffield was confused again. "Evelyn, what are you doing?"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Evelyn took a glance at the keyboard and said without emotion, "Sheffield Tang."

"Yes?" He got suddenly anxious. 'Is Evelyn going to let me...'

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do!" he replied, still gazing at the keyboard. He smiled, but it lacked that sardonic look behind it. He smiled to mask his emotions.

Evelyn smiled too, a glint in her eyes. "So to prove you love me, will you kneel on the keyboard tonight?"

Sheffield was right! That was what he thought. "Honey, of course I can do that. But why would you ask?" He was wondering how he had made his goddess angry again.

Evelyn winked at him and said in a soft voice, "Do I need a reason to make you kneel on the keyboard?"

"A reason? Of course not!" He was in heaven. The tone of her voice, the promise of something more... He stepped forward with a goofy grin from ear to ear, and knelt on the keyboard.

Only, the keyboard was so hard it hurt, and he winced. Fortunately, it wasn't too bad. If he adjusted himself just right, there was hardly any pain at all.

His sudden move softened Evelyn's heart. But the next moment, she stood side by side with him and looked at the heavens, asking, "Do you like the sky tonight?" "

Yes, it's beautiful. Very beautiful!" 'My Evelyn is more beautiful, ' he thought.

"Then stay here and enjoy it!"

Evelyn pushed her long hair back and said casually, "Look at the sky and earth and think about what you did wrong. Then say 'baby' a thousand times before going to bed."

'Didn't he call Dollie "baby"? Now he can say that as many times as he wants!' she thought.

Then she turned and walked into the bedroom. She closed the glass door on the balcony without any hesitation, and left the astonished Sheffield alone there, in the dark.

'Say "baby" a thousand times...' He slapped hard on his own mouth and thought to himself, 'Damn it! Every time I open my mouth I put my foot in it! I think I got off light!

She is definitely a jealous woman. She could probably think of all sorts of exquisite punishments.'

After waiting a long time, Evelyn heard not a peep from Sheffield. She knocked on the glass door. Sheffield turned to look at her and said with a fawning smile, "Evelyn, come on. It's freezing out here."

Although the glass door was soundproof, Evelyn could hear him since he was so close. "Not gonna do it? Okay, I'm gone."

She would let him know which was easier. Chasing after her or saying "baby" one thousand times?

Realizing what she was implying, he began immediately, "Baby! Baby! Baby..."

That night, when Sheffield finished saying "baby" one thousand times, he nearly vomited. His tongue was numb. He wondered if he could ever speak again. He swore to himself he would stay away from all other women.

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