Take My Breath Away

Chapter 916 - I Will Stay With You

After a while, Joshua kicked the door of the private booth, flushing with anger. He cursed, "Sheffield, you son of a bitch!" He was so worried about Sheffield that he had come back to help him.

And that asshole was having sex with Evelyn!

"Get out of here!" Sheffield yelled angrily from the other side of the door.

Joshua tried his best to adjust his emotion. He waved at Tayson, saying, "This must be hard for you, Bro. I'm leaving." 'Being a bodyguard is so pitiful. They not only have to protect their bosses but also have to pretend to ignore it when it comes to these kinds of moments, ' he mused.

Tayson nodded and said calmly, "Goodbye, Mr. Fan."

The sun went down soon and the night life began. Guests flocked onto the cruiser, but one man walked out with a woman in his arm, and a bodyguard close behind them.

Sheffield and Evelyn got into his car. She leaned against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. Sheffield buckled her seat belt while humming a song, and kissed her on the cheek. "Shall we go?"

Evelyn nodded. She wanted to tease him about his childishness, but she was too tired to say anything.

The roads were almost empty, with very few cars and other small vehicles. By the time they came to an intersection, the traffic light had turned red. Seeing that Evelyn had fallen asleep, Sheffield adjusted the seat so that she could recline more comfortably.

When the light turned green, he drove away slowly. After he covered some distance, through the rearview mirror, Sheffield saw a shabby old black car following them. It had no license plate.

He habitually became alert and noticed, after a few random turns, that the car was indeed tailing them.

Sheffield quickly threw a glance at the seat belt on Evelyn and stepped on the gas.

The car behind them sped up as well.

Soon, they reached the downtown area. There were many intersections here and he knew that, sooner or later, he would run into a red light. If he continued to drive at the current speed, he would have to brake sharply, which might scare Evelyn awake.

He slowed down to a normal speed.

However, to his shock, the car behind them seemed to pick up its speed and was headed towards them.

Sheffield figured that this was going completely out of control. He stepped on the gas quickly and made a swift right turn at the next crossroad.

The car that was tailing them hadn't expected that move, and nearly hit the green belt on the roadside.

Swiftly, the black car turned right, aiming to catch up to Sheffield once again.

Sheffield parked the car on the side of the road and turned off the lights. He watched the black car zoom past them. Once the other car was ditched, he immediately started the car and turned around to drive back the way they had come.

The pursuers in the black car realized that they had been tricked, and turned around quickly to keep up with him.

"Evelyn! Evelyn!" Sheffield called urgently.

With her eyes half open, she asked, "What's up?"

"Call Tayson."

His unusual tone alerted Evelyn. She sat up straight and looked around them. "What's wrong?" She fumbled for the phone in her bag.

Before Sheffield could explain, Evelyn's phone rang. It was Tayson.

She slid the answer key. "Tayson?"

"Miss Huo, we have a situation in our hands." He was right behind the two cars and he had already noticed the game of tag going on between Sheffield and his pursuers.

Sheffield heard him. He spoke loudly so that the bodyguard could hear him. "Tayson! Wait for me at the next crossroad. You can pick up Evelyn from there. I'll lose them first and come back to drop her."

"Got it!"

After Tayson hung up, Evelyn asked Sheffield anxiously, "What's going on?"

"Someone is following us." He didn't know whether their target was him or Evelyn. He guessed that it was most likely that they were after him, so he had to get Evelyn away to keep her safe. Evelyn looked behind them but saw no one.

When they arrived at an intersection, Sheffield turned around the car and said, "Hold onto the seat belt. When I tell you to, unbuckle it and quickly get out of the car. Tayson will pick you up."

"What about you?" Evelyn asked in a concerned voice.

"I'll be fine. I can see your car. Now! Unfasten the seat belt."

"No, Sheffield, they're still after you. I—"

"Evelyn, be a good girl. Do it!" There was not much time left because the black car was getting closer.

Luckily, Sheffield was a good driver and he managed to put a safe distance between them.

Evelyn sat still in her seat. "I'll stay with you," she said calmly.

Sheffield was moved beyond words. "Evelyn, I'm really happy to hear that, but you have to get out of the car right now! You have to trust me. Don't worry." He stopped his car next to Tayson.

As soon as he unlocked the car, Tayson opened the door for her. "Miss Huo, quick!"

Evelyn had to unfasten her seat belt. When she got out of the car, her legs were so weak that she didn't even have the strength to support herself. Luckily, Tayson caught her in time.

No sooner had she closed the door than Sheffield drove away.

A few seconds later, she saw the black car speeding past them.

She tried to catch the driver's face, but he was wearing black clothes with a hood and a mask. And there were no street lights. She could not see anything.

"Hurry up, Tayson! Follow them!" she said as she got into her car.

"Miss Huo, that's dangerous..." He looked at her hesitantly.

Evelyn's face darkened. "Follow them." Her tone gave no space for any argument.

Left with no choice, Tayson drove after them.

On their way, Evelyn called the police and explained the situation. All the while, they couldn't get a glimpse of the other two cars. They were nowhere to be seen.

Tayson drove around for a while, but he had lost them. Evelyn couldn't dare call Sheffield while he was driving. As she waited anxiously for any news of him, a familiar car appeared.

Sheffield's car stopped beside hers, perfectly intact.

Evelyn heaved a sigh of relief seeing that he was safe, and she looked around to confirm that the black car was not around.

She unfastened her seat belt in a haste and walked quickly to Sheffield. "Are you okay? Where is the other car? Did you get hurt?" she asked anxiously, looking all over his body for any sign of a fight.

"I'm fine. He got away," Sheffield replied and placed a kiss on her forehead. He wanted to chase after the car, but was worried that someone might be trying to distract him in order to harm Evelyn.

"I've informed the police. We should probably give a statement later," said Evelyn. Several minutes had passed since she had called the police. She was sure that they were already on their way.

"Let's go home. Tayson will talk to the police." Sheffield held her in his arms.

Evelyn grabbed his hand and said, "We shouldn't let down our guard. I'm scared..." She was afraid that Sheffield would end up just like her first three boyfriends.

"Don't worry, honey. I have many enemies. I've been through things like this too many times. I'm a lucky man. I won't die that easy." With these words, Sheffield casually waved at Tayson and said, "Thanks, Bro. Please take care of the rest." He and Evelyn got into his car.

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