Take My Breath Away

Chapter 910 - Dad, Please Help Him

The two nurses were so frightened by what Sheffield did that they stepped back. They were familiar with him. As far as they could remember, he was always smiling and charming which was why most of the single nurses and female doctors gushed about him.

It was the first time that they had seen Sheffield so furious. He was so scary right now.

Evelyn asked Tayson to stop Sheffield from beating Napier up. Finally, with Dr. Chu's help, Tayson was successful.

With blood flowing from his mouth and head, Napier was lying on the floor, having trouble breathing.

The doctors and nurses could have dressed his wound here, but now they had to take him to the hospital in a stretcher.

In the apartment

Sheffield and Evelyn were alone in the living room. As she gazed back at him, she inquired, "How is your hand?"

He caught a glimpse of her face and asked, "Who is he? Why was he in your apartment? What did he do to you?"

Evelyn didn't know how to answer his questions. The things that Napier just did to her... She didn't expect that he would do that, and it was difficult for her to voice it out.

For a while, she remained silent, much to Sheffield's displeasure.

His hands balled into fists. His eyes reddened from fury. However, when he spoke, his voice was fairly calm. "Evelyn Huo, what do you think I am to you? You fought with me because of Calvert. And now I don't even have the right to know what happened? Am I just someone you have sex with? Is that it?"

"No, it's not like that..."

"Do you think you should be with Calvert? You agree with your father, don't you? Do you also think I'm just a doctor who doesn't deserve you?" He was still mad at her about their last fight. He'd lost his temper. How she was acting caused him to say such hurtful things that he didn't give much thought to.

Evelyn went silent.

How could he possibly think that? To her, he was this amazing man who was not only a good doctor but also good at racing, Chinese medicine and playing the piano. She admired him for that. Why would he think all those things?

When she didn't answer his questions, he grew angrier. He reached out his hands and pulled her into his arms. "Evelyn Huo, you're not even going to talk to me?" he asked, gritting his teeth.

She shook her head. "Please calm down."

Calm down? How could he calm down?

Suddenly, he let go of her and strode out of her apartment.

When he left, Evelyn collapsed on the sofa, her legs giving out.

Sheffield's angry face flashed through her mind. His question rang in her head, "Evelyn Huo, what am I to you?"

What was he to her?

With one hand propping her forehead, Evelyn closed her eyes and started thinking about it.

To everyone's surprise, on that day when Sheffield returned to the hospital, his position as the deputy director of the nephrology department was removed.

The official reason was that he didn't obey the rules and regulations of the hospital and was not responsible for his patients—just one of the many reasons.

In reality, everyone knew that he had pissed off his superiors.

Sheffield always broke the rules and regulations of the hospital. No one had said anything about it. He had never even been fined for it. But now he was demoted. Someone must be trying to give him a hard time.

The news spread all over the hospital coupled with another piece of breaking news.

One of Sheffield's patients had died.

The patient died during the kidney transplant operation.

It didn't take long for people to express their distaste and disapproval of Sheffield. Needless to say, the patient's family was extremely furious with Sheffield.

Sidell then held a press conference announcing that Sheffield had been suspended.

Evelyn found out when she saw it on the Internet.

She called him immediately but his phone was always off.

She could only get in touch with Joshua who was also looking for Sheffield. "I've been looking for him. He isn't in his apartment or the research center. I can't find him anywhere. I've looked everywhere."

Evelyn could feel her chest tightening—she was worried about Sheffield.

She went to Carlos' office and asked rather boldly, "Dad, did you do this to Sheffield?"

Carlos put down his pen and looked at his daughter who was visibly anxious. "What do you mean?"

"He was demoted and one of his patients died in the middle of a surgery."

Instead of getting angry, Carlos smiled and asked, "Evelyn, what do you think of your dad?"

Evelyn ground her teeth and told him what was on her mind. "I thought you were a decent man, but ever since you set me and Joshua up to deceive Sheffield, I'm not so sure anymore."

Carlos nodded. "So, you think I'm messing with Sheffield?"

"Well, not really." Evelyn gathered herself. "You got him demoted, didn't you?" She didn't think Carlos could have caused that patient's death.

Carlos didn't deny it.

However, he really had nothing to do with the patient's death.

It happened so suddenly that no one had expected it would happen.

"If Sheffield doesn't deal with the medical trouble properly, his research is going to fail," Carlos pondered seriously. Who would buy medicine that was developed by a doctor whose patient died on the operating table?

Sheffield was definitely going to pay for this.

This wasn't lost on Evelyn. Flustered, she looked at Carlos and stammered, "Dad, can you..."

Carlos looked her in the eye, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

Evelyn thought she was being naive by even thinking of asking her father to help Sheffield. However, she didn't have any other idea left. She didn't know what to do. She bit the bullet and asked, "Dad, can you help him?"

Carlos found this both funny and annoying. He didn't know what to do with his daughter. "Evelyn, are you asking me to help a man who almost killed you?"

"Dad, it wasn't his fault entirely. He probably didn't expect that I'd get pregnant. It's unfair to put all the blame on him..." Evelyn choked.

"Who else should we blame then? You? Was it fair for you to suffer that kind of pain?" To Carlos, it seemed as if Sheffield had brainwashed his daughter.

"Now is not the right time to talk about that. Dad, please help him. I'll listen to you from now on, okay?" Considering Carlos' stature in Y City, if he didn't help Sheffield out, then no one else could.

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