Take My Breath Away

Chapter 844 - You Are So Kind To Me

Evelyn gasped in his arms to calm herself down. "Sheffield..."

"I'm here."

"Don't ever... race again."

"Why not?" He looked at her in confusion.

"It's too scary..." Her legs were still soft and trembling.

Only God knew where she had gotten the courage from. She drove a racing car, all by herself, and finished four laps!

She had raced for so long because it acted as an outlet for her emotions. She put all that frustration into racing.

"Don't worry. I'm used to it already," replied Sheffield. He took off her helmet and kissed her on the forehead.

"Don't do it. Just focus on your research."

"Are you worried about me?" he asked with a grin.

Evelyn scoffed.

She pushed the man away and walked towards the changing room.

Sheffield followed her. "Evelyn, if you don't want me to, I won't race again. But you have to promise me that you will break up with Joshua and be my girlfriend."

"You can keep racing, Sheffield. I don't care."

He shook his head. "I won't race again. I won't—No, wait. Never racing again might be a little too hard for me, but I will come here less often hereafter."

"Whatever. I'm going to get changed."

"Okay, let's change together."

"Go away!"

When they entered the fitting room, Sheffield insisted on squeezing into her room. She rolled her eyes at the man and ordered, "Get out!"

"Come on! Let's do it together! I've seen you. And you've seen every part of m— Ow, ow, ow! Evelyn, I was just kidding. That hurts." She pulled his ear.

"That's right. Get out of here or I'll rip it off!" She tried to cover her embarrassment with her fierce attitude.

He nodded obediently. "I'll leave. Let go."

Evelyn let go of his ear and Sheffield fled to the dressing room next door. "I'm right here. Call me if you need anything."

Evelyn didn't answer. She looked at the wall with a smile on her face.

He stared at the wall too, grinning even wider as he imagined her changing her clothes.

After leaving the race track, he drove Evelyn to the Huo family manor.

He looked at the huge manor and grinned mischievously. "Evelyn, let me be your man as soon as possible, so that I can live off you for the rest of my life."

Evelyn unfastened her seat belt. "Do you have enough money for your research?"

"Not nearly enough. I'll probably need several hundred more million." He had to work extra hard to make money for his research, as well as to buy a diamond for Evelyn. Neither could be delayed any further.

"Several hundred million? I thought you have already invested a lot? Why do you need so much more?" Evelyn had heard that Sheffield used his own money for the research since he didn't find any sponsorship for it.

"That's just how it is for research and development. It is money and time consuming. Sometimes, the project ends up fruitless even after using up all that money. The equipment is insanely expensive. And the materials cost thousands of dollars per milligram. But, one of my projects is bound to succeed, and I'm working on applying for a patent." He had made a lot of preparations for this project. The program, the goal and the team were all excellent, so he had put all his money into it.

Yet, it was still not enough. He was working hard to earn more money, and tried not to borrow from anyone.

'Thousands of dollars per milligram...' After short consideration, Evelyn said, "I only have about a hundred million right now." Her other properties were immovable, and the rest of her money had been used in investment and other financial markets.

The smile on Sheffield's lips disappeared gradually. "And?"

"I'll ask Nadia to transfer the money into your account. You can use that for the time being. You don't have to race anymore to earn money." She knew research and development was costly, but she didn't want him to take part in such dangerous activities.

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and said, "So, you want me to stop racing and you also want to invest money in my project?"

"I want you to take this money. You don't need to pay me back. You gave me the jade, didn't you? Since you won't take it back, I will sponsor your research." Evelyn didn't think that she was doing anything wrong. It was only fair that she gave him money since he had bought her the expensive jade.

He smiled and said, "Evelyn, who says you don't love me? You are so kind to me."

Evelyn sensed the sarcasm in his tone. She was offended. "That's it. Goodbye," she said angrily.

When she was about to get out of the car, Sheffield grabbed her hand and made her sit back. "Evelyn Huo, listen well. I don't need your money. When I decided to start my research project, I had imagined all sorts of possibilities. Yes, I don't have enough money right now, but I am capable of earning it. Even if I don't race, I can still make money in other ways. So, money is not an issue for me. It just depends on whether I want to make it or not. So, don't try to give me money again. Do you understand?"


"Don't worry. This project will win the market and it will create ripples in the economy. If I succeed, I'll make a deal with ZL Group. You have a pharmaceutical corporation, right? How about I use this patent as a betrothal gift to you? Will your father agree?" He looked at her with a soft smile.

Evelyn didn't answer his question. "You seem confident. Are you sure you will succeed?"

With passion burning in his eyes, he replied, "Of course, I will. I always do."

She was one of his goals. He had sworn to win her heart, no matter how, even if she was to get engaged to Joshua.

Evelyn didn't retort. "Well then, go for it."

Sheffield followed her out of the car and shouted to her as she walked towards the manor, "You haven't given me your phone number yet. What if I miss you?"

She stopped and raised her voice without looking back. "Why should I care?"

Sheffield howled, "Evelyn, don't do this to me. We drove together." He didn't want to remind her that they had already slept together. After all, since they had come back to Y City, he hadn't been able to get intimate with her, let alone sleep with her. It was quite frustrating and embarrassing for him.

So, he kept that out of their conversations.

Without his noticing, Evelyn smiled and answered, "When did I ever drive with you? I have no memory of such a thing."

"Hey! Did you forget that we drove bumper cars together?"

'Bumper cars?' Evelyn didn't respond this time. Looking at his broad smile, she felt like she was being hit on.

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