Take My Breath Away

Chapter 843 - Don't Scare Me Like That

As Sheffield left, Evelyn observed his car.

Just then, her phone rang. It was from her sister. "Terilynn," she answered.

"Evelyn, where are you?"


"You can come back now. Dad is not angry anymore. Mom scolded him, and he sort of regrets arguing with you." Terilynn had just come back from comforting Carlos. Now, she was back in her bedroom, consoling Evelyn.

"I'll wait a little longer."

"Okay. Did you really go to him? It sounds pretty lively there. Where are you?" Terilynn could hear people shouting and cheering.

Sheffield walked towards Evelyn, wearing his racing suit, and he had a helmet in his hand. "Don't worry about me. Go to bed. I'll talk to you later."

"Oh, okay. Take care of yourself."


Sheffield put the helmet on for her. "Get a feel of it first. If you want to drive by yourself later, I'll bring you a change of clothes."


They got into a racing car; several racers were already driving in the tracks.

"Hang on. I'm starting." In seconds, the car shot off like an arrow.

It was Evelyn's first time in a racing car. She clutched the rail and gnashed her teeth as she fixed her eyes on the track.

Sheffield skillfully controlled the steering wheel. Considering that it was her first time at an auto racing, he slowed down deliberately to let her adapt to the speed.

When he came to a U turn, the rear of the car slid, and Sheffield made a perfect drift.

After a few laps, Evelyn's head was messed up. Before she could see anything clearly, they were at the finishing line.

The cheering and shouting outside the car were deafening. She gradually came to her senses.

Sheffield took off his helmet and asked, "How are you feeling? Do you want to drive the car yourself?"

Evelyn shook her head. "No, thank you." She was scared. And it was dark outside; she could hardly see anything.

Sheffield stroked her hair. "Don't worry. I will be right next to you. It'll be a fun experience."

Evelyn did want to challenge herself and try new things. She nodded, "Okay."

He gave her a pink racing suit. When she came out of the fitting room, he couldn't help but whistle at her. "My, my! You are beautiful in everything. But, you look particularly dashing in that suit."

Blushing, Evelyn rolled her eyes at him. "Knock it off!"

Sheffield wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her on the lips. "All set! Let's do this."

"Let go!" Evelyn elbowed his stomach.

Sheffield cried out dramatically, "Evelyn, you've injured me, destroyed my stomach! You have to be responsible for me...for the rest of my life."

Evelyn smirked. "Sure. Come to my house. I'll ask my dad to take good care of you." The mention of her father didn't upset her much anymore.

"Are you prepared to let me meet your parents so soon? All right! Let's go see Daddy and Mommy. Who cares about the race?" He tried to drag her away.

Angry and embarrassed, Evelyn glared at him. "Can't you tell that I was joking?"

He shrugged and took her to his racing car. "Fine, fine. I will have lots of chances to meet your parents in the future anyway."

There were many people on both sides of the track. When they saw him open the car door for Evelyn, they started exclaiming,

"Look! Maestro Tang is letting someone else drive his car! And it's a woman!"

"Who on earth is she? I have never seen him let anyone else drive his car."

"Who knows? But she is very beautiful."

The men couldn't help but whistle at Evelyn. "Wow! The girl with Maestro Tang is really hot!"

"Look at her! Lucky guy!"

"He doesn't even let Joshua drive his car. Looks like this woman is more important than Joshua to him!" The crowd erupted in laughter.

Evelyn overheard their discussion, but she ignored it. With Sheffield's help, she got into the driver's seat.

He adjusted the neck protector and the seat for her. "How do you like this angle? Is it comfortable?"

Evelyn adjusted her posture a little and nodded, "It's fine."

"Listen. There are two important things to remember during auto racing. Firstly, brake earlier around a corner, and step on the gas after exiting the corner. Secondly, choose the correct lane and hit the apex, so that you will be closest to the inside corner. In short, when the car reaches the end of the straight line, before it gets to the corner, brake earlier and reverse the gear." He explained patiently and she listened carefully.

He closed the car door for her. Before he could get into the passenger seat, he was stopped by a group of people from the crowd. "Maestro Tang, are you going to race tonight?"

Noticing that Evelyn was feeling a little nervous, he waved to them and said, "No, I'm just teaching my wife to race tonight. I'll race another day."

"Wow! When did you get married? Why didn't you tell us?"

"A long time ago. I brought her here to meet you guys. Anyway, I have to join her..." However, before he could even finish his words, his car dashed out of the starting line.

Evelyn had driven off alone, leaving Sheffield behind.

He ran after the car at once. "Evelyn, that's dangerous! Evelyn!"

But she couldn't hear him. The car had already gone too far away.

Sheffield was ditched mercilessly.

He was worried about Evelyn. She had never driven a racing car before. He anxiously ran to the monitor and watched.

Luckily, Evelyn wasn't driving too fast; she drove smoothly. At least, everything seemed fine on the race track.

He waited for her to pull over after the first lap. However, Evelyn accelerated to 150 miles per hour.

Even though Sheffield sometimes drove over 300 miles per hour, and she was only driving at half his speed, she was still in danger because she was a green hand.

He rushed to the finish line and waited for her to stop.

After two laps, she still didn't feel like slowing down. During the third lap, Sheffield waved to her and ran to the command platform. He continued to wave to make her stop.

Evelyn cast a glance at him, but the car sped past him again.

After the fourth lap, the car finally began to slow down. Sheffield ran towards the car, relieved.

When the car stopped completely, he opened the door and pulled the woman out of the car. "Thank God, you are safe! Evelyn, don't scare me like that!"

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