Take My Breath Away

Chapter 809 - The Ectopic Pregnancy

"Yes, I know." Evelyn took off her sunglasses and put them aside. She grabbed the file and flipped through it.

Half an hour later, an early meeting of senior executives was held in the conference room on the 22nd floor. As she listened to the presentation made by the manager of the financial department, Evelyn started to feel dizzy.

But she didn't pay much attention to it and thought that it was because she had stayed up late last night.

It was not until she felt her head spinning again that she realized something was wrong. Meanwhile, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen; her forehead broke into a cold sweat.

The manager of the financial department was the first to notice that something was wrong with Evelyn. "Miss Huo, are you okay?"

Everyone turned to look at Evelyn. Her face was as pale as a white sheet.

Everything happened so fast. Before anyone could respond, Evelyn felt a hot liquid flowing out of her body.

The next moment, she collapsed onto the floor, driving everyone in the meeting room into a panic.

If anything happened to Evelyn, Carlos wouldn't spare a single soul in that room.

"Miss Huo, are you okay? Somebody, call an ambulance!"

"Mr. Jin, please come in here!" Someone called Tayson at once.

"Help her up… Oh my God! There's so much blood..." The conference room was in complete chaos.

Tayson dashed into the room. His eyes widened in shock when he saw all the blood and immediately scooped Evelyn into his arms. Her clothes were stained with blood. He sprinted towards the lift.

As they quickly descended from the 22nd floor to the ground floor, a lot of people saw Evelyn's lower body bathed in blood. The entire ZL Group was shocked by the scene.

Evelyn's situation seemed to be critical. There was blood everywhere. Too anxious to wait for the ambulance, Tayson tucked her into the car and drove her to the nearest hospital with a security guard.

In the Y City First General Hospital

"Doctor! Hurry up! I have a critical patient here!" Tayson's roar was so loud that everyone in the outpatient department heard it.

Several nurses and doctors gathered around. When they saw Evelyn, the doctors already had a general idea of what had happened.

They put Evelyn on a gurney and wheeled her into the emergency room. As he ran, one of the doctors instructed the nurses around him, "Hurry up! The patient has lost a large amount of blood, she has gone into shock. Prepare the intravenous infusion. Take blood samples. Get the oxygen mask, and the ECG monitor! And get a gynecologist here! Hurry up!"

Before long, a doctor rushed towards Tayson with several documents. "We've made a rough judgment. It's an ectopic pregnancy. One of her fallopian tubes is broken. Are you her family? The patient is in a critical situation. We need to operate on her right away. Please sign your name on the papers!"

'An ectopic pregnancy?!' Tayson gaped at the doctor, disbelief written all over his face.

And then, a man's face popped up in his mind. In an instant, he understood the whole situation. 'Sheffield Tang, you bastard! How could you not use condoms?' he cursed angrily.

"Start the surgery immediately! I've informed her family. They'll be here very soon," Tayson told the doctor. Carlos and Debbie were already on their way to the hospital.

"No, we can't do that. Without her family's signature, we cannot operate on her."

"She's the eldest daughter of the Huo family. Can you afford to let her die in your hospital today?" Tayson glowered at the doctor.

'The Huo family?' The doctor was visibly taken aback. He had no choice but to quickly report this to the attending physician.

In the nephrology department

As soon as the man walked out of the dean's office, he heard several nurses gossiping. "Did you see the amount of blood on her? It is an ectopic pregnancy, and her fallopian tube is broken. I heard that she is the eldest daughter of the Huo family."

'An ectopic pregnancy? That's sad.' Sheffield felt bad for the woman the nurses were talking about.

'What kind of husband doesn't notice that something is wrong with his wife? He should've brought her in sooner.

Shit! What a jerk!' he cussed.

When the nurses saw Sheffield, they ran to him. "Dr. Tang, you're back!"

"Dr. Tang, what would you like to have for lunch? Do you want me to bring you some food?"

After putting away the medical records, he turned them down with a big smile. "No, thank you. I have something else to do at noon."

He walked past them to his office.

The nurses stared after him.

"Dr. Tang has changed a lot. He seldom takes the initiative to talk to us anymore. That's not like him at all."

"Yeah, I agree. Is it because of the dean's daughter?"

"Maybe. I heard that he is going to be the dean's son-in-law."

"Wow! He has a bright future ahead of him."

Outside the operating room

Carlos stared at the words "In Operation" and his eyes grew darker and darker. Debbie sat on the bench, eyes filled with tears.

Tayson reported in a guilty tone, "It happened in D City. Miss Huo forbade me from telling you… I didn't expect that it would turn out this way."

Clenching his fists tightly, Carlos swiftly turned around and kicked Tayson hard.

The bodyguard was thrown a few steps back, but he clenched his teeth and didn't dare let out a sound.

Debbie stood up and grabbed Carlos' arms. "Carlos! Evelyn is in there, fighting for her life! Calm down."

"Calm down?! How can I calm down? That's my daughter!" Carlos thundered.

His baby was now lying in the operating room, her life hung in the balance. And the reason was an ectopic pregnancy!

It was hard for Carlos to accept that, even though he was such an experienced man.

Right then, a girl trotted out of the elevator and rushed to them. "Dad, Mom! Tayson! How is she?" Terilynn gasped for air as she came running.

"We don't know yet..." Debbie sobbed.

Tears welled up in Terilynn's eyes. "How did this happen? Evelyn..."

Debbie sighed and hugged her younger daughter.

She had asked Evelyn to go on the trip to get some peace of mind. It was for her daughter's own good, but now, it seemed that she was wrong to do so.

Matthew hurried to the hospital, still carrying his schoolbag. Evelyn was still in the operating room.

He cast a cold glance at Tayson. "Who is that man?"

Tayson remained silent.

"I can find out even if you don't tell me!" Matthew roared. He wanted to avenge his sister.

Another half an hour later, the light of the operating room finally went off.

Several doctors walked out soon after. They removed their masks. The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Mr. Huo, your daughter is stable now. One of her fallopian tubes was broken. We've operated on it. We haven't removed her broken fallopian tube, but it has been torn for sure. So, she is less likely to get pregnant in the future. But, there's still a chance..."

'Less likely to get pregnant?' Carlos frowned. "Any other problems?" he asked.

"Everything else is fine. Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Huo. She will recover soon, as long as she gets some good rest."

"I see."

The doctors transferred Evelyn to the ICU.

Carlos had his men block any news about the incident; he forbade anyone from talking about it. He decided to punish anyone who ever talked about this.

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