Take My Breath Away

Chapter 808 - A Spice Of Life

Sheffield's heart sank when he heard Evelyn's words. He said, "But..." 'But this is your first time, ' he thought.

Burying her head in his arms, Evelyn said casually, "We were both satisfied. You're leaving tomorrow and we won't be in touch anymore. So, don't think too much about it."

All the words that he had wanted to say to her turned into a sneer in the end. "Yeah, you are right," he said with a sarcasm-laced voice. He couldn't contact her even if he wanted to; they hadn't exchanged each other's contact information.

But he had to take the initiative. So, he grabbed his phone and opened his WeChat. "Give me your WeChat account if you don't want to tell me your phone number."

Evelyn was stunned. Reflexively, she refused, "No. I use my WeChat account for work."

Sheffield's face darkened. "Then, give me your phone number or your address."

"I said we are done and we don't need to keep in touch!" Evelyn wasn't a clingy woman. She wasn't going to pester him or force him to take responsibility just because they had sex for one night.

Sheffield's face clouded with pure anger. He had always thought that women were just a spice of life, that they were far less important than many other things. But at that moment, the woman in front of him was different. If it were anyone else, he would have left without hesitation.

This woman he had sex with was the one he had fallen in love with for the first time in his life; she was different from the other women he had met.

"Your phone number! Give it to me, Evelina!" He raised his voice.

Evelyn turned away from him. "I'm sleepy. You can leave now."

She had thought that they would make love only once. But they ended up doing it again and again. She was really tired.

Sheffield got out of bed, put on his clothes and left angrily.

When the door was slammed shut, Evelyn slowly opened her eyes.

She could feel his anger. It was the first time she had seen him that angry ever since they had met. 'But why is he so angry?

Just because I didn't give him my number?'

Despite her confusion, Evelyn didn't give it much thought. After all, she didn't know much about Sheffield; he was just a small chapter in her life that had nothing to do with her future story.

She would be back in Y City soon, and her life would be as busy and boring as before. So, what had happened here wasn't worth mentioning or remembering.

Sheffield did leave the next day. Evelyn didn't see him for the next three days, but she wasn't sure if he had gone back to Y City or had gone somewhere else.

However, on the third night, she woke up in the middle of the night and was shocked to find someone else in her bed.

She was about to scream, but stopped as she breathed in the familiar scent and heard the voice. "It's me."

"You... Didn't you leave?"

"I did. I came back to give you a gift." Sheffield kissed her gently on her lips.

"What... What gift?"

He held her with one hand, while he fished something out of his pocket and put it in the palm of her hand.

The room was dark since all the lights were switched off. Evelyn couldn't see what it was that he had given her, but when she touched it, it felt like a jade.

Before she could ask anything, he kissed her passionately and then made love to her. The night was filled with their moans of pleasure.

Evelyn didn't know when he left, but before leaving, he left her a message. "You gave me your virginity. And I give you this 'Purity'. Please wait for me."

Later, Evelyn got to know that in D City, there was a kind of flower named Purity.

The jade he had given her was carved into the shape of that flower.

Seven days later, in the Huo family's manor

It was raining in Y City the day Evelyn arrived. She had lost her umbrella again during her trip to D City. She called Carlos, asking him to bring her an umbrella, as her car rolled into their garage.

Little did she know about the silly drama that had taken place inside the house a moment ago.

A few minutes before Evelyn arrived, Matthew, wearing his new pair of white sneakers, stood at the door of the garage. He looked at the rainy sky with a frown. Then, he took out his phone and called Carlos, the only man at home at that time. "Dad, it's raining. I'm in the garage now."

Carlos looked out of the window of his study and said, "It's just a drizzle. You're a man; it's not a big deal."

"Dad, I have a cold."

Carlos replied nonchalantly, "Thomas will be back in a few minutes. He has umbrellas. Come in with him."

There was an awkward silence and then Matthew hung up helplessly.

A few minutes later, Carlos' phone rang again. Seeing the caller ID, he slid the answer key and said in a gentle voice, "Eve."

"Dad, I'm home. I don't have an umbrella. Can you pick me up from the garage?"

Carlos immediately stood up and said, "Okay, I'm coming."

Matthew had just entered the house with Thomas Li, the steward. He saw his father heading towards the garage with an umbrella.

"Dad, I am here already," said Matthew, thinking that his father was going to pick him up.

Without turning to look at his son, Carlos said, "I know. It's your sister. She didn't bring an umbrella with her. I'll go pick her up."

You could imagine how Matthew felt. His dad always played favorites.

After dinner that night, Debbie whispered to Miranda, "Evelyn has changed a lot after the trip. She looks more beautiful than ever."

Miranda nodded in agreement. Looking at her granddaughter, who was chatting with Carlos, she replied, "She looks happier too."

"You are right."

However, Evelyn's happiness didn't last long. She realized that she missed the person she had thought she would forget, and the feeling became stronger day by day.

The weather got hotter and Evelyn returned to work.

One morning, it was raining when she reached her company.

The black Bentley was parked in front of ZL Group. Before Tayson could get out of the car, a security guard came over and opened the back door for Evelyn.

Her white crystal high heels came into view as she stepped out; she was wearing a purple pencil skirt and a white shirt.

"Good morning, Miss Huo."

"Good morning, Miss Huo."

As Evelyn walked in, the greetings poured one after another. She gently nodded at her colleagues and walked towards the VIP elevator.

The employees on the first floor greeted her with respect as she walked forward with an imposing aura.

When she entered the elevator, people whispered to each other, "The Huo family's eldest princess has become more beautiful, hasn't she?"

"Oh, I noticed that long back. She looked so much more feminine on the first day she came back to work after her long vacation."

"I'm so envious of her. She wears different clothes every day, depending on her mood. And the weather doesn't stop her from wearing her favorite outfit."

"The weather?"

"Yeah! It's raining outside, isn't it? But Miss Huo is wearing a white shirt and crystal high-heeled shoes. It's obvious that she has a chauffeur, escorting her from the gate of her house to the entrance of the company. She would never get wet or have her clothes stained."

"Wow, I wish I could live a life like that."

"All right, all right. Let's not daydream and waste our time. Time to work our asses off!"

On the 32nd floor

In the regional CEO's office

Nadia Hua put some papers on Evelyn's desk and said, "Miss Huo, these are the documents for the meeting later today. Since Mr. Huo won't be attending the meeting, you'll be in charge."

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