Take My Breath Away

Chapter 793 - I'll Shut up

Sheffield grabbed Evelyn's hand and tried to get her into the car. "Evelina, we can't stand up the driver. He really could use the money. He told me that his son has brain cancer. He counts on this job to pay the medical expenses. He has been waiting for us for so long; if we cancel on him, all his time would have been wasted and he will be so disappointed."

Evelyn remained nonchalant. "Then, just pay him thrice the fare."

"Despite being poor, he is a proud man. He won't take the money for nothing." Without giving her time to reply, he started to push her into the car.

Evelyn was too weak to resist. Sheffield made her sit in the back seat and closed the door. Then he said to the driver, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go."

"That's okay. Sit tight." The driver started the car.

Evelyn was about to ask the driver to pull over. But Sheffield cut her off and apologized, "Evelina, I was too impulsive back there. Just give me a second chance. I promise that I'll behave for the rest of the day. If you still can't forgive me by the time we get back, I won't bother you again. Deal?"

The sincerity in his eyes calmed her down. "All right."

Sheffield was relieved. He murmured with a smile, "You obviously loved the kiss. Don't know why you are so angry about it now."

"Stop the car!"

"No, no! Don't stop. Sorry, I'll be quiet." He shut up.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at him. "One more word and I am out of here."

"Okay okay, my lips are zipped." He sat up and looked straight ahead.

The driver saw what was happening through the rearview mirror. He chuckled. "Girl, don't be so mad at your boyfriend. Couples fight all the time. Your boyfriend has already apologized to you. Give him another chance."

'Couple? Boyfriend?' Evelyn tried to explain, but Sheffield beat her to it. "I made a mistake and I should apologize. If I were her, I would be mad at me too."

"You're a keeper," the driver praised him.

Evelyn wanted to call Tayson and ask him to drag Sheffield as far away from her as he could.

But this time Sheffield really shut up.

After around two minutes, he suddenly thrust his phone in front of Evelyn's face. On the screen, it said, "We applied the mosquito repellent too early. It might have evaporated by now. We should buy some when we reach."

She rolled her eyes. 'Couldn't he wait till we got there to tell me? Not talking must be killing him. He is such a chatterbox.'

Evelyn ignored him and turned away to look out the window.

If it had been another woman in the car with Sheffield, the situation would have been in reverse. It would have been the woman badgering him.

But Sheffield had, without doubt, fallen in love with Evelyn. He wanted to talk to her. He couldn't help it. This had never happened to him before. He actually felt weird.

Luckily, he was able to remain silent until they arrived at their destination. He had the short distance to thank for; it was only a ten-minute drive.

Sheffield went to a store near the entrance to buy the mosquito repellent. When he was back, Evelyn was standing under a sacred fig tree, looking at the plentiful figs.

Her eyes were filled with mixed emotions, mainly sorrow.

He couldn't help wondering, 'Everybody can tell that she is from a rich family. What has she experienced in her life to make her so sad?'

"Evelina," he called.

Evelyn didn't respond.

He was confused and called her again.

Still, no response. He walked over and tugged at her sleeve. She snapped out of her reverie and stared at him.

"Come here and sit down. I'll apply the mosquito repellent for you." Sheffield borrowed a chair from the stall near them and asked her to sit on it.

Evelyn refused. She took the mosquito repellent from his hand and said, "I can do it myself."

Sheffield nodded without any argument.

At two o'clock, they went inside the Elephant Valley. During that time, Evelyn's phone rang. She checked the caller ID and cut the call without answering.

Sheffield noticed the change in her expression.

He looked around, to try and find a way to distract her. Pointing to a big tree root, he said, "Look! What's that?"

Evelyn looked that way. At the foot of the root was a snake with patterned skin.

She glared at him. "Sheffield!" Her tone was as cold as ice.

Her angry face told him that he had screwed up again. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. I'll get rid of it. It won't come anywhere near you."

He started walking towards the snake.

Worried that he would get bitten, Evelyn grabbed his sleeve and said, "If you go any further than this, we'll split our ways right now."

Sheffield sighed. "That's a shame. It's a many-banded krait. That snake's gall bladder is very useful and incredibly expensive."

Hearing that, she let go of his sleeve.

"Oh. All right, go get it."

"Really?" His eyes glinted.

"Yes." Evelyn turned around and walked away from it.

Sheffield smiled and followed her. "The snake is not as important as you. I need to protect you. What if another man shows up and lures you away?" he joked airily.

Evelyn's eyes were fixed on the road. "The gall bladder of the many-banded krait is very valuable, isn't it?"

"Not as valuable as you. I could catch any number of snakes like that one, but you are unique." Sheffield opened a bottle of water for her. He didn't even blush as he shamelessly continued to flirt with her.

Evelyn was used to such fawning words. She took the bottle from him coldly, drank some and handed it back to him. Her phone rang again.

Sheffield peeked at her phone screen. It was just a number. No name.

She hung up. But the person called again.

After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "Should I give you some privacy?"

He wondered if she was hanging up on the person because of him.

"What are you going to do? Catch snakes?" she asked calmly and put her phone away. "I could do that,"

he said. "I have my scalpel on me. I can milk the snake in two minutes. Is that long enough for you to take the phone call?"

They walked on as they talked. "Not quite enough. Perhaps you should take the time to convert it into some kind of medicine. That will be long enough."

"Maybe I should just swallow the snake. That will be quicker and easier."

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