Take My Breath Away

Chapter 792 - I'm Serious About You

Sheffield sensed Evelyn's gaze. He turned around and asked, "Do you want to give it a try?"

She nodded.

Sheffield fetched another basket. It had apples, bananas and berries.

"Let me help you," he said. He picked up an apple and gave it to her. She took it with her right hand. He then stood behind her, grabbed her right hand and handed the apple to the elephant along with her.

He was so close to her that Evelyn's heart started beating furiously inside her chest. She tried to zero in on feeding the elephant.

The refreshing scent on her hair wafted into Sheffield's nose. Her hand was soft and delicate. He couldn't help planting a gentle kiss on her hair.

They didn't leave the pen until Evelyn was content.

At lunchtime, he took her to a restaurant beside a man-made lake. Tayson positioned himself outside the private booth and insisted that they keep the door open. When Evelyn went to the ladies' room, Sheffield went to Tayson. He airily wrapped his arm around the bodyguard's shoulder and said, "Dude, buy yourself some lunch. And stop staring at us while we eat. She needs some space."

Tayson gave him a cold glance. "I'm not hungry."

"We're all human. Humans need food to survive. Don't beat yourself up. Relax. I can protect her." Sheffield removed his arm from Tayson's shoulder and leaned sluggishly against the wall, one knee bent and one hand in his pocket. He carried himself with ease and such calm demeanor.

'You can protect her? With what? Your brain?' Tayson thought. And he didn't think Sheffield looked that smart either. "No. It's my job to protect her," he said.

Sheffield found him stubbornly dutiful. "What's your terms to not be the third wheel on our date?"

'Date? When did Miss Huo agree to go out with this guy?' "When you can fight me," Tayson replied.

Sheffield was amused. "I could stab you with a scalpel."

Tayson didn't want to waste more time on him. "Go away." He decided to go inside the room to find Evelyn.

But scarcely had he moved when someone grabbed hold of his wrist from behind.

By the time Evelyn walked out of the powder room, three courses had been served. Sheffield was leisurely seated at the table. He smiled at her and asked, "Shall we eat?"

She nodded and turned towards the door, but Tayson was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for something?" he asked deliberately as he ladled some soup for her.

"Nothing," she said.

"Have a taste of this. It's wild pigeon soup. The owner of the restaurant just caught it on the hill. Super fresh." He put a bowl of the white-milk soup in front of her. There were a few lumps of meat in it.

It smelled delicious.

He handed her a spoon. "The utensils are new. Don't worry."

Evelyn was surprised that he was such a thoughtful man. He didn't look like one when she had first met him.

She took the spoon from him and started eating.

After a while, he asked, "Can you handle spicy food?"

She nodded.

Sheffield yelled towards the kitchen, "Quick-sauted termite mushrooms, please. Extra spicy."

"No problem," the chef shouted back enthusiastically.

The dish was served soon. Hot peppers filled two-thirds of the plate. It looked so yummy that the sight of it alone could make a person drool.

Sheffield picked up a termite mushroom and put it into Evelyn's bowl. "Have a taste," he said, raising his brow mischievously.

She put the mushroom in her mouth. In under two seconds, she felt her tongue burn. It was on fire!

Tears rushed out of her eyes. Even so, she chewed the food and swallowed it. Then, she hastily picked up the glass of water on the table and slurped it down.

She believed that Sheffield had done it on purpose to make a fool out of her. When she turned to him with a glare, he was looking at her, trying to stifle his laughter.

Her face had turned red. "Why don't you eat it?" she asked.

Sheffield picked up a termite mushroom and ate it, without the slightest change in his expression.

Evelyn's jaw went slack. 'Are we eating the same food?'

"Don't eat it anymore if it's too deviled for you." Sheffield was worried that her stomach wouldn't be able to handle it.

Evelyn took out a preserved plum from her bag and put it in her mouth to neutralize the spice.

Sheffield looked at her ponderously. "You like plum?"

Seeing that she carried a packet of plum around, he gathered she must really love it.

"Yes," she admitted.


Neither of them seemed to put much thought into the conversation.

Evelyn didn't chicken out from eating the spicy food. Instead, she soon fell in love with it.

After drinking some water, she ate more termite mushrooms. Eventually, her mouth was burning as if she had swallowed the sun. After lunch, Evelyn remained in her seat, supporting her head with one hand.

Sheffield went to the counter to settle the bill. He came back with a glass of water. Instead of sitting opposite to her like before, he pulled a chair and sat beside her.

"The spicy food got you good, huh?" he asked with a mischievous grin. "Here, drink some crystal sugar water. It'll make you feel better."

Evelyn took a sip and indeed felt better, but not by much. Her lips and tongue were still burning.

Sheffield smiled malevolently. "There is another way to make it better. Care to try?"

"Okay." Since he was a doctor, she was willing to listen to him.

Unexpectedly, he leaned in, pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips.

He had finished eating earlier than her. So, while he was waiting for her to finish her meal, he had chewed a mint. Now, she could taste it in his mouth.

Evelyn was only the second woman Sheffield had ever kissed.

And she had had four boyfriends to date.

So, this wasn't her first kiss either.

Sheffield was the second man who had kissed her.

Her lips were soft and as sweet as candy. Kissing her felt wonderful, just as he had imagined.

Two minutes passed, and Evelyn pushed him away.

Panting, she stood up from her chair, grabbed her backpack and darted towards the door.

'Uh-oh, I screwed up, ' Sheffield thought warily.

He caught up with her and blocked her way. "Evelina, I'm serious about you," he explained anxiously. He knew that she might not believe him, but he had to let her know.

"I just got out of a relationship. I'm not ready to start a new one. Stay away from me," she said in a frosty tone.

"I was wrong. I was being too forward. Let's just go to the Elephant Valley first. I have chartered a sightseeing car. The driver is waiting for us."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you." Evelyn evaded him and left the room.

Sheffield slapped his head hard, regretting his impatience.

But he wasn't about to give up. If he let her go now, he wouldn't get another chance to be with her.

So, he ran out of the room to chase after her. At the entrance of the restaurant, he caught up to her.

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