Take My Breath Away

Chapter 759 - That's A Fake Smile

Blair was thrilled when she saw Debbie and Colleen. Xavier had come to the resort too, but unfortunately, he got a call and then left because he had to attend to something really urgent.

Wesley didn't want Kinsley to come to this resort because he knew Blair was one of his fans. That worried him. But Kinsley was adamant about spending the holiday with his friends.

As a result, a total of nine people were spending their holidays together.

When Blair saw Kinsley, she couldn't believe her eyes. "K-K-K-K..." She was too excited to speak fluently.

Kinsley gave her a charming smile. "Kinsley. I'm Kinsley Feng. Nice to meet you, pretty lady."

Blair nodded vigorously. "Kinsley, you're much more handsome than on TV. May I... May I have your autograph? And may I have a selfie with you?" She gazed at him dreamy-eyed and hopeful.

"No problem." Kinsley smiled the warmest smile.

"One sec." Blair searched her handbag. But she had no pen. She settled on only taking the selfie.

However, before she could do so, Wesley came over, grabbed her, and pulled her into his arms. "What are you doing? He's just a regular guy." He himself didn't have a selfie with Blair. He would by no means let this happen. He scowled in Kinsley's direction.

Blair and Kinsley were rendered speechless.

Stunned, Blair knew she had to find a way to calm Wesley before the situation got worse. She left Kinsley behind and went to their hotel room with Wesley. "Don't be mad. Kinsley is my idol. Don't you have an idol?" she asked.

"Yes, I do."

"See! I knew it! Don't you want to take a selfie with your idol?"

"Yes, I do."

"Huh! Then why didn't you allow me to take a selfie with mine?" she protested.

Wesley pulled her into his arms and made her sit on his lap. "You are my idol. Can we take a selfie now?"

"Hahaha!" Blair blushed and shook her head at his words. "You naughty boy!"

"I'm not even joking." Face serious, Wesley took out his phone and opened the camera app. He raised his phone. "Say cheese."

"Cheese!" Blair responded out of instinct.

Wesley brought the phone down and checked the photo. He shook his head. "That's a fake smile you got there. Let's do it again."

Blair rolled her eyes. However, she didn't resist Wesley's demand.

Wesley took two or three more photos. Blair was smiling all the time, while he himself wore a deadpan expression.

This time, it was Blair who was not satisfied with the photos. She grabbed his phone and held his face with one hand. "Smile!" she ordered and made a face.

Wesley curled his lips in a rather unnatural way. Blair giggled and pressed the round button.

In the following half an hour, Blair forced Wesley to take quite a few selfies with her. She didn't stop until she was satisfied.

Before having supper, Blair finally got a selfie she was pleased with. She made it the wallpaper of her phone.

Then she grabbed Wesley's phone to check his wallpaper.

Her eyebrows shot up when she saw his wallpaper was a photo of her. Not just any photo. A photo she knew well. "I remember I deleted this photo on WeChat. So how did you get it?" She frowned at him.

"I saved it." He shrugged.

"You mean you had saved it before I deleted it?"

He nodded.

"Wow! You were really fast. You've been using this photo as your wallpaper all the time?" she asked.


Pleased by his answer, she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Blair had brought a bikini with her as she knew they were going to spend their holidays in a seaside resort.

Just as she put on her bikini, Wesley reached out his hands toward her. 'No! He's going to tear my bikini apart!' she cried inwardly. She snatched up her nightgown and dashed into the bathroom, intent on saving her bikini. "Wesley, if you tear my bikini, then I'll leave," she threatened and closed the door behind her.

Wesley knocked on the door. "Come on, Blair. Open the door. Let's talk face-to-face."

"No way! You think I'm an idiot?" she spat.

"You are kind of silly," Wesley joked.

"You are a jerk! Fine! I'll take it off!"

Considering the best way to deal with Wesley, she took off the bikini. Smiling, she opened the door, exposing her nakedness. Of course, he was extremely pleased.

She convinced Wesley to take a shower first. When he was in the bathroom, Blair put on her bikini quickly and left the hotel room before he could finish.

When Wesley got out, Blair was nowhere to be found.

He put on his swimming trunks and checked Blair's suitcase. As expected, her bikini was no longer there.

Wesley rushed from the hotel room. He had an idea where to find Blair. If she was where he expected, he would have no choice but to teach the disobedient woman a lesson.

A couple of minutes later, Wesley saw Blair, Kinsley and Kasie at the beach.

Blair was wearing her light-colored bikini, which made her skin look fairer. She was walking into the rippling ocean with Kinsley.

She was laughing. A laugh he recognized. A laugh that said she was having a wonderful time with Kinsley. A red heat rose within him. He could barely contain his rage as he glared at her back.

He walked to the seaside and called out in a loud yet chilly voice, "Blair!"

Upon hearing his voice, Blair turned around immediately. She hadn't expected him to find her so quickly. Seeing his dark face, Blair gave him a sweet smile and waved at him. "Mr. Li, come and hang out with us."

'Mr. Li?' Wesley scowled. He grew angrier. 'She's making it sound as if we weren't a couple? What the hell is wrong with her?'

Kinsley made things worse. "Mr. Li, come here!" he called out.

Without bothering to take off his T-shirt, Wesley walked into the sea. The water was cold, but such was the rage boiling within him that he barely felt it.

When Blair saw the look in Wesley's eyes, she froze. Her smile faded. 'Holy crap! Wesley is going to teach me a lesson in bed again.'

She wanted to run away, but it was too late. Wesley reached out and dragged her into his arms.

Kinsley, not recognizing the situation, smiled cheekily and said, "Your wife is so pretty."

Growling under his breath, Wesley released Blair. He snatched Kinsley and flung him into an incoming wave.

Water splashed in all directions. The wave washed over Kinsley. He fought to get to the surface, but the roiling water kept him down. Finally, just as it seemed he might drown, he emerged from the water, coughing and sputtering, barely able to stand.

Wesley picked Blair up and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Kasie wanted to stop him, but as she reached out her hand, she saw Wesley's enraged face. She shivered, withdrew her hand and waved at Blair. "Sis, take care." Then she raised her voice and added excitedly, "Kinsley is mine now. Hahaha!"

Mired in despair, Blair tried to keep her emotions hidden. But she could not help her next words. "Kasie, you are no longer my friend."

Upon hearing that, Wesley gave her leg a hard squeeze and spat, "What? This isn't you. You want a threesome? You can't even satisfy me. Don't you remember the time I got tipsy and banged you all night? You tried to run away because you couldn't handle it." He chuckled derisively.

Blair's face was as red as a tomato. She pinched his back hard. "A threesome? You think everyone is as horny as you? Asshole! Put me down. I feel sick."

With Blair on his shoulder, Wesley ignored her for the moment and continued walking along the seaside. He made sure to bounce so she might even feel worse.

Just before Blair thought she was about to vomit, he finally let her down.

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