Take My Breath Away

Chapter 758 - She's Dead

Wesley frowned. So, that was the reason why Megan had called him that day while he was cooking.

"Whoever did that to you, I'm sure it had nothing to do with Blair. She hasn't left my side in the past few days. I'm not going to meddle with your business anymore. Report your case to the police. Let the law help you seek the justice you deserve. I can't do anything about it."

Megan couldn't believe it. "Wesley Li! Did you forget what you and Carlos had promised to my late parents? You had vowed to take care of me for the rest of my life. How can you go back on your word now?"

A cold light flashed in Wesley's eyes as he snapped, "You are lucky that your plan failed and Blair is safe. Or else, I would have personally locked you up in jail. Carlos and I have tried our best to make it up to you and care about you. We can't do anything more than this. Of course, I can't say this on behalf of Carlos, but I, Wesley Li, will never come see you again. I'll stay out of your life, Megan, and you stay out of mine."

Saying so, he took Blair's hand and turned around to leave.

Tears streamed down Megan's face. "Uncle Wesley, please don't leave me alone. I know it was my fault...Please don't go..."

Her cries didn't soften his heart this time. Showing her no mercy, Wesley left her apartment with Blair without any hesitation.

Once they got into the car, Blair asked the man, "Are you upset?"

He squeezed her hand and answered honestly, "No. Just disappointed." Wesley wondered since when Megan had become such a vicious girl. She used to be so innocent and lovely.

Blair nodded. "Now that you know Megan's true colors, what are your thoughts about Debbie? Do you still think she is a bad woman?"

He fell silent.

She didn't press the question. Since he had promised to stay out of Megan's life, she decided to let it go. She didn't want to mention Megan's name anymore. Ever.

Soon after, Debbie got married to Ivan. Blair and Wesley were invited to attend the wedding ceremony in Z Country, but they couldn't go. For one, Wesley wasn't familiar with Ivan, and secondly, he was busy with something else that day.

Blair didn't attend the wedding because Debbie had told her that her marriage to Ivan was fake. But it had to be kept a secret for now.

However, something completely unexpected happened on her wedding day. Debbie was taken away by the police as a suspect for Megan's murder.

Blair was doing some part-time translation work at home when Wesley came to her with the shocking news.

She threw a glance at him and joked, "Dead? Another one of her shows?" She didn't take it seriously.

However, she forgot that Wesley never joked.

"She's dead. It's true," he said again in a serious tone.

Her hands froze on the keyboard. "What? Megan...is really dead?"


Her eyes widened in shock. "How did she die?"

In an instant, a myriad of mixed feelings filled her heart. She hated Megan to the core of her being, but she had never wished for her to die.

"The police have evidence to show that it was Debbie. She had someone **** Megan and then stabbed her a dozen times with a knife," he replied solemnly.

'Debbie?' "How could that be possible?" She shot to her feet and slammed her hand on the desk. "Damn it! She got Debbie into trouble even after her death!" Blair had felt sorry for Megan a minute ago. Now, she was just frustrated and pissed.

"Calm down, Blair. The case is still under investigation. If Debbie didn't do it, the truth would come to light soon."

"I cannot calm down. I'm worried about Debbie. Where is she now? You have to help her, Wesley! I'm sure she didn't do it. Mr. Huo doesn't remember her yet. If you don't help her, I… I won't talk to you anymore!"

Wesley was happy that she didn't mention the word "divorce" again. With a small smile, he said, "I knew you would say something like that. I'll see what I can do."

For Blair's sake, he decided that he would try to offer some help to clear Debbie's name.

On the day of Megan's funeral, only the four most respected men of Y City and their wives had showed up.

Megan didn't have any close friends while she was still alive. All the so-called friends around her were just disreputable associates who had wanted to benefit from her.

By the time Blair and Wesley arrived, Damon, Curtis and the others had left.

The two of them stood silently in front of Megan's gravestone.

Wesley placed a bouquet of flowers on the gravestone and stood still.

Blair asked him, "Are you feeling guilty?"

He understood what she meant. In an affirmative tone, he replied, "No."


"I won't let anyone hurt you, no matter what." If he could go back in time, he would make the same choices all over again.

Blair was the most important person in his life. No one could change his heart.

Blair smiled faintly at Megan's black and white portrait. 'Megan, is this how you wanted things to end for you? Did you ever regret anything you did?'

Despite the hatred she held against Megan, Blair didn't want to say anything disrespectful to the dead. She prayed, 'Rest in peace. I hope that in your next life, you are born as a kind and good person.'

The tombs of Megan's parents were not far away from hers. Wesley walked to their gravestones afterwards. Blair didn't tag along since she had never met Megan's parents. She waited for him outside the cemetery.

Wesley opened a bottle of liquor, squatted down and poured some of it on the ground near the gravesite. "Mr. and Mrs. Lan, I'm here to apologize to you today."

He saw some incense that had just burned out in front of the gravestone. Carlos had come, he reckoned.

He looked at the pictures of Megan's parents and continued to say, "We couldn't educate or protect Megan like we had promised. Forgive us. If you reunite with her in heaven, please show her the right path..."

When Blair saw him walk out of the cemetery with a gloomy face, she felt sorry for him. She didn't know why, but she wanted to comfort him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she said gently, "You can cry on my shoulders if you are feeling sad."

He had taken care of Megan for so many years. It was normal for him to be upset.

He kissed her forehead. "No, I'm not going to cry. It's only natural to have such parting moments in life." He had witnessed too many deaths in his life. Quite a few of his comrades-in-arm had died in the battlefield or during dangerous missions. He had never shed a tear over their deaths. Because he knew very well that the best way to honor them would be to give them a victory, not tears.

At least, in his case, he felt that crying wouldn't solve anything or help vent his sadness.

"Oh, you sound heartless. I bet you won't cry when I die in front of you one day," she joked.

A dash of fear gripped his heart. He couldn't bear to imagine such a scene. Tightening his grip on her, he rebuked, "Don't say such stupid things."

She chuckled. "Let's go home."

"Mm hmm."

The sky was dark with thick clouds. It looked like it would rain very soon. Wesley drove away from the cemetery without sparing the place a second glance.

They returned to their normal life after that. Nobody mentioned Megan again.

Megan owned a few houses, one of which was bought for her by Wesley, and the others were all under Carlos' name. Frankie, Carlos' assistant, had been in charge of Megan's funeral affairs and he was also taking care of her assets. He sold all of her houses, and so, a large sum of money had been transferred to Wesley's account.

He wanted to take Blair to D City, but Carlos invited them for a trip to a seaside resort. For some dramatic reason, the number of people in the tour group had increased to nine in the end.

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