Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1500 - What Is a Girlfriend?

Chapter 1500: What Is a Girlfriend?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

While the men were chatting, the two kids were playing with Dollar and chatting as well.

“You’re already four. How many girlfriends do you have now?” Liz asked while feeding Dollar cake.

Little Peter blinked blankly. “Girlfriend… What’s that?”

“Someone you eat snacks and play with, and go to school with?” said Liz.

Little Peter was even more confused. “All the kids in kindergarten eat and play together, and go to school together.”

Liz frowned and tried to think, before her eyes suddenly lit up. “Right, I heard you have to do this to be considered a girlfriend.”

As she spoke, she wrapped her arms around his head and kissed his forehead.

Stunned for a moment, little Peter touched his forehead. “Aunt and uncle kiss me like that every day. Are they my girlfriends, too?”

Liz was angry. “Your uncle is a boy. How can he be considered a girlfriend?”

Little Peter stared at her dumbly. “Aunt is a girl, so…”

Liz quickly shook her head. “No, aunts don’t count.”

Little Peter was enlightened. “Oh, I see. Miss Misha at kindergarten also kisses me on the forehead often and praises me for being cute.”

“Wait, that doesn’t seem right.” Liz put her hand to her forehead in frustration. After thinking for a moment, her eyes suddenly lit up. She hugged Peter’s head again and kissed him on the mouth. “It only counts if it’s this sort of kiss.”

Little Peter touched his mouth and suddenly said, “Hm, you didn’t lick the cake off your mouth.”

“Pfft!” Selina, who was watching quietly, couldn’t help but laugh. Little Peter, oh, little Peter, I didn’t expect you to be like this! You have a bright future ahead of you; you already know how to trick girls.

By the time Luke turned to look, Liz had already pulled little Peter into the kitchen, and she said, “Mom, does a girlfriend kiss her boyfriend like this?”

Then, May and Doris exclaimed in surprise.

“Hey, kids, what are you doing?” It was May, but Luke could hear faint delight in her voice, as if she was thinking, “My kid has finally grown up.”

Liz’s mother, Doris, was both angry and amused. “Liz, what did you learn in kindergarten? Don’t teach Peter random things. He’s younger than you.”

Liz said earnestly, “He doesn’t know what a girlfriend is. I was just explaining it to him.”

The two women: “…”

Luke: “…”

Selina had already buried her head in the arm of the couch and was laughing non-stop.

Luke glanced at Adrian, who was busy chatting with Uncle Ben, and decided not to tell him the “good news.”

Hm, it didn’t seem like a bad thing for the two families to become one? The extremely unreasonable thought flashed through Luke’s mind.

A moment later, the two kids came out of the kitchen.

Little Peter was still at a loss. He had no idea what had just happened.

It was mainly because Liz’s mother had scolded her, but she had only said a few words.

Liz was only five, and Peter was four. It was impossible to figure out if they were playing around or being serious.

The crux was that Liz had taken the initiative, and little Peter had a dazed expression on his face. What could Doris say?

This interlude didn’t affect the atmosphere of the party. Everyone was in a good mood.

It couldn’t be any better to have a party like this before Christmas.

Adrian had survived the crisis and hadn’t dragged his old fellows down with him; everyone would still have a stable source of income.

Uncle Ben was more confident than ever in the future of the renovation company.

He didn’t know about Luke selling him original stock; he was just happy for the hardworking staff in the company.

Foggy was also happy.

Luke had privately told him that out of the direct dividends from the renovation company’s profits this year, the big boss’s portion would go into a legal aid fund for the Clinton community, to be used by Foggy’s firm.

Of course, this money wasn’t for Foggy and Matt, but for those who needed help.

Previously, Foggy had used the 50,000 dollars which the law firm got monthly to help out, which was equivalent to him using his own money to help those in dire straits.

With this extra sponsorship, he could finally treat himself better. At the very least, he would have money to buy his girlfriend a gift for Christmas.

The party wound down at half past eight, and everybody said goodbye.

Since Foggy knew he would be drinking, he had hitched a ride with Uncle Ben when the latter got off work, and he now bummed a ride home off Luke.

Doris drove Adrian home.

Looking at the snow on the balconies in the dark, Foggy sighed contentedly. “It’s going to be Christmas soon. I need a good break.”

Luke thought for a moment before he said, “Do you want me to give you a contact so that you can go to Rio for some fun? A two-person trip will only cost you a third of the travel agency’s price.”

Foggy was silent for a moment. “Are you in fact some super tycoon, and being a detective is just a small hobby for you? Does your family run a bunch of five-star hotels, and you wake up every morning on a bed 50 meters wide?”

Luke and Selina rolled their eyes.

Selina couldn’t help but ask, “How can the building we live in be 50 meters wide?”

Foggy smiled as well.

After joking around, he thought for a moment before he nodded. “Alright; I’ll see if Marci has time off. Hm, this discount doesn’t have to be for Christmas, right?”

Luke was amused. “You can go whenever you like. It’s valid for the long run. However, the most I can offer you is a three-star hotel, since I really don’t know anyone who has a five-star hotel.”

Foggy: “…So, are you implying that you have a three-star hotel in Brazil?”

Luke said, “I’m not interested enough to open my own hotel.”

Luke had to keep the fact that he was rich a secret from other people, but not with Foggy.

Firstly, this guy was much smarter than Charlie and the others. Secondly, even though Foggy knew Luke was rich, he didn’t try to get close to him for benefits.

He had passed Luke’s test.

After sending Foggy back, Luke and Selina went home.

100 meters away, Luke suddenly stopped and looked at the main entrance of an old five-story building.

Different from most apartment buildings which only had one dim yellow light, this old building had two very bright lamps at the entrance. The area 20 meters around it was very brightly lit, and there were many people walking back and forth in the wide space inside.

Selina asked, “What’s wrong?”

Luke said, “I want to see how the relief shelter is doing.”

Selina unbuckled her seatbelt and got out. “Then let’s take a look. Since we were the ones who shelled out the money, we indeed should see the results.”

A moment later, they walked in.

Two middle-aged women at the door immediately smiled. “Luke, Selina, you’re still out so late?”

“Are the two of you… Hehehe!”

Luke and Selina laughed and chatted with the women.

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