Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1499 - Gathering and Finalizing the Contract

Chapter 1499: Gathering and Finalizing the Contract

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Both Luke and Foggy were trying to help Adrian out of his predicament.

Foggy had just explained the legal clauses professionally and hadn’t talked things up. He had tried to make things easy for Adrian to understand.

How could Adrian act up in return?

After hesitating for a moment, he could only nod. “Alright, they are in fact related. It’s not a big problem to train up electricians. My fellows and I can do it.”

If he couldn’t do it on his own, they could all do it together!He thought to himself, I’m not the only one in this company. I can’t be the only one to train up electricians.

The other people in the bar were still talking loudly, and had no idea that their comrade was already pulling them down with him.

Walking out of the bar, Luke mumbled to himself, Sorry, but a ‘wild’ electrical engineer like you is too dangerous.

Traditionally, supervillains had two high-risk professions: The first was scientists, most of whom had doctorates. The second was electrical or gas engineers, most of whom were like Adrian.

Scientists obsessed with research and eventually turning into supervillains were a classic case.

It also wasn’t uncommon for electrical engineers in dire straits to turn into supervillains after their mentality crumbled.

As long as a person had education and knowledge, they would be outstanding at doing bad things.

Luke felt that it was best not to give Adrian and his fellows such a chance.

To be a middle-class worker with a loving wife and daughter was pretty good.

Things progressed much faster than Luke expected.

The third day after Luke met Adrian, Uncle Ben called and invited Luke and Selina over to his place for dinner. He said that Peter had been talking about them for a long time.

Adrian’s family and Foggy were also invited.

It was six in the evening, slightly earlier than usual for dinner.

So, this was actually a meeting between the top management of the renovation and freight companies, and the men had time to chat

Snow had already started falling earlier in the day.

By the time everybody gathered at Uncle Ben’s house that night, the tops of many trees were already white.

The men gathered in the living room. After May brought over slices of a walnut and date cake for them, she went to the kitchen with Adrian’s wife, Doris.

Selina knew herself well and didn’t cause trouble in the kitchen. She sat on the side and ate the cake, secretly feeding Gold Nugget some every now and then.

Little Peter and Adrian’s daughter, Liz, were having fun.

After discovering Gold Nugget, however, they couldn’t pull their attention away.

Except for accepting cake from Selina, Gold Nugget left everything else to Dollar’s control.

When it came to playing with kids, especially when there were so many outsiders around, Dollar was better at it.

Gold Nugget would rather take out its tablet and watch TV.

Thankfully, Selina was very considerate. She played a soap opera on low volume on the tablet.

It was a little different from Gold Nugget’s regular TV drama, but there were two kids next to it, and it was impossible to watch anything with blood flying everywhere or bodies moving together.

It could only watch this show with Selina. In any case, it was a funny enough comedy.

The men drank beer and Luke drank coffee on his own.

It was mainly because he wanted to eat May’s walnut and date cake, which went better with coffee than beer.

Uncle Ben approved.

It was good that Luke, as a police officer, didn’t drink.

Besides, if Luke and Selina hadn’t stepped out, he would be the only one eating the cake that May had specially made.

Little Peter? That guy was only four years old. He wouldn’t be able to eat much even if he stuffed himself to death.

Foggy was as calm as ever. Luke indeed rarely drank.

It was only Adrian who found it odd. So, he had listened to a 19-year-old and moved to New York, and the now 20-year-old was helping him out?

But the awkwardness only lasted for a moment.

The friendly and calm Uncle Ben and the young and capable Foggy were close to Luke, but didn’t treat him like a kid. Rather, they followed his lead.

In just a few words, the investment contract was officially finalized.

Adrian and his fellows would hang onto 15% of the company’s shares. Apart from Adrian, the others would take back whatever they had invested.

Adrian would take 10% of the shares, and the other seven people would share the other 5%.

From tonight onward, the big boss of the freight company would be an investment company known as “The Angel of Clinton.”

Adrian could still be considered a shareholder with some influence, while his fellows’ shares… were better than nothing.

Fortunately, they had gotten rid of the loans and taken back their savings. The shares were an unexpected bonus.

Luke had his own plans for making such a generous offer.

He had investigated Adrian and his crew in the last two days. They were a bunch of extremely skilled engineers.

When he found out, he hadn’t been able to help but complain, “Why did he come here to be the boss of a freight company?!”

He was giving them this treatment because he didn’t want them to leave New York and run back to Los Angeles.

After the freight company settled under the renovation company, he could hire this bunch of lively and vigorous engineers for some other business.

Smart homes, for example, weren’t a bad idea. They could take over part of the regular processing work which Ivan did.

Luke wanted to establish a separate and relatively complete manufacturing system for himself.

In addition, Uncle Ben would also get 10% of the shares in the freight company as well as 20% of the shares in the renovation company.

As a personal reward to Uncle Ben, these shares were original issue stock.

Uncle Ben could put this money into “The Angel of Clinton” investment company in installments.

Of course, only Luke and Foggy knew about this reward, and didn’t say anything about it at that moment.

Otherwise, Adrian might not feel good about it.

He had to sell his company, while the other party was promoted and got a pay rise and shares; this sense of disparity wouldn’t be good for their relationship as future colleagues.

After that, everybody chatted about New York.

Adrian also said that he was thinking about moving, and didn’t want to live in Manhattan or a crowded area anymore.

His reasoning was very emphatic: These areas were the most dangerous.

The three major New York districts had been affected in the subway explosions case.

In the attack by the test subjects, Manhattan had been affected once more.

The space portal which opened in New York had been located in Manhattan.

There was no way to refute Adrian’s reasoning.

Even May had rejoiced that their place was a little further out and thus hadn’t been affected.

Luke nodded in agreement.

It was fine to work in the three major districts, but it was best to live further away.

Adrian could choose a place in Nassau County.

The environment was beautiful and there weren’t many people.

In any case, they had to rely on cars to get everywhere, and it was just another extra ten to 20 minutes of travel time.

The headquarters for the renovation and freight companies would also be in Queens on Nassau County’s side.

Most of the employees of the two companies would have to head out for work. It wasn’t a problem for the headquarters to be a little further away, and the rent suited them better.

It just so happened that Luke’s tech base was in Nassau County.

If Adrian lived nearby, it would be convenient for him to go to work in the future.

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