Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1491 - Space Level-Up, Prison and Machine Room

Chapter 1491: Space Level-Up, Prison and Machine Room

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Last night’s harvest was bound to make up the bulk of the harvest operation this time.

A large number of important cartel nests were in the north and in the center. They had now basically been wiped out, leaving only a few nests in the south.

Also, the remaining cartel bigshots would be on high alert from now on. It wouldn’t be easy to wipe them out all at once.

Only five major leaders had been found in the eight cartel nests last night. Three hadn’t been in the nests, and even more of the minor leaders had also been absent.

That was inevitable. The targets wouldn’t always move the way Luke wanted them to.

It was impossible for all the key gang figures to gather together as if for a meeting.

But even if they were lucky enough to avoid it this time, it would be their heads next time.

For the sake of experience and credit points, Luke wouldn’t forget the three remaining bigshots.

Also, killing them would cause the least trouble.

These bigshots were backed by certain American departments which didn’t dare make the fact public.

The destruction of Mexican cartels wouldn’t cause a large outcry.

American police officers and agents didn’t have the right to ask the Mexican public to work with them to “enforce the law.”

The day passed quickly, and the clones moved again at night.

Three cartel nests and 15 medium and large nests were wiped out.

Luke caught the three cartel bigshots this time and disposed of them.

However, he earned less than half of the experience and credit points from last night.

Two of the three bigshots hadn’t been in the nests, but had been secretly hiding on rural farms, and didn’t have many men with them.

Unfortunately for them, Luke had already set up surveillance cameras to track their movements.

The farms were bases for growing weed, and were in fact part of Luke’s cleanup operation.

It was just that the weed couldn’t run away, so they were just small targets that would have been dealt with at a later stage.

After two days, Luke learned that the harvest this time was about 80%.

The deaths of the bigshots made the rest understand that no matter how many underlings they had, they wouldn’t be able to withstand these inexplicable raids.

The best way to survive was to hide in a place that nobody knew.

The Level 2 clone didn’t waste any more time. After that night’s cleanup, it returned to America.

Flying over the Gulf of Mexico, the clone stopped every now and then.

Luke had tidied up at most of the scenes. He left behind no more than a quarter of the bodies in the nests.

So, on the surface, over only 20 twenty places in Mexico had been hit in two days, and only ten to 20 people had died in each location.

Large-scale gunfights between major cartels would also result in casualties, which made it even harder for certain people on the American side to intervene.

Luke wasn’t scared of them, but it would be disgusting if he had to promote himself as a villain to deal with these drug dealers.

He had caused a lot of these drug dealers to go missing, and he couldn’t be sloppy with wrapping things up.

A huge pile of the illegal drugs he had seized was chucked into the Gulf of Mexico, and even more “organic waste” sank to the bottom of the ocean in batches to feed the fish and shrimp.

Just like that, his clone went around Florida and then headed north to New York.

A dozen leaders and a dozen important members in charge of intelligence and accounts had been stuffed into Space 2.

By the time his clone returned, Luke was already extracting information from these people.

There were too many people this time, and it took Luke two days to collect all the intelligence before he took the last of these experience and credit points.

The main gains from this fruitful operation were now all accounted for.

In the system, the host’s level was 23.

Strength: 30 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20)

Dexterity: 13 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20)

Mental Strength 11 (Level 1 Star of Justice +10, Level 2 Star of Justice +20)

Extra stat points: 7

Host’s experience: 4,765,000 / 7,000,000

Credit: 11,622,000

A lot of illegal drugs and some weed plantations had been destroyed in the two-day operation. Including the ruthless cartel members, he had earned about 6.4 million points.

This huge harvest had helped him level up again.

From now on, he would allocate the stat points to Mental Strength, which would greatly reduce the pressure of the triple-mode operation.

As for the huge amount of credit points he had just earned, Luke invested them in his inventory.

His eight-digit credit figure was instantly reduced to seven digits.

However, the remaining 1.6 million was enough, and Luke’s heart didn’t ache over it.

He had stuffed too much of the Chitauri equipment into his inventory, many of which contained unknown risks.

Luke didn’t want them to turn into safety hazards as he studied them in more detail in his inventory.

Thus, his inventory had become rather cramped lately.

The upgrade this time was like rain after a drought. The volume of the space changed from one million cubic meters to one cubic kilometer, and the space became vast once more.

Space 2 still took up one thousandth of the inventory space, but had expanded from a thousand cubic meters to a million cubic meters.

Space 2 had been upgraded twice, and Black Sky Elektra, Angel and some scumbags had been used to complete some basic tests.

Living creatures, including human beings, could survive in this space.

As long as enough oxygen was injected regularly, it was a qualified prison cell — now, it could now be called an entire prison in itself.

He didn’t have that many people to lock up. Most scumbags would be gone in half a day at most.

Unless it was like this time, where dozens of people were caught in one go, the space only had one “resident” – Black Sky, Elektra.

In Space 1, however, which made up the bulk of the inventory, time stood still.

The medical program, Osiris, didn’t work when it was put in Space 1.

Time flowed as usual in Space 2, so it would be turned into Luke’s exclusive machine room.

He could adjust the shape of Space 2, and it wouldn’t be hard to seal off the machine room so that he didn’t have to worry about Elektra destroying it.

This inventory upgrade was worth this trip to Mexico.

However, there would no longer be this sort of “large-scale experience instance” in Mexico for the time being.

He might not necessarily have the chance to carry out an operation like this – half a month spent on gathering intelligence followed by a two-day operation to harvest millions of experience and credit points – again for the next few years.

The new cartel generation wouldn’t be so stupid next time; another cleanup operation might take months.

Luke didn’t really care.

After he was done in Mexico, he could still go south.

The countries in the south also had a lot of experience and credit points. The harvest from individual gangs might be lower, but there were a thousand times more targets.

Even now, his Level 1 clone was still searching for the last two cartel bigshots on his list.

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