Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1490 - Mexican Harvest

Chapter 1490: Mexican Harvest

The Level 2 clone didn’t waste any more time. It went straight to Mexico to meet up with the Level 1 clone.

The conversation with Dr. Pym hadn’t been pleasant. The old man didn’t have a good temper, and he clearly wasn’t interested in “Santa Claus.”

He didn’t believe in such a good thing at all. He just wanted Luke to leave as soon as possible.

Luke also knew that the man’s requests were nonsense.

Pym Technologies was already the “food” of certain “official” organizations. How could they spit it out and give it back to Dr. Pym?

It was precisely because the other party found Dr. Pym a hindrance that they had gotten his protege to kick him out of the game.

As for retrieving the information and destroying all backup copies, that was even more unbelievable.

If Luke did that, he would be no different from a terrorist, and Daddy System might deduct his credit points.

Luke could only leave his contact details.

Haste made waste.

Dr. Pym, who had been betrayed by his daughter and his protege, was unwilling to trust anyone now. Luke felt that he had to wait a little longer.

Force Dr. Pym to bet with him? The other party would simply look at him like he was crazy.

Beat up Dr. Pym? How was that any different from robbery?

In the system, the old man was a dark green; he was a philanthropist who had definitely saved a lot of people.

If Luke beat him up in order to steal his skills, he would be no different from a villain.

Even the tycoon had lost to Luke only because he had willingly made a bet with him. How was that Luke’s fault?

Luke wasn’t rotten enough to beat up a good person to obtain their abilities.

Besides, he already had enough technology, and there was still a lot of alien technology that he needed to study.

As for the Pym Particle, he could take his time.

He had always been a patient person.

In any case, Jenny’s private investment company had reached an agreement with Pym Technologies a few days ago to provide a loan of 50 million dollars.

This amount was just what Darren and Hope had expected.

Darren felt that it was small, but not too small.

Hope thought it was a lot, but Darren couldn’t instantly do much with it.

What Dr. Pym’s plans were now was none of Luke’s concern.

At this point, Luke needed to devote more time to Mexico.

After 20 days, the Level 1 clone had obtained enough information.

It was troublesome that there were no surveillance cameras in Mexico, but that also meant that the country had almost no defenses against Luke.

He didn’t have to be as careful as in America. In any case, no one would be able to detect him.

This time, he came prepared, and advanced methodically.

He used inducers, Basic Hypnosis and Mental Communication on men, and Elementary Pheromone Control on women.

For a period of time, Luke didn’t kill anyone. While he obtained intelligence, he also did his best to avoid alerting the enemy.

After everything was in place, it was finally time for the harvest.

The two clones would attack their respective targets at the same time to ensure the fullest possible cleanup so that the cartel bigshots had nowhere to hide.

Not only that, Luke even took out two small-scale remote control terminals and 20 standard black robots from his inventory.

These robots would be sent out to hide in fixed locations. After the two clones cleaned up one nest, they could immediately control the robots to clean up other large nests hundreds of kilometers away.

The robots could carry plenty of weapons and ammo, and coupled with the soft protective layer over vulnerable, external components, they were no worse than the clones at dealing with drug dealers.

After a day of final preparations, Luke returned to his room early and lay down on the bed, so that his triple-mode operation could be cut down to mostly dual-mode.

Mexican Harvest, action!

And just like the name which Luke had specially given to this operation, the points he amassed were indeed a bumper harvest.

Two major cartel nests were filled with experience and credit points.

The people inside either manufactured and trafficked illegal drugs or killed countless people in the process; even the mildest offenders sold drugs in bulk.

Except for some women who were treated like servants or playthings, the nest was full of heinous scum.

The V suit and Big Dipper Armor, which had been upgraded several times, had nothing to fear from these drug dealers’ weapons at all.

As long as Luke wasn’t stupid enough to stand around and let the RPGs bombard him, no amount of drug dealers could break through his defenses.

In Mexico, his two least scrupulous aliases turned invisible and weren’t stingy in using their various abilities.

They didn’t even need their guns. They simply stole the enemy’s machine guns and grenades to use against them.

With prior knowledge of the manpower and layout of the two major cartel nests, the clones took everything down in less than 20 minutes.

Luke took the stash of cash and drugs and left.

Only a hundred innocent, terrified women were left in the two nests.

After Luke’s clones left, the women suddenly realized that the legendary cartel leaders, who were even more powerful than the Mexican president, along with their right-hand men and elite fighters… were all dead?

Trembling with fear, they gathered together and examined the nests.

Although there were fewer bodies than they remembered, there really weren’t any survivors.

Many people wanted to flee immediately, but the smarter women seized the opportunity to loot the nests.

Putting everything aside, the expensive gold watches and accessories on some of the leaders were worth thousands of dollars.

There were also a lot of expensive trinkets and cash in the nest.

Luke wasn’t interested in these things, which were troublesome to carry around and gaudy.

The women didn’t mind, however; the cash in the two nests alone amounted to more than two million dollars.

Luke hadn’t bothered to take the Mexican pesos.

These could be considered compensation for the women for the mental damage they had suffered tonight and for losing their jobs.

It wasn’t likely that the other members of the cartel would come looking for the women.

Outsiders might overlook the core members of these groups, but insiders wouldn’t.

They were all on Luke’s cleanup list. If they dared to show up, they would just be sending points to Luke’s door.

The two clones didn’t go far. They lingered outside the nest for another 20 minutes, and manipulated the robots hundreds of kilometers away into eliminating four large nests; only after that did they leave.

For the next ten hours, Luke’s two clones cleaned up and controlled the robots before moving on to the next target, until five in the morning the next day.

In one night, eight large cartel nests were destroyed, along with eleven other large nests which were taken down by the remote control robots.

After a busy day, the two clones checked into a five-star hotel in Mexico City in the morning. After a short break, they began to make arrangements for the operation the next night..

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