Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1488 - Damaged Toy, and Anti-fire, Anti-theft, Anti-tycoon

Chapter 1488: Damaged Toy, and Anti-fire, Anti-theft, Anti-tycoon

Luke explained, “You can adjust the chair however you want. It can recline completely or be used in a regular sitting position. Hm, if this position is comfortable, we’ll leave it for the time being.”

Selina swallowed what she was going to say, and just gave him a meaningful look to hurry up.

“Don’t move,” Luke instructed before he ordered, “Mental link, activate.”

A semi-transparent cover rolled over Selina’s head and covered most of it before shrinking so that it was touching her head.

Luke then continued, “It’s best to close your eyes during the adaptation period; you’ll be able to focus better.”

Selina closed her eyes obediently. Her face then suddenly filled with surprise, before she suddenly opened her eyes again. “What’s going on? Why do I feel like… I’m suddenly somewhere else?”

Luke said, “Calm down. Go slow first. I don’t want to have to rebuild this place.”

Selina closed her eyes again. Then, as if waking up, Black Cat No. 1’s eyes glowed with a green light.

It turned its head left and right jerkily, then raised its arms and lowered its head to examine itself. Then, it raised its legs and moved them a few times.

Its movements weren’t as smooth as those of a real person, but most people wouldn’t notice at first glance.

Luke said, “Alright, take a couple of steps forward.”

Black Cat No. 1 immediately took a few steps forward. The first few steps were a little awkward, but eventually smoothened out.

Luke said, “Head for the training room.”

Black Cat No. 1 immediately turned around and walked to the training room.

By the time Luke went over, Black Cat No. 1 was already running and jumping around the training room.

The underground training room had been specially modified and could withstand a lot of force; otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to withstand their daily tests.

The walls also contained soundproofing, shock absorbers and anti-detection layers to ensure that none of the activity here would leak out.

Except for the fact that the room was a little small, everything else about it was good.

Black Cat No. 1 first ran circles over the floor. Less than 30 seconds later, it was bouncing off the walls.

20 seconds after that, it was even able to crawl up to the ceiling and move around quickly.

“Haha, this is fun,” it suddenly said.

The moment it said that, it froze and fell from the ceiling.

It flipped nimbly in the air and landed in a crouch. “What’s with the voice? It doesn’t sound nice.”

Luke had anticipated this. “This is the default electronic voice. If you don’t like it, you can change it yourself.”

After a brief silence, Black Cat No. 1 asked again, “How about this?”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a little too mature?”

It was a hoarse and low female voice, which sounded like a movie witch or demon.

Pleased, Black Cat No. 1 nodded. “I like this. It matches Batman’s voice.”

“Fine, as long as you like it.” Luke didn’t care. “How does it feel?”

Black Cat No. 1 stood up and nodded. “No problem. It’s similar to operating a suit, and it’s a little faster than I am.”

Luke said, “Of course. It’s just a machine; it’ll keep running as long as its parts can take it. If you like, you can even do 200 air splits.”

Hearing that, Black Cat No. 1 immediately jumped lightly and kicked out with both legs in the air, like a ballerina. “It really is easy.”

As it spoke, it immediately started to twist and stretch.

Luke said, “Pay attention to warnings about damage. It still has a limit…”


Black Cat No. 1 turned 300 degrees on the spot as a crisp sound rang out.

Its green cat eyes met Luke’s. “Hm, I think… it’s broken.”

Luke didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Then you won’t be able to test it today. Wait until it’s fixed tomorrow. Get up first.”

Black Cat No. 1’s eyes turned dark, and the hood of the chair was raised. Selina opened her eyes and sat up, her face full of regret. “I shouldn’t have played so hard.”

Luke walked out of the training room. “There will definitely be damage during an experiment. Better for it to be damaged now than for a problem to suddenly appear in battle.”

Selina was still a little depressed. “But I was only able to play with it for ten minutes.”

Luke rubbed her head with a smile. “It’ll just be for a few days. I only just finalized the Black Cat No. 1 model. I’ll make a few more for you to test later. You can switch them out when they’re damaged.”

Selina slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch my head like that! I’m not Gold Nugget.”

Luke chuckled and stopped.

Selina looked regretfully at Black Cat No. 1 as the robotic arms moved it. It was still standing on its left leg, with its right leg stretched out behind it at 45 degrees. “I thought it would be able to take it.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Consider the limits of the joints. If you turn it 360 degrees… Hm, maybe we can create an experimental model for that?”

Selina’s interest was instantly piqued. “That’s a good idea. In any case, it’s a robot. It’s fine to make a special model as backup.”

Luke nodded. “If you want, I can turn it into an octopus. It might be more agile.”

Selina: “…Rejected!”

This Black Cat No. 1 was naturally a toy which Luke had invented using the Chitauri’s remote control system.

The technology he had obtained was relatively complete. He wasn’t aiming for worldwide coverage, nor did he use the top-notch control terminal of the Chitauri battleship.

Black Cat No. 1’s range of control was about 500 kilometers.

When he perfected the control terminal in the future, it might be possible to cover one to two thousand kilometers.

Although the robot wasn’t as strong as Luke and Selina, it could still be used in many ways.

What was even more interesting was that the remote control technology was divided into two parts.

One part was the structure of the mechanical body, and the other part involved the transmission and control of mental signals.

In other words, while its body was made of machine parts, it was controlled with mental signals.

Each body had something that was like a unique mental encryption, similar to how each person had unique DNA, and this ensured that the mechanical body couldn’t be accessed by anyone else.

The signals used by this remote control system were completely different from what Earth’s technology had. Naturally, all kinds of interference and hacks on Earth were ineffective against them.

The advantage here was that Luke didn’t have to worry about Tony hacking into Black Cat No. 1 and monitoring Selina’s every move.

That was how confident Luke was in the tycoon’s nature to snoop.

As long as there was a chance, this guy wouldn’t mind hacking into Batman’s database.

It was for this reason that Luke had split the database between several different A. I. programs and completely erased any overlapping information.

In the future, even if Tony really hacked into Little Snail or Alfred’s database, he wouldn’t be able to discover the connection between them.

Anti-fire, anti-theft, anti-tycoon – that had always been Luke’s basic policy.

The tycoon was such a tsundere. If he found out that Luke was acting out a bunch of identities, falling out with Luke would be considered letting him off easy..

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