Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487: Big Trap and New Toy

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Compared with Darren and Hope, these two “second generation” figures, Dr. Hank Pym, the “first generation” founder of Pym Technologies, was undoubtedly the one who knew all its secrets!

Luke felt that it was better to find the doctor and see what he thought.

If possible, he didn’t mind becoming Santa Claus for this old man.

It just so happened that Christmas was coming.

His previous investigation of Pym Technologies had only been at a normal level, and he hadn’t gone too deep.

After observing Darren in the afternoon, Luke confirmed that the man wasn’t stupid. He knew that the Pym Particle was very valuable.

He had asked for a loan just to kickstart the profits that would come in from the Pym Particle; it wasn’t like Pym Technologies would go bankrupt without the funding.

After a focused investigation, Luke discovered that after Darren kicked out Hank Pym and seized control of the company, he had secretly used his private funds to obtain a lot of shares in Pym Technologies.

On the surface, Darren only had 15.3% of the shares, but he had at least 26% in private. He really did control Pym Technologies.

But as Luke investigated further, it became clear that the shares which Darren had privately obtained might not belong to him.

It was very likely that Darren had been a key “insider” who kicked out Dr. Pym and seized control of the manufacturing technology of the Pym Particle in exchange for his current position.

It had to have been a long-term process as Darren and the person behind the scenes plotted to take control of the company’s interests and rights – this was very normal for big companies.

A CEO like Jenny, who had nothing to worry about, was rare in the world.

After screwing Dr. Pym over, Darren had battled the major shareholders, Hope and other people behind the scenes, and had managed to keep his CEO position.

So, he definitely wasn’t a puppet that listened to orders, but was an expert at politics.

Regretfully, this guy was a neutral yellow in the system interface.

The system judged good and evil based on whether or not lives were involved.

People who used business tactics to screw others over clearly weren’t within its scope of consideration.

Also, obtaining the Pym Particle technology purely through business means wasn’t likely.

Luke didn’t even need to examine the clues revealed by the company’s shareholders; the familiar fingerprints of the American government were all over it.

With these people around, it was impossible to sell the Pym Particle technology to unknown entities. The American government would use various means to ensure that it stayed in their own backyard.

Luke didn’t want Titanium Phone Company to be implicated in this rotten mess.

A few months ago, certain government departments had privately requested that Jenny install back doors in her Titanium phones, F2F, and Messenger.

Jenny hadn’t said anything either way; this was the countermeasure she and Luke had discussed.

They had to stall until the time was right for the companies to “accidentally” lose part of their codes.

Jenny and the three companies would have no idea who took these “lost” codes or who installed back doors to steal them.

Luke would be the only one to know, and he would be the one to ensure that the “lost” codes wouldn’t pose a threat to the companies.

He understood how governments worked from his previous life.

When it came to maintaining their rule, they never cared about morality.

Resistance was futile. This was the unspoken rule of the ruling class.

Now that Jenny had reached this level, she couldn’t break the rules.

Even Luke could only do his best to keep Jenny and her businesses out of it, using these “missing” codes as a smokescreen.

If she got involved in the muddy waters that was Pym Technologies at this time, she would be easily screwed over by the government.

It was also for this reason that Pym Technologies was confident in borrowing money without offering anything in return.

Even if Jenny didn’t take out the money, someone else would sooner or later; everything depended on the game that was being played behind the scenes.

Although his clone wouldn’t be returning to New York for the time being, Luke didn’t forget to earn points.

Luke rarely visited San Francisco.

Of course, the gangsters here had never felt the “care” of the Ghost Butcher, Batman, and Black Cat before.

They had taken root and sprouted in one of the biggest cities in the United States, and were so well-established that they weren’t on guard at all.

Luke had been harvesting points in secret recently, and was very pleased with this new field that had yet to be plowed.

This time, he would find the right balance between the least amount of movement and the biggest harvest, to ensure no needless waste.

The days passed peacefully.

Misty had finally adjusted after five days.

During this time, she was lucky enough to run into Steve again, who guided her for an hour.

Steve taught her a way to adjust her mindset with training to prevent her from falling into depression.

It could be said that Misty had picked up a good thing, and she silently accepted being able to get off work at half past three every day.

Selina then returned after her vacation.

Now that Misty had recovered, she applied to Walter for a new partner.

At work the next day, Selina and Misty greeted each other, and Selina gave her some cupcakes.

After Misty urged her new partner to go out and investigate a case in high spirits, Selina asked curiously, “She looks pretty good. What happened?”

Luke said, “I introduced her to a very good teacher for free. How could she not be happy?”

Selina was surprised. “Who?”

Luke blinked. “A handsome guy named Steve. He’s very good at combat.”

Selina had a strange expression on her face. She looked at him for a moment and then got it. “Hm, she’s quite lucky then.”

If it was that “Steve,” it really wasn’t good to talk about it here.

After distributing the cupcakes to those on duty in the police department, they left the rest to Connie as usual.

Luke had already let Misty take the previous case.

He wasn’t interested in fighting for cases.

When they got home in the afternoon, Luke took Selina to the basement.

This was his territory. Although Selina could come and go as she pleased, she barely spent time here except when she was suited up.

After all, she wasn’t interested in modification work, and Luke always got very engrossed whenever he came down here. Apart from testing equipment, there was nothing else for her to do here; she might as well go train and study.

After they entered, Luke ordered, “Show me Black Cat No. 1.”

Selina perked up at the name. This was clearly a toy for her.

A cabinet not far away opened to reveal the equipment inside.

Selina quickly stepped forward and examined it carefully.

After a few glances, she turned around in confusion. “It’s not a suit?”

Luke had already walked over to something which looked like a massage chair. “Come, sit down and try it.”

Selina immediately went over and sat down.. The chair reclined halfway, and she felt very relaxed.

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