Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 431 - Chapter 431: The dead man at work (1)

Chapter 431: The dead man at work (1)

Translator: 549690339

“Is there something?”

Lu Xin was slightly taken aback, but he quickly pulled himself together. He lifted the doll’s face up from his lap and slowly sat up.

However, just as he got up, he saw that doll was already sitting up straight with a satisfied smile on his face.

It turned out that she had already woken up just now, but she was lying on his lap and did not open her eyes.

Lu Xin shook his head and walked out of the room. Under the guidance of the service staff, they came to a room on the left side of the small villa. There was an old-fashioned copper telephone in the room. The receiver had already been taken down and placed aside. The place where doll lived was overgrown with trees and was in a remote area. The signal was poor so communication was usually done through this landline.

Lu Xin picked up his phone.

“Shan Bing, how are you getting along with doll?”

Chen Jing’s voice was still calm and powerful from the microphone.

Lu Xin answered honestly. After all, accompanying the doll was part of the mission, “”lt was pretty good. We slept together for a while.”


Chen Jing was obviously a little surprised.

“On the sofa, on the sofa …

I’m just tired from reading some documents, ” Lu Xin explained. I’m taking a nap.

Chen Jing let out a sigh of relief and continued, “there was a problem with the investigation team that collected the basic data of Happy Town.”


Lu Xin nodded in agreement and listened to Chen Jing’s story.

“The news came half an hour ago.”

Chen Jing sped up her speech and said, “”After you handed in the preliminary information about Happy Town, a team of seven was sent to Green Harbor, and they built an observation station five miles away from the edge of Happy town’s radiation zone.”

it’s to prevent any sudden changes in the restricted area, and to record the changes in the radiation in the restricted area.

we’ve always been very cautious about this kind of observation station in the S-Class polluted area. In addition to a series of abnormal warning devices, the staff of this observation station will also contact the special Investigation Department every three hours to avoid any problems that they don’t know about.

“That’s where the problem lies.”

the first step of the investigation team we sent out this time is to contact the staff at this observation station. Then, we’ll make that observation station the main observation Center and set up a few observation points to collect the basic data of Happy Town.

however, when the people we sent out today arrived at the observation point, they discovered a serious problem.

Hearing this, Lu Xin’s curiosity was piqued, “”What’s the problem?”

At this time, doll had been standing behind Lu Xin and listening to the conversation between Lu Xin and Chen Jing. She noticed the change in Lu Xin’s expression and her expression became slightly curious. She looked at the phone again and seemed to be deep in thought. Suddenly, she turned around and walked upstairs. Since this was her home, Lu Xin didn’t notice her actions and changes.

the staff in the observation point.

Chen Jing paused for a moment and said,”. ‘ He’s already dead.”


Lu Xin was surprised. “What do you mean?”

“Simply put, it’s …”

Chen Jing tried her best to explain,”an hour ago, the observation point had contacted the headquarters of the special Investigation Department, and everything was normal.” Half an hour before the information collection team rushed to the observation point, they also contacted them and received news that everything was normal. They were waiting for their preparations.

However, when the collection team was rushing to the observation point, they found …

She paused for a moment and said, ” the observation point’s work is as usual. All the staff are there. They are handling their work in an orderly manner. They are even ready to welcome the information collection team. The only problem is …

“They’re already dead,” she said softly after a pause.

their bodies are covered in livor mortis, their hearts have stopped beating, and some of them have even rotted …

but they didn’t notice it at all. They were still working hard.

. Then this …. Lu Xin suddenly realized something was wrong.

Chen Jing nodded and said, this means that all this time, the people who have been in regular contact with us are basically dead people.

the last time we had contact with this Observatory was three weeks ago. This incident means that we have no idea when something happened to the observatory in the past 20 days, and .

“What’s the problem?”

Lu Xin thought about this carefully and was surprised. “This is a little strange

Chen Jing sighed helplessly after hearing Lu Xin’s words.

She really wanted to say that it was more than just strange, but she was already used to Lu Xin’s slow reaction.

Lu Xin didn’t notice anything amiss. He frowned and asked, “Are there any other abnormalities at the observatory? ‘

“There are.”

for example, “Chen Jing said softly,” some unknown electronic components have been found around the observation station.

for example, the information collection team collected an unknown mental radiation from the observatory …

the information collection team we sent over has been strictly trained. They know that we can’t act rashly at this time.

they’ve already left the observatory and are waiting for professionals to investigate.

“What do you mean, team leader?” Lu Xin nodded.

Chen Jing said,”according to our usual procedure, we should either send an investigation team to investigate the cause, or we can choose a suitable ability user from Green Harbor to investigate the cause. But since that place is too close to Happy Town, the best choice is …”

“I’ll go then,” Lu Xin said, finally understanding the situation.

Chen Jing heaved a sigh of relief and seemed to be touched. She paused for a moment before saying, “”You’ve worked hard.”

“Now, you can come to the special Investigation Department and join me.”

Lu Xin agreed and headed upstairs to get his bag.

At this moment, he saw doll coming down the stairs.

She was once again dressed in a black gothic dress, a pair of brand new Black Roman long boots, and a smiling fox mask on her face. She held an umbrella in one hand and her black bag in the other. It looked like he was ready to go out.

“This …”

Lu Xin immediately understood doll’s meaning and explained, ” I can’t bring you along this time. I’m going out for work. It’s too dangerous for you to go outside the city, so it’s better for you to wait for me here. I’ll come to see you after I’m done with work, okay? ‘

Doll lowered his head and continued walking.

Lu Xin reached out to grab her wrist, and the doll stopped.

Lu Xin looked at her and chuckled.

He pulled her wrist and took his black bag. Then, he smiled and said, “”Let’s go back!”

He waved at the doll and walked out of the door with his bag.

Doll held the umbrella and stood quietly in the living room, watching him disappear without moving.

He was wearing a mask, so no one knew what his expression was.

However, the service team members at the side were already extremely distressed.

The car was already waiting at the entrance, so Lu Xin got in immediately.

Five minutes later, they arrived at a three-story white building on the west side of the special Investigation Department.

Someone was waiting for him downstairs. He led Lu Xin through the long corridor and arrived at an office at the end of the corridor. As soon as they entered, they found that it was quiet inside. All the staff, Chen Jing, and a few professors were listening to an audio that was played on the speaker.

“The information collection team has arrived, right? Did you guys notice any other problems?”

hehe, there’s no problem. We’re only concerned about whether the collection team brought us the latest magazines and erguotou. In the end. this group of guys just showed their faces and ran out, saying that there were rules from above that they couldn’t contact us for the time being. I say, when did this stupid rule come out? aren’t they. little too cautious .

Well, you should understand that our principle is to be as careful as possible.”

Alright, alright. We didn’t say anything. By the way, can we retreat as soon as they come? ”

“We can’t call home directly in this detection point. My child is three years old. I miss him so much .

Lu Xin nodded at Chen Jing as he entered the room. He then stood to the side and listened.

This seemed to be a very normal and regular call.

The various contact points around qinggang would make such a regular contact every three hours.

Some took a long time, while others took a short time. Sometimes, the operator and the observer would even chat for a while on a whim.

The purpose of doing this was to determine whether something had happened at the observation point through various details and communication.

The call he was making now sounded very normal.

alright, don’t worry for now. I’ll inform the higher-ups.

A researcher in a white coat said softly and hung up the phone.

Only then did Lu Xin realize that what he had just heard was not a voice recording, but a normal phone call.

even now, they don’t know that they have a problem.

When the researcher turned around, his face was a little serious, and even a little scared.

It was completely different from the calmness and friendliness he had when he was talking to her. His voice seemed to be trembling slightly.

the data reports and psychological tests that they’ve handed in during this period of time show that they’re particularly normal.

even this number was made in accordance with the rules.

the only abnormal thing is …

He paused and said in a low voice, “… l’ We all know that this phone call was made by a dead person.”

The temperature in the meeting room seemed to have dropped.

None of the staff members present rushed to speak, because they didn’t know what to say.

The calmest one was a young man in a black suit with a crew cut.

“Then, we have two main problems now,” he said. “One, investigate why they became like this.” “The other one is ..

“How do I tell them that they’re actually dead?”

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