Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 430 - Chapter 430: A lazy afternoon nap (part three) _1

Chapter 430: A lazy afternoon nap (part three) _1

Translator: 549690339

When doll finally turned his head away from Lu Xin, Lu Xin began to ponder these questions.

Why would his family suddenly appear here?

In particular, the mother seemed to be judging the doll.

The words she said to him were probably referring to the matter of Happy Town, right?

Did she mean that if he brought the doll with him, he would have a greater chance of dealing with the situation in Happy Town?

Did she think that if she worked together with doll, they would be able to defeat the Queen of Happy Town?

When it came to judging the Queen’s strength, Lu Xin still trusted his mother.

After all, she was her friend.

The only problem was that Qing gang did not plan to let doll follow him out of the city to solve the problem in Happy Town.

Lu Xin thought of another problem.

In the evaluation given to him by the Research Institute, they were very sure that he was in the third stage.

Then, according to their pyramid theory, which stage was doll at? and which stage was the Queen of Happy Town at?

Although he didn’t study the pyramid theory of the Research Institute deeply …

‘Not deep’ meant that other than this theory, he knew nothing else …

However, Lu Xin could tell from his own experience that it was difficult to distinguish the strength of an ability user. Other than the basic qualities of the ability user, the development, application, and even combat awareness of the ability user took up a large proportion.

For example, when little nineteen was in water buffalo City, she was able to crush the aptitude users from the central city.

However, compared to the other aptitude users in the central city, was little nineteen in the second stage?

With his current professional knowledge, it was actually very difficult to make a judgment.

What Lu Xin could understand now was that even the D-grade to a-grade classification used in high-wall cities was mostly based on the development of one’s ability and the logic of one’s own ability. However, this classification was not absolutely equal to one’s strength.

For example, if a lizard encountered a drunkard, it might be killed on the spot.

However, if the distance was further and the lizard was given a gun, the one who might be killed in seconds would be the drunkard.

I can’t think like that anymore. I feel like I’m imagining my colleagues killing each other.

Perhaps in the future, he could only determine the terror of a source of contamination or a mental monster by the level of mental energy …

The red-shirted Apostle that attacked Qing gang had a mental strength of 30000.

He was an [ S ] class.

The God created by the black table that he dealt with in water buffalo City should have a spiritual energy level of 100000 at most, which was three times the S-Class?

Lu Xin took out his communicator.

It seemed that learning was the most important thing in life.

Lu Xin opened the database and searched for the ‘stairway of God’. Soon, a list of information appeared.

Every document had a title.

Some of them were an overview of the ladder theory, some were an extension of the ladder theory, some were doubts, and some were arguments combined with case studies.

Lu xinqiang perked up and began to understand the theory step by step from the overview.

He read it very seriously, so seriously that he didn’t even know when he had started to enter his dream.

In the empty room, Lu Xin was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

Doll stared at the monkey for a long time before turning around to see that Lu Xin had already fallen asleep.

The remote control was on the other side of his body.

So she slowly leaned over and reached for the remote control beside him.

However, when she laid her body on Lu Xin’s body, she felt very comfortable and stopped taking the remote control.

Slowly, she leaned on Lu Xin’s body and rubbed her head against him until she found a comfortable position.

Then, she slowly closed her eyes.

Oh my God, they’re asleep. Should I stop them immediately? ‘

“Should we issue a level one warning?”

“Should we inform professor Chen immediately? And also call the leaders of the special Investigations Department?”

The members of the service team outside would sneak a peek through the crack of the door every ten minutes. When they suddenly saw the two of them sleeping together, they were shocked. Some of them ran to find their leader in a hurry, while some were already considering whether to get the howitzer.

“Don’t … Don’t panic!”

The captain of the service team was obviously calmer than the others. He analyzed in detail, “”We were just dozing off together, nothing else.”

“Let them rest for now …

if that guy dares to touch me, immediately rush in and give him a hug and fall

While Lu Xin and doll were sleeping soundly in the quiet and lonely courtyard, the woman in a professional suit had already put down the documents in her hand in the meeting room of the special pollution disposal unit in Green

Harbor City.

that’s all the information on the abyss group’s ability users. There’s not much content, but I hope everyone can take it seriously.

you can take the information back with you, but please abide by the confidentiality agreement.

if you have any questions or do not have a deep understanding of the situation, you can call your information specialist. They are currently busy receiving the documents from Central City to qingang and will be able to digest the information in the shortest time possible.

After she finished speaking, she bowed slightly and walked to the side.

Chen Jing came to the front of the conference table, knocked on the table and said, “”Drunkard, lizard, devilish brat, and witch, you four stay behind.”

“The rest of you may disperse.”

At the same time, rows of trucks from Qing gang were rumbling past the main road that led to Happy Town.

Some of the trucks had two rows of fully armed soldiers, while others had rows of investigation teams and support teams. There were a few trucks behind them, pulling all kinds of large instruments and heavy tires that ran over the rough ground.

In the truck at the front, a leader was loudly ordering through the walkie-talkie, ‘

“As an information collection unit, we need to rush to the observation station at the periphery of Happy Town as quickly as possible and set up an information collection point.” “This is a group A-rank mission, no one can drop the ball.”

“I must arrive before dark!”

Shan Bing has already agreed to lead the repair of the S-Class restricted area this time. His helpers have also been found. Oh, it seems that one of these helpers is throwing a little tantrum and is somewhat opposed to this mission. However, Chen Jing will handle it well.

In another place, Mr. Su was also having a video call with professor Bai.

“Also, the people who will be building the observation base and the armed personnel in charge of security have already set off. Within three days, they will build an observation base thirty miles away from Happy Town to serve as a command center,” Mister su said.

“Right now, what we need to consider are the gathering points of various sizes around Happy Town. If Happy Town really erupts like a volcano, we won’t be the only ones affected. These gathering points are closer to Happy Town.”

of course, as the largest city with high walls in this area, Green Harbor will take the main responsibility.

but I think it’s time to send some people to mobilize the people in the secondary cities and gathering points. They have to do their best!

“‘line situation m tne maritime country IS quite bad, but It’S still under control,” professor Bai said.

“I can’t just leave everything behind and rush back, but I’ll try my best to rush back to Green Harbor before I officially come into contact with Happy Town.”

we’re in the preparation stage now. We’ll just handle it according to our previous experience.

“Based on my calculations, if we only have to make contact with Happy Town and not have to get rid of it, we have a single person from Green Harbor who will act personally. With the information we can share from the Research Institute and the support of the new weapons, we still have a high chance of success.”

of course, it’s right to be careful. Communication with the Queen is a big problem …

I’m more concerned about the heaven plan now …

Mr. Su waved his hand and interrupted professor Bai,”Doll and Shan Bing are both candidates for the heavenly state plan.”

“We all know that their problems are obvious.”

one of them is a problem that’s all out in the open. The other one looks normal, but I feel like there’s a problem.

but no matter what, having two choices is better than having none at all …

“I’m not worried about the soldiers or the kids.”

Professor Bai said softly,”l’m worried about …” To the North.” the Research Institute has given us all the high-wall cities a terrible challenge

therefore, the promotion of the heavenly state plan still depends on the results of the forbidden zone clearing plan this time.

A lazy afternoon nap was simply the most wonderful thing in the world.

After waking up in the afternoon, it was the time in the world that made people feel the most lonely.

Perhaps it was because he had been busy running around and had not had a good rest, or perhaps it was because the Doll’s House was too quiet, so quiet that not even the chirping of birds could be heard. Lu Xin fell into a deep sleep after leaning on the sofa.

When he was jolted awake by a sudden uneasiness, he only realized where he was after a while.

The cold and simple decorations jumped into his eyes.

It was already dark outside the window, and the distant Crimson Moon hung quietly among the bright stars.

It turned out that he had just had a dream, but he actually couldn’t remember what the dream was.

An even deeper sense of fatigue began to radiate from the depths of his body. Lu Xin remained Iving down, not wanting to move.

She felt a soft touch on her leg. Doll was curling up and using her leg as a pillow.

Was it because of her that he couldn’t run away in his dream?

Lu Xin heaved a sigh of relief and laid down on the sofa. He stared at the ceiling and thought to himself, ‘

“What should we have for dinner?”

“I’m hungry, but I still don’t feel like moving …”

“Ka ka ka …”

It was also at this moment that a slightly urgent voice suddenly came from the corridor outside the door.

Soon, the door was gently knocked a few times, and then pushed open a crack.

A voice rang out, ‘

“Mr. Shan Bing, team leader Chen Jing is waiting for you..”

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