Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 406 - Chapter 406: Lunar eclipse Research Institute (1)

Chapter 406: Lunar eclipse Research Institute (1)

Translator: 549690339

The monster had a long body that was segmented like bamboo.

It had no legs, but its head was that of a horse.

Its body was as thick as a water bucket, and it swam silently on the grass. The surrounding air would distort from time to time, as if it was a strange aquatic creature that was slowly swimming in the clear water, creating circles of ripples.

It seemed to be patrolling.

Lu Xin had already dealt with quite a few pollution cases.

But he had rarely seen such clear, real, and stable mental monsters.

Based on his experience, he could even guess the general level of this mental monster’s mental energy.

. At least ten thousand!

A mental monster with a mental level of over 10000 would cause great chaos wherever it went.

However, it was actually a guard outside of city No. 2?

The car drove straight into city No. 2. As they drove further in, thev could see elegant coffee shops and clean supermarkets on the side of the road. There were beautiful fountains at almost every intersection, as well as some white statues that were either wearing clothes or not.

It was clean, neat, and orderly. This was Lu Xin’s first impression of city No. 2.

Lu Xin couldn’t take his eyes off this new scene.

They only got out of the car when the car came to a stop in front of an iron gate.

This place didn’t look any different from the other places. The walls were clean and the buildings were beautiful.

A straight bluestone road extended inwards, and beside it was a fresh lawn.

The soldier guarding the gate came over, and summer bug handed over a white, transparent crystal card. The soldier checked it and opened the door.

When Chen Jing saw that they had really come to the entrance of the legendary Research Institute, her face could not help but look a little unnatural.

“I’m in just like that?”

She sounded a little surprised.

Xia Chong glanced at her and said, ” entering the Research Institute has never been a difficult task, even for those with ill intentions. However, after those with ill intentions enter the Research Institute, they have to consider how to leave the Research Institute or where to bury themselves.

Chen Jing was slightly taken aback as she looked at Lu Xin.

Seeing Lu Xin’s calm expression, he took a deep breath and his face quickly regained its usual calm and confident look.

The inside of the Research Institute was very spacious and had a very special atmosphere.

There were people walking around with books in their arms, some people sitting under the building fiddling with a few flasks, some people eating omelets not far away, and a few fat guys running happily on the grass, occasionally shouting, ” good shot! “This 90-degree slanted ball is considered a good shot?”

Lu Xin couldn’t help but Mutter.

Coincidentally, someone shot the ball, and the ball was immediately deflected more than 90 degrees, flying in front of Lu Xin and the others.

Lu Xin didn’t think much of it and sent a kick flying.

The ball drew a beautiful arc under his feet, brushed past the upper right corner of the goal, and flew in.

“I’m just borrowing a little of my sister’s ability and I can play so well?”

Lu Xin was surprised as well, and his mood instantly brightened.

Xia Chong reminded him expressionlessly, ” these soccer players are the elites of the Research Institute. Maybe one day, they will be sent to the special Investigation Department in your city to become your superior or your exclusive doctor. If you offend any of them, you have to be careful that you don’t get injured one day and suddenly meet him holding a scalpel and staring at your wound with a vengeful look. And just now, you …

“One kick and you’ve already offended seven or eight of them!” She said after a pause.

Lu Xin was taken aback. He turned around and saw seven or eight faces on the grass staring at him.

“Shan Bing .

Chen Jing stepped forward and pressed on Lu Xin’s shoulder. “Can you not call me by that name?” Lu Xin asked.

Chen Jing reacted and raised her voice slightly, “”Let’s go, lizard.”

Lu Xin immediately felt relieved and quickly walked forward.

Behind him, a few unhappy researchers silently nodded and took note of the name.

They crossed the lawn and came to the building that they had seen from the helicopter.

Then, summer bug registered and led them to swipe their cards to enter.

Chen Jing had become very calm, as if she was not concerned about what Lu Xin had come to say. She stopped at the foot of the building and seemed to admire it for a while before asking, ‘”‘The genius researcher jumped down from this building?”

“I heard that the door to the rooftop was locked after that,” summer bug said, nodding.

They entered the elevator and went straight to the 31st floor. Then, Xia Chong led them into a spacious meeting room.

“I’ll go ask first, you guys sit here for a while.”

Xia Chong said to Chen Jing and Lu Xin before she opened the door and walked out.

Lu Xin frowned and asked with concern when he saw Chen Jing sitting down and pressing her lower abdomen.

it’s okay, ” Chen Jing glanced at him and said, ” I can make myself feel no pain.

just because I can’t feel pain doesn’t mean that the wound doesn’t exist …

Lu Xin was still a little concerned. He looked around before standing up to get her a glass of water from the water dispenser.

Chen Jing looked at Lu Xin in surprise.

He had heard professor Bai say something similar before.

However, professor Bai was different from Lu Xin. Professor Bail s words were based on the actual situation and at the same time, he was reminding himself. On the other hand, Lu Xin’s words were natural and out of concern … More importantly, Chen Jing could sense something different from Lu Xin’s words. Something that she had never noticed before seemed to have changed.

After receiving the cup, she fell silent for a moment before she looked at Lu Xin and said, ‘”Was your visit a success?”

Lu Xin nodded his head, revealing his teeth, “”Yes, I am.”

Chen Jing was deep in thought when she suddenly realized what had appeared on Lu Xin’s body.

He was confident.

In the past, even though Lu Xin had a good personality, his eyes always seemed to be a little lost, and he always had a gloomy aura.

Now, this temperament was still there, but it gave people a clear feeling.

This made her curious.

It was not because of his responsibility, but from his heart. He asked, ” this visit … What did you experience?”

“I just remembered something.”

“I don’t remember much, but I do know what I need to do,” Lu Xin said with a smile.

what? ” Chen Jing was slightly nervous. what do you want? ‘

“Of course I’m going to find my other relatives and help them to the best of my ability …” Lu Xin smiled.

Chen Jing heaved a sigh of relief, “fortunately, it’s not about destroying the world.”

Something was wrong.

She suddenly realized that Lu Xin was also here to visit his family, but it was a big deal.

Just as she was thinking about this, summer worm suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

She was already holding a stack of documents in her arms. She said to Chen Jing, ” when we were working together, I said that I would share information with you. I didn’t expect the Research Institute to support my decision, and the special Investigation Department approved it very quickly. So, I’ll explain some confidential information about this incident to you now. It’s not only about the black table experiment, but it might also involve something else.

“Something that might require future cooperation,” she said after a pause.

Chen Jing looked at her expression and realized that this might be an important information sharing.

She glanced at Lu Xin and nodded.

“Someone else will be responsible for his matters.”

Xia Chong then turned to Lu Xin and said, “”She’s in office 3106. You can go over now.”

Lu Xin nodded and stood up.

Chen Jing was a little nervous and stood up as well. She did not know what she was worried about, but her face looked very ugly. In front of Xia Chong, she could not say it clearly. After a moment of silence, she said to Lu Xin, ‘”Be careful, you can tell us if there’s anything,” “Alright,” Lu Xin nodded with a smile.

Lu Xin did not understand why the Research Institute had agreed to meet him so quickly, and even separated him from Chen Jing. He could tell what Chen Jing was worried about, but he was calm and relaxed.

After all, he only wanted to meet the people from the Research Institute to ask some questions and solve his doubts.

For example, the old principal of the orphanage was also a member of the

Research Institute. In that case, were there still some people in the Research Institute who knew him? could it be that the things that happened in the orphanage back then had something to do with the Research Institute?

Was there anyone in the Research Institute who could give him some answers to the things he was most concerned about?

As for why the Research Institute wanted to see him, he would just ask in person.

He had not broken the law or committed any crime. Even if the other party was a Research Institute, he could not bully them …

Everyone should be reasonable!

As he thought about these questions, his footsteps became lighter.

They arrived at office 3106 and looked at the tightly shut alloy door. No one knew what was behind the door.

Lu Xin stopped in his tracks and pondered for a moment before politely knocking on the door.

“Come in …”

A cold female voice sounded from inside.

Lu Xin took a deep breath and pushed the door open. He scanned the office and was stunned.

He didn’t see any dark muzzles or a row of people with bad intentions. He only saw that this office was very stylish. The curtains were drawn and the light was soft. Opposite him was an office desk. On the left side of the desk near the curtains was an open clothes cabinet. At this time, there was a woman standing next to the wardrobe, her beautiful white back facing him.

Her hands were still behind her back. She turned her head and looked at Lu Xin. She was wearing a very visually impactful heavy makeup. Her facial features were beautiful and her figure was slim. Just by looking at her, it made people feel that there were hooks in her eyes .

“Close the door …”

She spoke softly. Her voice was slightly hoarse, but it sounded very feminine.

“You’ve come at the right time …”

She looked at Lu Xin with a smile and said, “”Come, help me zip it up..”

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