Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 405 - Chapter 405: The leader-level woman (part two)(l)

Chapter 405: The leader-level woman (part two)(l)

Translator: 549690339

Talk to the Research Institute .

Lu Xin’s seemingly casual words stunned all the aptitude users in the central city.

Everyone, including summer bug, frowned.

Basically, all the aptitude users who had been recruited by the high-wall cities or major forces knew about the existence of the Research Institute. However, even the aptitude users from the central city could not easily enter the Research Institute.

The central city also had its own special pollution cleaning organization. This organization was affiliated with the Research Institute, but they were independent of the Research Institute to a certain extent. They rarely interacted with each other.

These aptitude users all belonged to the special clearance division of the central city.

In theory, they, as well as the aptitude users of the high-wall cities, were all related to the Research Institute, but there was no direct relationship.

As such, Lu Xin’s words were so natural that the aptitude users were unable to react in time.

Chen Jing was the first to react and said, ” I’ll help you ask around about this. We’ve helped the central city solve such a big problem, so I’m sure the Research Institute will have some reaction. However, you suddenly want to see the people from the Research Institute … What is it for?” There was something she didn’t ask.

Could it be that he had relatives in the Research Institute?

However, she wasn’t going to stop Lu Xin from meeting the people in the Research Institute.

From the moment professor Bai had guessed Lu Xin’s identity, Qing gang had already set a rule. Qing gang would help Lu Xin hide his identity to a certain extent to avoid unnecessary trouble. However, Qing gang would not consider itself as the master of Lu Xin’s house and help him make decisions.

Between the Research Institute and Lu Xin, Qing gang would only follow the rules. They would not covet or hide.

For example, when Qing gang realized that Lu Xin had encountered some danger on his way to Central City, they immediately sent a small support team to protect him. However, if Qing gang realized that an inevitable conflict was about to break out between Lu Xin and Central City, or rather, the Research Institute, the support team would immediately retreat instead of choosing a side.

Therefore, Chen Jing’s seemingly unintentional question had a great meaning.

Lu Xin didn’t notice this and replied with a smile, “”I have some questions.”

Chen Jing was silent for a while before she turned her gaze to summer worm.

“I’ll ask the Research Institute’s attitude through the special Investigation Department,” Xia Chong immediately said.

“Why is it so troublesome?”

Lu Xin did not expect that even the special Investigation Department would be required to make an inquiry to the aptitude users in the central city.

If he had known that it would be so troublesome, he would have just ridden his motorcycle there.

“Gu du du .

At this time, a few helicopters flew over from the distant sky.

“Let’s go back first!”

Xia Chong made her decision and said to Chen Jing and Lu Xin, “”1’11 sit with you.”

The lizard at the side immediately showed a happy expression.

The lizard did not get on the helicopter.

This was Chen Jing’s decision. Their motorcycles were hidden in a secret location outside of buffaloes city. Although two of them were junked together, Lu Xin’s motorcycle was modified with a lot of effort by the qingang Special Forces. The gecko needed to borrow the vehicle of the central city support team to bring them to the three motorcycles and transport them back to the city.

In the helicopter cabin, Lu Xin, Chen Jing, and Xia Chong were sitting face to face. Chen Jing was sitting opposite her. She was covered with a thick blanket and her abdomen was wrapped in thick bandages. Xia Chong’s condition was similar to her, with patches all over her body.

Xia Chong sat in the same row as Lu Xin, but the seat next to Chen Jing was empty. It was unknown who it was reserved for.

“Doctor mo, the matter has been resolved.”

“Right … The abnormal signal you detected in the central city should be related to this.”

After Chen Jing got on the helicopter, she had already contacted Dr. Moyi and the others in the central city and explained in detail, ” to a large extent, the resolution of the matter was due to the bravery of our qingang soldiers … Yes, I’ve reached a consensus with team leader summer bug in the central city. She doesn’t think we’ve violated any rules and even expressed her gratitude for our help. ”

“What? They said you assisted us in our escape and even detained you?”

“We still want to issue an arrest warrant for Shan Bing?”

Lu Xin raised his head warily upon hearing this.

“Nonsense! Why would we run away?”

Chen Jing’s expression was not good, and she said seriously, “”Attention

the Qing gang aptitude users, did not violate any of the central city’s rules. Even when we were the last ones to help, it was team leader summer worm who took the initiative to recruit us. Not to mention. we were the ones who solved the problem … “Professor mo, I hope that you and lawyer Xu will immediately bring up a serious negotiation with them. First, they are not abiding by the regulations by detaining you. Second, it is a matter of reputation

Before she could finish her sentence, Xia Chong’s face was already filled with displeasure.

Suddenly, he took her phone and said coldly, ” I’m Xia Chong, the captain of the special task force stationed at satellite city No. 7.

no matter who’s on the phone, release them immediately, apologize, and send them back to the hotel .

“I’ll take responsibility if there’s a problem!”

After that, she hung up the phone and looked up at Chen Jing, “”ls there a need to go through so much trouble?”

Chen Jing was slightly stunned as she looked at Lu Xin.

Lu Xin’s mouth was slightly agape, as if he had been shocked by the summer worm’s domineering aura.

I’ve already passed on your request to the special Investigations Department.

Xia Chong looked at Lu Xin with a serious expression. She was still expressionless, but she had a few band-aids on her face. however, due to the rigorous and cautious nature of the Research Institute in the past, I hope that you can sort out the questions you want to ask and tell the Research Institute in advance. Then, you can wait for them to decide .

Lu Xin was put in a difficult position upon hearing this. He only wanted to see her, and he didn’t even think about why.

However, Chen Jing did not speak up for him on this issue.

In fact, Chen Jing’s concern for this area was no less than Xia Chong’s.

“Alright, I’ll think about it ..

Lu Xin couldn’t refuse Xia Chong’s big eyes, so he could only nod slowly.

Summer bug was about to nod when the electronic display on her wrist suddenly lit up. An email had been sent in.

Xia Chong opened the email and was stunned.

Chen Jing looked over with some concern, “”The Research Institute doesn’t agree?”

Xia Chong looked at Lu Xin in silence and said, ‘”‘No, the Research Institute agreed.”

He paused for a moment and looked at Lu Xin with obvious hesitation. “They said that they also want to see you and asked us to go over immediately.”


Chen Jing was obviously shocked and turned her head in disbelief.

Lu Xin wasn’t too flustered. He thought to himself,’l have something to ask them, but why do they want to see me?’

Da da da da.

The helicopter began to turn in the air and separated from the others, heading straight for the second main city of the central city.

Chen Jing and Xia Chong had some doubts at this time, but they did not ask.

Both of them were injured, and their injuries weren’t light either. They had only been treated briefly, and by right, they should have gone to the hospital first before getting some rest. However, both of them placed great importance on this matter. One of them was the person who had helped Lu Xin relay the message, and the other was Lu Xin’s direct superior in qinggang. Therefore, neither of them mentioned anything about resting and just accompanied him to the hospital.

The helicopter was much faster than the truck. After an hour or two, Lu Xin and the others could see the city and buildings below them. It was a satellite city of the central city. There were ten well-defined satellite cities surrounding the two innermost cities. One of them was the main city, where the central city’s administrative office was located. It was also a core city of the Alliance.

The other one was smaller in size, but it had a cleaner and neater temperament.

The most attractive thing was that in this small city, there was a tall building with a hundred stories, standing under the sun.

The clean glass reflected the sunlight, giving the building a metallic feel.

The helicopter didn’t enter city number two directly. Instead, it stopped outside city number two at satellite city number nine, which was the closest to city number two. A few black Jeeps were already waiting there. Lu Xin, lizard, and the others got into the second car and watched as they carried their motorcycles into the other Jeep. Only then did they feel relieved and continued on their way.

A straight asphalt road, with bright flowers on both sides, led straight to satellite city No. 2.

Lu Xin discovered that city No. 2, the location of the lunar eclipse Research Institute, the most important research facility in the world, did not have a steel suspension bridge. There were not even any gates or detection facilities. There were only a few main roads leading straight into the city.

How could this be?

Lu Xin was shocked. City No. 2, was this the same as not having any defenses?

The legendary research facility was actually a city that anyone could enter?

When the strange thought appeared in his mind, he suddenly felt his face darken and his head stuck out of the window.

“Be careful!”

The driver said immediately.

Lu Xin retracted his head, but his eyes were still looking out the window.

“What are you looking at?” Chen Jing glanced at him.

After a long while, Lu Xin finally heaved a sigh of relief. I finally know why the Research Institute is not fortified …

Outside the main city of satellite city No. 2, there were large patches of grass and a square.

He could not see anything.

Lu Xin wasn’t surprised that the lizard couldn’t see him. After all, he was the only one who could see such a strong defense Force. When he opened the Jeep’s window, he could clearly see a monster wandering on the grass outside of city

No. 2.

A spiritual monster..

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