Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 391 - Chapter 391: A one-on-one fight is a family beating you up (3)

Chapter 391: A one-on-one fight is a family beating you up (3)

Translator: 549690339

“Chi …”

When the skinless puppy bit the monster’s butt, the monster’s entire body began to fluctuate chaotically.

It was as if the flesh and blood on its body were becoming chaotic, and bumps kept appearing one after another. It was as if something was struggling inside the monster’s body, trying to climb out.

At the same time, the faces of Zhao Shiming and the other staff members on the monster changed.

Some were shouting, some were crying, some were laughing with angry eyes, and some were crying with happy expressions.

“Shua shua shua …”

However, it was only for a moment. The tentacles on the monster’s body stabbed backward and directly penetrated the skinless puppy. They stirred forcefully in its body and almost tore it apart. Then, the skinless puppy whimpered and was thrown out.


The skinless puppy smashed into the surrounding wall. Its limbs twitched, and its eyes revealed a happy light.

“An extremely fast reaction.”

“It’s a recovery ability that ignores all damage.” the confusion ability of the bespectacled dog doesn’t seem to have any obvious effect on it …

Lu Xin quickly came to a conclusion in his mind. The moment the puppy was flung away, his shadow surged out.

“Chi …”

Shadows were invisible, but with Lu Xin’s serious expression, they left deep marks on the ground where they passed. The marks were like black snakes that slithered and slithered toward the “God.”

Just like how it had been cut into pieces, it wrapped around its feet again.

Only this time, it seemed to be different from just now.

Zhao Shiming’s face let out a meaningless roar, and the “God” suddenly lowered his head.

The air seemed to have frozen in the direction of the six eyes, as if a transparent glass wall had appeared.

It was clearly invisible, but one could vaguely make out its outline.

The shadow hit the glass wall in an instant, and the two forces immediately became entangled.

It was obvious that the shadow had the upper hand, but the glass wall was not something that could be broken through in a short time.

Spiritual assault!

Just like the brain-like monster that Lu Xin had encountered before, it continuously cast spiritual attacks to prevent the shadow from approaching.

In comparison, the shadow’s power was naturally stronger than the impact. However, the power of the shadow could not be broken through in an instant. Just as the shadow broke through the impact, countless tentacles had already emerged from the monster’s back and were stabbing toward Lu Xin.

“Chi, Chi, Chi.”

Lu Xin’s body twisted and turned rapidly, and the blood-red tentacles brushed past his body.

The alloy wall behind him was pierced by the tentacles, leaving holes that glowed with metallic light.


On the chest of the “God” body, Zhao Shiming also showed a surprised expression.

He couldn’t quite understand. Usually, when the shadow was forced to Dodge left and right, it would have already become a mess.

However, no matter how much Lu Xin tried to move, the shadow was still stuck to the ground, as if it was not affected at all.

Snatch, snatch, snatch .

At the same time, after Lu Xin had dodged seven or eight tentacles, the last tentacle flew past his face. He could even see the transparent skin and the blood vessels on the tentacle. He was a little confused.

Then, not only did he Dodge it, but he also opened his mouth and bit it.

A “Chi” sound was heard.

The “God’s” body and Lu Xin shuddered at the same time.

The God’s body subconsciously retracted the tentacle and trembled in the air.

And because of the confusion, the shadow took the opportunity to break through seven or eight centimeters.

Lu Xin’s face contorted into a grimace as he lowered his head and began to vomit on the ground.

“It’s indeed like rotten meat …”

“It’s even worse than rotten meat …”

His sister was indeed unreliable. If it were him, he definitely wouldn’t have taken such a bite.

When would the habit of children eating random things change?

However, Lu Xin quickly adjusted his state of mind. No matter what, he had finally tasted the taste of ‘God’.

He felt that he had gone too far thinking about this question at this time, and he forced himself to not be distracted.

Now, his sister was controlling his body for him, and with almost the ultimate flexibility and reaction of the spider family, he was avoiding the pursuit of this “God.” His father had also displayed his most powerful strength within the allowed range to compete with the “God.”

Therefore, he, who was the only one free, naturally took the responsibility of controlling the overall situation.

no, it can’t be considered resistance. It can only be considered barely holding on …

it seems that it actually has some intention of restraining itself …

“But …”

Lu Xin furrowed his brows. It was just a feeling. In fact, his expression at this time was excited and fanatical, as if he had seen a big baby … At the same time, he discovered an important problem: this monster’s distortion force field can’t stop father.

“I can barely block the spiritual attack!”

and there’s a big difference between mental attack and distortion field. The biggest difference is …

. It’s because one of them has a sense of direction!”

Due to the unique characteristics of mental power, every ability user would have to undergo special training. This was the first lesson for all ability users, and Lu Xin had naturally done it before. For example, everyone had their own mental power and their own mental assault.

The distortion field was the radiation of one’s mental power.

This kind of radiation was divided into natural radiation and intentionally controlled radiation.

The most powerful source of radiation was the Queen of Happy Town. Even when she was asleep, she could radiate fifty kilometers.

By intentionally controlling it, one would be able to deliberately spread out their own radiation, which could usually be increased by three times.

As for the spiritual attack, it was very simple. It was to restrain the radiation and attack in one direction.

This monster, or ‘God’, was almost unable to stop his father with its unconscious spiritual radiation.

However, it could barely resist its spiritual attacks.

Combined with the characteristics of the spiritual attack, it could be concluded that it could only resist his father’s attack head-on.

However, it was also because of this that the other directions of its body could not even emit spiritual radiation …

“Younger sister …”

Lu Xin quickly communicated with his sister.

His younger sister agreed obediently.

Do you see the tentacles behind the monster. “Lu Xin asked.

The younger sister was stunned for a moment and said, “it’s not delicious …”

It’s definitely not good, do I need you to tell me?

Lu Xin controlled his temper and guided his sister patiently, “”Do you want to pull them all out?”

“I want to!”

The younger sister’s eyes suddenly became extremely bright. She agreed loudly and quickly rushed forward.

As soon as his sister left his body, Lu Xin regained the initiative and pulled out his gun again. He fired non-stop at the monster. shua, shua, shua, shua, “the sound of the bullets whistling through the air was heard.

“Chi, Chi, Chi.”

The monster seemed to have sensed the change in Lu Xin’s speed and agility. and its tentacles whistled wildly toward him.

Lu Xin fired two more shots as a token gesture. Knowing that he could not Dodge, he did not.

He just quietly watched the tentacles come to him.

“Huala .

Just as the tentacles were about to reach him, they suddenly became chaotic and tangled, as if they had their own lives. Some of the tentacles even fell to the ground and wriggled happily like snakes.

Lu Xin raised his head and saw his sister jumping onto the monster’s back and pulling its tentacles.

At this moment, his sister even had the chance to contaminate it.

It was just that his sister’s strength was relatively weak, and this monster’s recovery ability was too strong, so the contamination was useless.

So, she quickly pulled out the tentacles one by one, and even tied a bow when she saw one that was pleasing to the eye.

“Woof woof woof …

Seeing this, the skinless puppy also took the opportunity to rush up and start biting.

Moreover, when he saw the tentacles falling to the ground one by one, he inadvertently glanced at them with a regretful expression.

“What is going on?”

On the monster’s chest, Zhao Shiming’s face was filled with anger and confusion.

He wasn’t an ability user, but his research on mental power was enough for him to see the actual situation of most ability users in battle. With the help of the power of ” God “, he could make plans and seize the advantage in the battle while ensuring that he was in an undefeatable position.

But now, his “organized” brain was filled with a kind of chaos.

He did not understand where the mental power attack came from when his opponent was in front of him.

The opponent was clearly driving a powerful spiritual power to resist the spiritual impact of the ” God’s ” body, so how could he divert his attention to shoot?

How many opponents did he have to face?

“Pa pa .

Taking advantage of Zhao Shiming’s confusion and the “God’s” confusion, Lu Xin rushed over.

He could feel Zhao Shiming’s confusion and even understood where it came from. For some reason, his mood became better. The cooperation between family members was indeed the best fighting method. Seeing how powerful this God was, he was still flustered. Moreover, he hadn’t even used his full strength!

Not even his family was here …

As he got closer, the shadow’s power also increased.


There was a sound of steel twisting. The shadow approached inch by inch, and it was about to spread to the feet of the ” God.

Lu Xin dashed toward the ‘God’, held his breath, and fired a series of shots at his heart.

“Zi Zi Zi .

Blue electric arcs exploded one after another, and the mental attack of the ‘God’ was shattered inch by inch.

The last bullet finally hit Zhao Shiming’s face, and it continued to hit him until it was empty.

At the same time, the shadow finally arrived at the feet of the ‘God’.

Starting from its feet,”crack’”‘crack” sounds rang out unceasingly, and it once again turned into a pile of rotten meat.

“Can we get off work now?”

This time, Lu Xin did not dare to be careless. He continued to watch the pile of mangled flesh vigilantly. At the same time, he pulled out another gun, but he did not continue to whip the corpse.

It had been proven that bullets had little effect on the monster, and it would be a waste to whip the corpse.

“It’s best not to get up .

He thought in his heart, and even wanted to beg it.

A blood-red tentacle suddenly emerged from the pile of meat and stabbed toward Lu Xin’s face.

Lu Xin immediately retreated backward as he furrowed his brows.

This kind of monster that couldn’t be killed was really too terrifying …

He had to work overtime!

He might not even get overtime pay!

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