Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 390 - Chapter 390: The whole family together (Part 2) 1

Chapter 390: The whole family together (Part 2) 1

The entire laboratory suddenly became unusually quiet.

Zhao Shiming obviously did not expect the bullet to fly toward him. Before he could finish his sentence, his face froze. He collapsed in The Glass Room, still in the crazed state he had been in when he spoke.

“Chi …

At the same time, the chaotic mental energy field around the “God” suddenly became stable.

It was like a swarm of bees returning to the hive.

The “God” quickly turned around and looked at Lu Xin. Just as it was about to charge up its strength and grab him, it froze. He was like a mad man who had lost his mind.

“Why would I?”

Someone shouted in panic. It was the staff of the laboratory.

They had been captured by the aptitude users in the central city, but before they could take them away, this “God” had already appeared.

The moment the ‘God’ appeared, half of them were wiped out and died.

Among the remaining people, many of them seemed to have gone crazy.

They just knelt there in a daze or lowered their heads, trying to crawl into the corner of the wall as if there was a hole.

However, there were still three or four of them who were barely able to maintain their rationality.

When they saw Zhao Shiming’s death, their eyes widened as if they had just thought of something terrifying.

obviously, this ‘God’ is being controlled by the man in the white coat …

That’s not important, so to deal with this ‘God’, the first thing we have to do is cut off the connection between them.’ it’s a pity that my mother isn’t here, so I can only do it myself .

I don’t have scissors, but .

“Killing him is also a form of severing!”

The moment Zhao Shiming died, Lu Xin didn’t waste any time. He had already started to think about the logic behind this mission when he was stepping on the wall and killing Zhao Shiming through the glass.

“This thing doesn’t seem to be moving now, so …”

When his body began to fall from the wall, he had already prepared himself.

He suddenly looked at the ‘God’ who was standing still. The shadow cast by the body instantly elongated and expanded.


The shadow rushed to the side of the “God.

When it encountered the contorted force field around the God’s body, the shadow was slightly hindered.

But then, it successfully broke through the distorted force field with a radius of about three meters. It directly penetrated the ” God’s ” head, then its heart, then its lower abdomen, and then rushed to the joint of its limbs and the octopus-like tentacles.

“Huala .

The “God” was instantly disintegrated into a pile of flesh and blood.

“Done …”

Lu Xin had only just landed on the ground when he saw the pile of minced meat. Frowning, he asked, “”Wrap up?

It seemed that the work was done.

However, why did he still feel that something was missing?

Just as Lu Xin was deep in thought, the pile of minced meat suddenly exploded with a terrifying distortion field.

The twisted spiritual force field had spread throughout the entire laboratory in an instant.

All the circuits were short-circuited, and a series of sparks exploded.

All the liquid seemed to be free from gravity at this moment and suddenly floated into the air.

There were colorful fish in the scattered liquid on the ground. They were jumping toward the pile of minced meat.

Lu Xin was on high alert as he nimbly dodged the pile of minced meat. He then took out another gun from his backpack.

He first threw a shot to the left.

A ball of blue lightning exploded next to the school of small fish, burning them into charcoal.

At the same time, he aimed at the pile of rotten meat and pulled the trigger.

One after another, the special bullets hit the pile of rotten meat and exploded into dazzling blue arcs.

In layman’s terms, it was called corpse whipping.

Strictly speaking, he was worried that this ‘God’ wasn’t completely dead yet, so he tried to send him on his way.

“Swish swish swish …”

However, before the blue electric arcs could dissipate, blood-red threads crawled out of the pile of minced meat.

They were like blood vessels that were countless times thinner, and they were also like the flesh threads that connected to various parts of little nineteen’s body when it split. These threads were extremely fast and filled the entire laboratory in an instant, merging with the distorted force field emitted by the monster.

Lu Xin’s heart trembled slightly, and he twisted his body in a way that defied logic to avoid the threads that flew toward him.

He looked up and his heart sank.

Everyone in the office had changed.

Whether it was the staff members who had already lost their minds, the staff members who had been scared out of their wits, or those who still had some sense of reason, including Zhao Shiming who had been shot in the forehead, and the old cleaner who was scared out of his wits, all of their bodies had undergone a mutation.

Tendrils of flesh extended out of their bodies and reached for their flesh.

Then, their flesh and blood became soft and sticky, turning into liquid. The liquid was then drawn to the God’s body and fused together.

“Ka ka ka …”

A spine-like bone spine quickly grew out of the flesh and blood. Then, a strange human skull-like head extended out of the bone spine. Layers of flesh and blood, nerves, blood vessels, and internal organs grew in different positions.

Then, it wrapped around the fascias and muscles, and finally, the huge and ferocious heart and dark green skin.

Six eyes, feelers, the “God” stood up again.

The entire process was unusually natural and relaxed, with a unique sense of beauty.

“Ah ah ah …”

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the ‘God’s’ body. It was a face.

One by one, people were melted and devoured by this ” God ” and then turned into his face. They seemed to still have their own lives. Some of them opened their mouths wide and breathed hard, while others had an extremely painful expression on their faces, as if they were struggling hard.

“You … What have you done ..

At the heart of the ” God “, a face that was different from the rest grew out.

It was Zhao Shiming’s face.

He seemed to have just woken up and was gasping for air. After a while, he seemed to remember what had just happened and shouted at the top of his voice, ‘”You lunatic, you lunatic, you actually dare to kill me? do you know what the consequences are for killing me?”

He was really angry, as if he was looking at a bad student who had broken an experimental model. “I don’t know,”

Lu Xin answered honestly.

Then, he pulled out another gun and looked at Zhao Shiming seriously, “Since you know the consequences, why did you create it?” ignorant thoughts, you don’t know what is great at all …

On the God’s body, Zhao Shiming’s face was twisted and he shouted in anger, as if he was about to devour someone.

but I will at least let you know the price of resisting God!

His anger seemed to have affected his mind. All of a sudden, all six eyes turned to stare at Lu Xin.

At a certain point, Lu Xin felt as if he was not being stared at by six eyes, but by six nails.

Caught off guard, his brain seemed to have stopped working.

It was as if the scene in front of him had a pause. One second, it was still in the same spot, and the next second, it was already in front of him.

Its body was huge, but its speed was faster than little nineteen.

“Chi la …”

Its sharp claws were aimed at Lu Xin’s throat.

The sound of nails cutting through the air made Lu Xin think that it was five bullets.

The violent collision created a chaotic airflow that Lu Xin couldn’t even open his eyes. In an instant, his body fell to the ground, and his back almost reached the ground. Then, he raised his hand and grabbed the monster’s claw.

“Pfft, pfft. pfft …”

The monster’s claws were sticky and bloodshot as they snaked down Lu Xin’s fingers.

At the same time, it stomped down.

Lu Xin’s expression changed slightly as he quickly withdrew his hand, leaving only a glove stuck to the monster’s body. He then bounced back more than two meters.


The monster stomped on the ground, causing the wooden floor to shatter and the office to shake.

With the force of this stomp, its body had already flown into the air. The tentacles behind it rose one after another and stabbed down like rain.

Not only was the monster fast, but it also seemed to be able to see through Lu Xin’s movements.

Lu Xin, who had been sent flying two meters away, pulled out his gun and fired at the monster.

The blue electric arc exploded on the monster’s body and sizzled. The monster’s flesh was obviously burned, but before the flames disappeared, the flesh had already healed. The monster’s movements were not even affected as it fell heavily toward Lu Xin. “Little sister, I’ll leave it to you.”

Lu Xin came to a decision the moment he was forced into a corner.

He was not even good at fighting, but his sister was undoubtedly good at it.

The moment the monster’s foot was about to land on him, Lu Xin’s face lit up with excitement. He even let out a low chuckle. At the same time, he suddenly crawled backward and quickly climbed up the wall.

When the monster’s foot touched the ground, he had already jumped down from the wall and landed lightly behind the monster.


He grabbed at the monster’s flesh and immediately tore off a bloody piece.

The monster was surrounded by countless tentacles, but Lu Xin had already wrapped himself around the monster’s body and climbed up to its chest.

He bent his fingers and aimed for its heart, which was Zhao Shiming’s face.

Zhao Shiming screamed in fear. The monster twisted its body and allowed Lu Xin to grab its left rib. Its flesh and blood gushed out and squeezed Lu Xin’s palm. At the same time, it used the force of its turn to grab Lu Xin’s face with its huge claws.

Lu Xin bent his legs and stepped on the monster’s claws, using the force to roll away.

In the air, his pupils contracted as he stared at the monster.

“Woof woof …

Following his gaze, a skinless puppy instantly sprang out from behind the monster and bit down on the monster’s butt..

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