Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 355 - Chapter 355: Code name “life”(rounding off to 5000 words) _1

Chapter 355: Code name “life”(rounding off to 5000 words) _1

Translator: 549690339

Lu Xin still didn’t know how to go about visiting his family.

He had only decided to go.

However, Chen Jing was a warm-hearted leader who wanted to accompany him to visit his relatives. It was obvious that she had considered everything more thoroughly than he did. Lu Xin did not know how much time she had spent arranging everything. However, at this time, he felt that it was very smooth to go downstairs with her.

At the end of the corridor, the waiter led them down the stairs to the kitchen on the third floor. Another ‘kind’ waiter kindly led Lu Xin and the others through the kitchen to the first floor of the hotel. This way, they didn’t need to pass through the lobby. Instead, they went straight through a back door that had been abandoned for a long time and arrived at a small alley.

“Although what we’re doing now is not against the law, Central City is too vigilant. Besides, they might have arranged for people to keep an eye on the hotel in advance for our sake. Of course, we can also swagger out, but that would be a little troublesome. Thus, I’ve made some extra preparations for certain steps to make it more convenient.”

the people the central city arranged to keep an eye on us are just ordinary agents, hehe …

they’re not so extravagant as to use their superpowers to keep an eye on us, but it’s very convenient for us …

After leaving the hotel without a hitch, Chen Qing’s expression was relaxed. She even explained to Lu Xin.

Lu Xin found it quite interesting.

Sometimes, he could feel that the leader was treating him like a child.

But he didn’t mean to expose her. After all, she was the leader, and it was fine as long as she was happy …

“It’s not enough to just leave the hotel, is it?”

Although the lizard had caught up, it was still mumbling in a low voice, ‘”‘Leader, do you know the exact location of the laboratory? Also, have you thought about how we can get there in the shortest time possible? “Now that our means of transportation are all under the eyes of the central city, will we be able to run there later?” Even if we leave the city, we can’t show our passes

Lu Xin thought for a moment and agreed with the lizard’s words.

He was a little glad that there was a leader following him.

Otherwise, if he went out of the city and the central city did not give way, he did not know what to do …

. Could it be that he had to directly call?

“It’s already been arranged.”

Regarding these questions, Chen Jing just casually said a few words and then led them out of the alley behind the hotel.

The alley led to a main road at the back, and a few large trucks drove over in a row.

Chen Jing opened the door of a car and got in.

Before Lu Xin could even react, he heard Xiao Zhou’s excited voice from the car behind him. brother little Lu, take my car!


Lu Xin was stunned for a moment. He shot Chen Jing a look of admiration before opening the car door and getting in.

Mr. Zhou was the pilot. He looked at Lu Xin with tears in his eyes, ‘ brother Lu, it’s been hard on you. You actually have to run for your life for us …

“No, I haven’t done anything illegal yet …” Lu Xin was dumbfounded.

“Yes, yes, yes.” yes! old Zhou nodded. you’re not wrong. The damn world is wrong!

Lu Xin was speechless.

The convoy already had a pass to enter and leave the satellite city, so leaving the city was naturally a very convenient thing.

In addition, the search when they left the city was much more relaxed than when they entered the city. In addition, these big trucks were carrying all kinds of junk. Even the guards next to the steel suspension bridge were too lazy to look through them one by one. They just waved their hands and let them out.

Then, this convoy drove directly into the main road outside the city, kicking up a cloud of sand and dust as it headed Southwest.

They stopped in the middle and took some things. Lizard and Chen Jing also came to the truck that old Zhou was driving. There was a black iron box that the team had just taken out. The lid of the box was opened, and there were all kinds of weapons inside.

There were shotguns, handguns, submachine guns, revolvers, and a few watermelon knives.

“Even I didn’t expect that a good cooperation would turn into a solo operation. We came to the central city as a support team. It’s not convenient to bring too many weapons, and because of the urgency of the matter, we didn’t have time to find another arms dealer to buy, so everyone can only suffer for a while. Fortunately, this fleet has been of great help to us. Their weapons … It’s actually quite a few.”

Chen Jing said with a smile. Then, she picked and picked a pistol and inserted it into the holster next to her thigh.

it’s quite a lot. It’s enough to open a village weapons Museum …

The lizard mumbled as it rummaged through the box. It stuffed submachine guns, shotguns, semi-automatic rifles, and all kinds of bullets into its backpack. It was clearly a large backpack, but when it fell, it was instantly filled to the brim. The muzzle of the gun stretched out from the mouth of the backpack, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws. It was as if it was arranging flowers, and it was strangely beautiful.

However, after the lizard picked the box, Lu Xin noticed that there were fewer things in the box. He took a look and saw only a watermelon knife.

But he didn’t mind and asked for his two guns back from lizard.

Among the three of them, Gecko probably had the highest demand for firearms, and its requirements were also the strictest..

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