Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 354 - Chapter 354: Leave in ten minutes (1)

Chapter 354: Leave in ten minutes (1)

Translator: 549690339

The lizard was startled by Chen Jing’s voice. It turned its head in a hurry and its eyes suddenly lit up.

As a Spider-type ability user, her eyesight and hearing were far better than ordinary people. She did not notice Chen Jing’s approach. Firstly, she was frightened by Lu Xin. Secondly, the door was not closed and the floor was covered with a thick carpet. At this time, Chen Jing had changed into a black tight-fitting combat suit and a pair of boots that were convenient for movement and could almost silence all sounds.

The first time it saw the leader, it was naturally panicked, but the second time it saw him, the lizard forgot to panic.

His eyes were only fixed for a moment.

This was the first time he had seen Chen Jing wearing clothes other than the military uniform and women’s suit, especially this kind of tight-fitting combat suit.

“Hello, team leader.”

Lu Xin was also taken aback. He quickly put down his teacup and stood up to greet Chen Jing.

Chen Jing nodded and motioned for Lu Xin to sit down. She pulled another chair over and sat down as well. Then, she said expressionlessly, ‘

“If you don’t want to blind your eyes with your own hands, then close your eyes.”

The lizard on the side was stunned for a moment. It hurriedly turned around and stared at the mirror opposite it.

Chen Jing decided to ignore him for the time being. She looked at Lu Xin seriously and her eyes became gentler. “You’ve considered it?”


I’m just going to visit my relatives, ” Lu Xin replied honestly. it’s already been decided a long time ago. It’s not against the rules, is it? ‘

Chen Jing looked at Lu Xin quietly, as if she was in deep thought.

Qing gang didn’t know much about Lu Xin’s family visit because she didn’t see the “003” document that Lu Xin brought back.

However, professor Bai had already confirmed that the red Moon orphanage in

Green Harbor was related to the research of the “escaped laboratory.”

Therefore, when she arrived in Central City and confirmed that the black table was related to the “escaped laboratory,” she was very glad.

She was starting to understand what I Xin meant hv “visiting his family.

In the end, however, Lu Xin’s expression when he saw Chen Xun’s information on the helicopter was confirmed.

Of course, it was one thing to confirm it and another to prepare in advance.

Even though she only had half a day to prepare.

“It doesn’t count,”

we’re just Special Operations personnel who deal with special pollution, ” Chen Jing said with a smile. we’re no different from the repairmen who are responsible for repairing large machinery and the experts who treat water and land pollution. When you’re working, you talk about work. When you’re on vacation, you talk about vacation. Now that you’re on vacation and ready to visit your family, of course, it’s your personal freedom . Lu Xin was immediately touched by his boss’s thoughtfulness.

“But …”

Chen Jing paused for a moment. if the person you’re going to find is really the same target as the central city, then it’s very likely that you’ll have some unnecessary conflict with their operation team. What do you plan to do when that happens? ‘

“This …”

A troubled expression appeared on Lu Xin’s face. “I really haven’t thought about it. We’ll talk about it when the time comes .

“The aptitude users in the central city should be quite reasonable, right?”

I think that team leader Xia Chong is a good person!

Chen Jing didn’t deny it. She smiled and said, can tell that you’re not good at dealing with this kind of thing. I’ll go with you.” “Ah, this .

Lu Xin was still a little ill-prepared for this.

Chen Jing saw through his thoughts and her voice became gentler, ” since we’re colleagues and we were sent here to help you solve the forbidden experiment incident you encountered on the way, the central city has taken over the task of directly facing the laboratory. Then, our main job is to protect you as a witness and accompany you to see your family .

“Is there a problem?”

Lu Xin thought about it seriously.

Was there anything wrong with a leader caring for his employees and protecting them?

Is there a problem if the leader wants to meet the relatives of the employees or even their family members?

It was impeccable.

He could only nod and say,”no problem .

“There’s a problem .

As soon as Lu Xin finished speaking, the lizard beside him suddenly said in a trembling voice,

Chen Jing’s appearance had blinded her, but the lizard’s reaction was also very fast. It only took less than three minutes to react and said with uncertainty, “”1t seems … It seems like you were asking if Shan Bing Jie would mind bringing two colleagues to visit his relatives?”

Chen Jing turned her head and smiled gently at the lizard. “Yes, I am.”

The lizard panicked. It composed itself and said,”Then, can I ask, leader, who is the other colleague you mentioned?” Chen Jing looked at him and smiled.

“I’m not going!”

The lizard almost climbed up to the ceiling. It suddenly became excited and shouted, ‘”‘Team leader, you don’t have to bring me with you yet … You didn’t mention this when you brought me here, did you? This is the central city, and the place you’re going to has a forbidden laboratory that’s creating a God.

Moreover, if we sneak in like this, won’t we be going against the central city?”

Chen Jing retracted her gaze and turned to Lu Xin, ” visiting relatives is a small matter. We still have to hurry …

I’m fighting for my own power, ” the lizard shouted helplessly. are you just going to ignore me? ”

Chen Jing frowned and turned to look at him with an unhappy expression.

Lu Xin followed suit.

The lizard was a little scared, but it still raised its head bravely. It looked like it would rather die Here than throw away its life.

Lu Xin’s heart softened, and he hesitated on whether he should open his mouth to persuade the team leader to let go of the gecko.

However, Chen Jing squinted her eyes and said to the lizard with a pleasant expression, “”ls there a problem?”

The lizard immediately shivered and whispered, ” the central city has made it clear that they won’t let us participate in this matter …

“We don’t intend to participate. We’re just accompanying Shan Bing to visit his family and protect him.” Chen Jing smiled.

“But …”

The lizard wanted to be self-righteous, but it couldn’t. the central city told us to wait at the hotel …

“That’s where you’re wrong, ”

Chen Jing looked at him and chuckled, “”Central City doesn’t have the power to order us to do anything. They told us to stay in the hotel, but they didn’t say that we had to stay there forever. We’re free, so what’s wrong with accompanying a colleague to visit his relatives? Even if they do, the four lawyers will help us solve the problem …”

“Ah, this .

The lizard found that it couldn’t refute, so it held on to its last hope and said, what if the captain’s family doesn’t welcome us ..

“I don’t have this one …”

Lu Xin hurriedly explained, not wanting the lizard to misunderstand, “”After our last cooperation, my family likes you!” he also said that he would invite you to his house as a guest …

The lizard’s hair stood on end as it subconsciously looked at the height outside the window.

hehe, although I’m leading the team for this mission, what we’re doing now is indeed not within the plan.

At this moment, Chen Jing smiled and said, “”You can choose not to go.”


Both Lu Xin and lizard were surprised.

Chen Jing continued, ” of course, there are some things that I have to make clear to you. For such a sudden mission, the reward and contribution are particularly high. When we return to Qing gang, I will also give you an evaluation based on your performance. You can wait for us in the hotel, but I am a little worried for you. If you miss this opportunity, then your hope of being promoted to a level five talent may be less likely …

of course, ” he said with a laugh, ” I won’t make things difficult for you. I just feel sorry for you!

The lizard’s expression suddenly became blank.

Chen Jing’s face revealed a satisfied smile, “”When do you plan to leave?”

Only then did Lu Xin come to his senses. He looked at the lizard with a strange expression and asked, “”1 hope that it will be as soon as possible.”

“That’s good!”

Chen Jing got up and threw the two black backpacks in her hands on the bed.

“We’ll leave in ten minutes.’


Lu Xin jerked his head up.

Chen Jing looked at him and the lizard and suddenly said, “”Didn’t you hear? Why are you still standing there?”


Lu Xin immediately came to his senses and grabbed his backpack.

He opened the backpack and saw a black, tight-fitting uniform inside. There were also some special equipment. He couldn’t tell the exact material. It was either a cloth or a leather jacket, but it was obviously woven. It felt very soft to the touch.

Not only were there clothes, but there were also boots, masks, and protective mirrors.

It looked like good equipment for thieves …

Of course, he was definitely not going to be a thief. He was clearly going to visit his relatives.

While Lu Xin was examining the clothes, Chen Jing had already gone to the door to wait for him. The lizard had also walked over without a word.

He silently took his backpack and took out his combat suit, putting it on one by one.

Lu Xin was still a little confused, so he advised in a low voice, “”Actually, you don’t have to go .

“No,” she said.

“I believe in team leader Chen,” Gecko said firmly.

“You believe that she’ll help you advance to rank 5?” Lu Xin asked in surprise.

“I believe she’ll definitely make things difficult for me and make it impossible for me to advance,” the lizard said with a firm expression.

“Is it really that important to you?” Lu Xin asked in surprise.

“Of course there is …

The lizard looked at Lu Xin with a straight face and suddenly burst into laughter. “You know what? The last time I went to the main city for a meeting, I had a good chat with Linda. She said that if I could reach the standard of a level 5 talent, she would date me. ‘

do you think I don’t know that I have to take risks just because. ‘m here? I’m going to seize any opportunity to fight for my own benefits .

“Do you think that if I didn’t make a scene, old Chen would be willing to promise me such a big credit?”

Lu Xin didn’t know how to answer. He was stunned for a moment before he replied, “”Did tie cui agree to date you?”


“It’s Linda!” The lizard corrected.

Lu Xin didn’t pay much attention to the details and asked curiously, “”What’s your level now?”

“Level 3,” the lizard replied.

Lu Xin nodded thoughtfully, ” there isn’t much difference …

He remembered that after han Bing told him about it, he had calculated it in private. If he no longer encountered the attacks of S-Class ability users in hai shangguo, then he would have to carry out about 80 ordinary missions to rise from Level 3 to Level 4. Geckoes were not much different from him, and according to his current efficiency in carrying out missions … Within 20 years, there was hope for him to marry Linda.

Within three minutes, they changed into their combat uniforms and put on ordinary clothes. Then, they came out with their backpacks.

Chen Jing was in the corridor, leaning against the wall, a long and thin cigarette between her slender fingers.

The dim lights in the hotel corridor shone on her, making her look mysterious and sexy.

“Let’s go!”

I’m sorry, “she muttered as she threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray on top of the trash can.

As she spoke in a low voice, the door of the room next to hers opened. Li Gang and a few lawyers walked out. They did not say anything and only nodded slightly. Then, one of them walked into Chen Jing’s room, while the other two went into lizard’s and Lu Xin’s rooms.

At the end of the corridor, a waiter was waiting. He made a ” please ” gesture towards the stairs.

They were clearly going to visit their relatives, but why did everyone seem so solemn and serious?

Lu Xin subconsciously bowed..

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