I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 908

908 Chapter 947: Great News!

“Principal, that’s the Green Titan, right?”


Principal: “HMM… Judging from its characteristics, it should be…”

“Principal, these shapeshifting elves look a little like… that…”

“Wood Elves, right?”A teacher beside him replied.

Principal: “HMM… Judging from their characteristics, they look a little like…”

“Principal, don’t you think there’s something wrong?”One of the instructors wearing a red alchemy robe couldn’t help but ask.

The Principal:”…”

Wasn’t this nonsense? Anyone could tell that there was something wrong, right. The streets were filled with high-quality Green Titans and Wood Elves. Although they hadn’t been tested yet, they were at least of the direct line of descent. The key was that they were two races that no longer had any legacies… . .

What the hell is going on?

As they moved to the outskirts of Huaxia City, the face of the greater and greater surprise, to the end of a direct one of the three have been exposed to the collapse of the expression!

Because they see these qualities as the direct descendants of the high-quality Green Titan, they… … They… Hey! They’re moving bricks!

“Oh my God… am I Dreaming?”The head of the Arcana Department, who was walking in front with the principal, almost turned green with envy.

The other deans were also trembling, and they could not say a word for a long time. How could they ask such a talented junior to skip work and move bricks? How crazy was this?

The principal was also shocked. Although their school did not engage in physical education, and even despised the martial arts school, it was crazy to use such a talent to do such a thing…

Seeing everyone’s strange expressions, Vielin decided to say something to ease the atmosphere, he smiled gently and said, “Sorry for making a fool out of you, Principal. As our faction is newly developed, we don’t have enough labor force population. This is a last resort…”

“This… is the reason for them to become labor force?”The principal trembled as he pointed at the group of young people who were sweating profusely in the mining pit.

Which of the other factions did not treat such young talents as treasures and nurture them? Even if they lacked laborers, they could not be made to do such a thing. Why didn’t you ask them to pick up the feces?

“Sir Principal, the address of the first school that the Liege has prepared for you is up ahead…”virien quickly changed the topic.

The principal lifted his head when he heard that and immediately saw a simple light barrier. There were many aborigines doing the cleaning work inside the barrier.

These aborigines who were doing the cleaning looked much more normal. It seemed that this place was not as exaggerated as he had imagined… … … …

“Let me show you around, shall I?”As Merlyn was speaking, he suddenly saw elder long and elder Li rushing over from afar.

“Sect Master Qin? May I ask who this is?”After elder long rushed over, he looked at the huge team and these old monsters with deep auras. His heart trembled as he hurriedly asked.

Merlin smiled and said, “These are the high-level instructors that the Lord has invited. These seniors will establish the first high-level academy in the Sea of stars and recruit students for the entire Sea of stars. The starting threshold is a level four life form. The Lord will inform you about the tuition fees and the specific registration mechanism later!”

Elder long and elder Li were stunned when they heard this. They were already familiar with developing a person’s bloodline, so they quickly analyzed the information in the other party’s words in their minds!

A high-level tutor? Where did they invite him? A high-level Luo fu official. Or.. … An extraterrestrial civilization that many data experts had deduced?

A high-level academy that could only be studied at level 4?

What did this mean?

Elder long took a deep breath. He had too many questions in his mind, but as a senior politician, he knew that this was obviously not the time to ask too many questions, thus, he smiled and said, “I also just found out that the secret building here is actually an academy. May I follow you to visit it?”

Hearing this, Virien smiled. “Of course. In the future, this academy will have many things to connect with Huaxia City. Later, I will slowly tell you in detail…”

Hearing this, elder long immediately understood the meaning of the other party’s words. This meant that he would explain everything to him later, telling him not to speak too much.

With this thought in mind, he nodded and quietly followed behind everyone.

The principal looked at the two old men curiously. The two old men seemed to be quite old, but their pure spiritual power was very similar to the developers that seer had brought before.

Virien did not intend to let the current elder long interact with them too much, so he directly suggested, “Then I’ll take everyone to have a look first…”

“Alright, please lead the way!”The principal politely smiled.

Under Wei Lin’s lead, the group began to tour the newly built academy, while elder long and elder Li silently followed behind the main group.

The academy’s infrastructure was very good, even the roads and floors were made of expensive white jade, but all of this was nothing in the Universe Federation. Of course, it was definitely much better than the academy’s infrastructure back then.

Wei Lin: “The Academy’s area is a total of 8,000 mu, the school building area is 1.65 million square meters, the green space rate is 40% , the building materials used are the best that the base can afford at the moment, in the future when the Lord is well-off, he will definitely level up, the current conditions are simple and crude, I hope everyone doesn’t mind.”

“No, no…”the principal hurriedly said, “This is much better than our place, it’s already not bad…”

The group of instructors nodded in satisfaction. Finally, they didn’t have to live in the place that looked like a beggar’s place.

Actually, it wasn’t the principal’s fault for being reluctant to spend that little money on infrastructure. It was just that the environment there didn’t allow it. In places that were corroded by demonic energy, many of the materials would corrode within a few years, and the anti-corrosion materials were shockingly expensive, so the academy could only spend limited funds on teaching equipment and instructors’salaries.

After a period of sightseeing, the instructors began to talk more, such as discussing which land to use for which department, how to allocate the dormitories of the branch departments, and so on.

Elder long and elder Li, who were following behind, memorized all the conversations in their minds and followed silently. They remained silent from the beginning to the end, until Vivian was ready to settle these instructors in their resting place, only then did elder long leave with elder Li.

— —

“What do you think?”After returning to the city Lord’s room, Elder Long did not waste any time and directly asked his old partner about his thoughts.

Elder li said, “This proves two points. First, this so-called force in the Sea of stars does have an extraterrestrial force involved. From the conversations between those so-called high-level instructors and sect Master Qin, it is obvious that those guys are the same as the instructors in our trainers. They are not from Planet D.”. …”

“Secondly, these instructors are not ordinary. Although I have just familiarized myself with the mental energy system, I can vaguely feel that they are on a completely different level from the instructors in the training room who taught me the mental energy system. Based on sect Master Qin’s previous words, we can conclude that these instructors are used to build a higher education system. In other words, they are used for advanced players to train their abilities. If that is the case, this is a great thing for our Huaxia City! !”

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