I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 907

907 Chapter 945: Admission of the Academy (middle)

“Attention, residents of the Sea of stars. From 12 o’clock today, all teleportation points will be closed for a month. During this month, all teleportation channels in the Sea of stars will be suspended, including the long-distance channels between Planet D and the Sea of stars, as well as the previous teleportation channels in the Sea of Stars!”


“Players who are still visiting their families, please return as soon as possible. Those who have not returned before 12 o’clock will be given a month off by default. Players who are lords within the New Territories, please plan your travel schedule and do not be affected by this teleportation shutdown. Players who have logistics needs, please settle them before 12 o’clock today. Unless there is a major situation, the portal will not be opened for private use. Residents who have received the news, please inform each other. Also, please notify the city lords. Thank you!”

——– —

What’s going on here?

All the players received a message after the face of confusion, all of a sudden shut down teleportation for what? Especially those lords who do business in Gondolin, were instantly shocked by the news.

Now the cost of basic materials is high, we are carefully exploring the market, because the market changes at any time, resulting in the production of people do not dare to go too far.

But now that the teleportation had been cut off for a month, many players were dumbfounded. What should they do? Stock up. What if they suffered a loss? If they didn’t stock up, if the market was taken over by those hoarders, they wouldn’t even have a place to cry.

It wasn’t just the private players. The city lords were also dumbfounded, especially the Second City’s Abe Qingming. As a city that had yet to collect energy for the time being.., they were counting on the first batch of agricultural products to be exported from other cities to earn back some money.

But now, they were going to cut off the teleportation?

What could they do?

The major cities on Mars seemed to be very advanced in technology, but they had yet to build their infrastructure. There was basically no traffic between cities before, and it was all because of that teleportation formation.

Now that the teleportation was stopped, what would happen to the food that came out? In the rotten land?

The moment the news spread, Qing Ming protested and questioned AI for an explanation.

Faced with the questions from the city lords and players, AI agreed with the answer: there was not enough energy. They needed to accumulate enough energy before they could continue to activate the teleportation system.

However, this answer did not satisfy the players. As veteran players, everyone knew that it was impossible for the base to lack energy. When the first base was born, the first thing the Lord asked the players to do was to dig for energy ores.

Now that they had dug for five years, as the population grew and the number of mining equipment increased, the refined energy blocks were already quite abundant. Advanced developers all knew about this, and teleportation energy consumption was very high, however, the current accumulation was not going to stop.

Moreover, nothing had happened yet…

Although the base had a lot of new people, these new people were still active in the city, and not many of them had left. Their consumption was basically the same as before, so why did they suddenly run out of energy? It doesn’t make sense!

While everyone was wondering, Huaxia City welcomed a group of guests… . .

At this moment, in Huaxia City, Elder Long was also very dissatisfied with this new news. As Huaxia City currently had the most advanced players, its tax revenue was far higher than that of the other five cities. This was a very big advantage. As long as it was used well, huaxia city would always be in the lead.

However, wouldn’t the economy stop if the teleportation was suddenly stopped?

Just as he was about to contact the higher-ups of Luofu to ask, elder Li suddenly rushed into the city Lord’s room.

“What’s wrong, elder Li? Did the higher-ups of Luofu give an answer?”

Elder Li shook his head and said, “Over a thousand people suddenly teleported over from the base’s teleportation point!”

“Didn’t they say that the teleportation was closed? Why are there so many people teleported over?”Elder long frowned and asked, “Who are they?”

“I don’t know!”Elder li said solemnly, “There are all kinds of people. I suspect that they are genetic bodies, but I haven’t seen many of them before. They don’t seem to be in the system of the six major cities. They are either from the higher-ups of Luofu or…”. “…”. Elder Li pointed to the sky. “Perhaps they are outsiders that we have guessed!”

Elder Long’s pupils constricted when he heard that. He suddenly stood up. “Come, let’s go and take a look!”


The group of people who were teleported to the Huaxia City base were naturally the instructors of the foot academy. At this moment, Merlin was leading the principal and many instructors to tour huaxia city with an amiable expression.

The environment was better than expected…

The three brothers and sisters looked around curiously. They had thought that the environment of the seer’s territory with such a high salary would definitely be very harsh. It was either a planet that had been corroded, or a grade-9 planet that had a huge temperature difference between day and night.

However, the planet’s environment was surprisingly good. Judging from the plants cultivated in the surroundings, this place had the qualifications of a grade-7 life planet at the very least. Moreover, it seemed that the seer was very willing to invest in infrastructure, it seemed that the working environment for the next few years would not be too bad.

At the thought of this, the three siblings looked a little confused. The conditions were not bad, and the salary was so high. could seer really be taking care of her family?

“Interesting…”among the instructors, a instructor in charge of the basic subjects of the architecture department commented with a smile, “Although the basic public templates of the elven city are a little outdated, some of the detailed designs are still very innovative, especially the gazebo in the square. The materials and colors are done very well, and the carving is also very unique. It seems that the lord here places a lot of importance on architecture…”. “…”. “…”

“Yeah, not only the buildings, but the Lord also seems to pay attention to the cultivation of elements. Have you noticed that the quality of the surrounding elemental molecules is very high…”

“Well…”several arcanists nodded. “This quality should have been cultivated by the flower spirits, right?”

The group of instructors discussed as they walked, but gradually, they felt that something was not right…

The quality of these elemental spirits seemed to be a little too high, and there were a lot of them. They didn’t seem like they were nurtured by one or two flower spirits.

Out of curiosity, one of the instructors looked over at the elemental spirits’spiritual energy. He was instantly stunned. These elemental spirits were all flower spirits from all over the city, and there were at least a thousand of them!

Moreover, the level of these flower spirits was not high. Most of them were around level three or four. There were even some level two ones, but… ! The quality was so high!

Although he could not sense them clearly from afar, a rough one was at least at the level of a Royal Elf!

That instructor was instantly stunned. How could there be so many royal descendants in a private territory? And he had never heard of any elven royal family having thousands of such outstanding flower spirit children?

Usually, those who could produce hundreds of flower spirit children of such quality were all big elven families, right?

While he was still in shock, his companion suddenly interrupted him and whispered, “Vicky, look around!”

“What’s Wrong?”The teacher recovered from his shock and looked around at his companion. However, when he looked around, he froze again!

Huaxia city was a residential district. For protection, the inner district was filled with novice players. At first glance, they were either elves or Green Titans. Occasionally, they would pass by two developers who were heading to the laboratory.

“These… What are they?”The group of instructors could not help but gulp.

Although they were not combat faculty instructors, they still had basic insight. These Green Titans were not even level two or three. Their blood and Qi were as full as level four or five Golden Titans. The ratio of their bones to their bodies could be said to be perfect, their bloodline was unbelievably pure!

There were also the occasional developers who passed by. The spiritual power displayed by level three or four was as pure as the spiritual power of the Xi Ling Royal Family. They would usually only be able to take a look at such seedlings from afar when they were studying in other academies, why were there so many of them on the streets?

“Principal… This Is?”The teachers who were walking in front finally could not hold it in any longer and asked.

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