Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 377

Chapter 377 – 377 High-Energy Face Slap (1)

377 High-energy face slap (1)

An mu’s expression did not look good.


She had not expected Shi qinglan to come. After all, they had had countless disputes before, and inviting her was a slap to her own face.

However, in order to strike up a conversation with Shi qingxun and Shi qingan, an mu still sent an invitation to the Shi financial magnate …

But Shi qinglan had actually come with Shi qingshang!

“Anan, miss Shi is so beautiful! Why did you say that she’s just like that?” One of the sisters was puzzled.

The girl next to her nodded in agreement. with her looks and temperament, I can totally ignore whether she came from ning city or not. There are some things that can’t be helped. She’s just born with it!

Everyone’s attention was instantly shifted to Shi qinglan.

The people who were envious of an mu’s relationship with Jiang Yan were now envious of Shi qinglan’s family background and appearance …

“I can understand why master Sheng is with her, but what’s with master Bo? He inexplicably looks like a flower Guardian!”

“Don’t talk nonsense. Master Bo hates scandals the most.”

“Don’t joke about this kind of thing. Everyone knows that master Bo dislikes this kind of thing. Be careful that he doesn’t throw you into the sea to feed the Sharks.”

“I don’t think there’s anything between master Bo and miss Shi. Otherwise, based on the status of their families, they would have already made it public, right?”

The voices of everyone’s discussion gradually lowered …

Shi qinglan walked to an mu, and her red lips curved up slightly. miss an, we meet again.

An mu’s face was cold and she did not show any good temper.

However, due to the presence of Shi qingxun and Bo Yucheng, she did not dare to flare up. miss Shi is really everywhere.

Compared to being everywhere, she actually wanted to say that he was like a ghost.

Shi qinglan looked at an mu with a faint smile. She could sense that an mu was unhappy at the moment, but she felt a little better deep down.

“It’s almost time. Since everyone is here, let’s board the ship.” An mu said unhappily.

So what if Shi qinglan was here? the boat was borrowed by brother Yan, and Jiang Yan had shown some interest in her. She could get him to drive Shi qinglan away with a few coquettish words …

With Jiang Yan’s status in international freight, even Shi Fu respected him. Shi Qingyun and Bo Yucheng would definitely not dare to say anything. Let’s see what Shi qinglan could do then!

“Board the ship.” Shi qingxuan turned to look at the girl.

Shi qinglan raised her pretty face slightly and looked at the slightly billowing sea in the distance. Her eyes fell on the White cruise ship …

His expression was slightly sluggish, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

Why did this cruise ship look like … He looked a little familiar?

“LAN ‘er?” Seeing that the girl seemed to be in a daze, Shi qingxiao lowered her head and reminded her, “what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing,” Shi qinglan came back to her senses.

Shi qingxuan did not think too much about it, but Bo Zicheng’s eyes were fixed on the two of them …

Even though he had come to the cruise party with Shi qinglan …

But after all, everyone present was from the rich and powerful, and it was inevitable that many of them had some friendship with the Shi financial magnate. If he were to be too intimate with Shi qinglan, he might be reported to the Shi family …

Bo Li Cheng’s eyes darkened-aggrieved!

Hence, Shi qingxiao accompanied Shi qinglan and the two of them prepared to board the ship together. Bo Li Cheng also strode behind them.

However, just as Shi qinglan stepped onto the stairs …

An mu suddenly blocked her way. miss Shi, are you planning to board the ship? ”

Hearing this, Shi qinglan’s eyes flickered.

She could guess what an mu was thinking, and her red lips curved up slightly. what’s the problem, miss an? ”

Shi qingxiao and Bo Yucheng also cast her a look, and the air around them inevitably became colder.

In particular, a hint of irritation and disgust flashed through Bo Li Cheng’s eyes.

He felt that the woman in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn’t remember who she was. However, she was usually a girl who had provoked him before, but she was not worth remembering.

master Bo, master Sheng, don’t blame me for being heartless. You know the rules of the banquet. No one is allowed to enter without an invitation.

An mu looked at the two men with a smile. She was generous and decent, but she also made things difficult for Shi qinglan.

Upon hearing this, Shi qingqiao frowned. LAN ‘er came with me. Miss an, you mean … The daughter of the Shi financial magnate is not worthy of attending your banquet?”

An mu was not intimidated by the man’s aura.

She was used to being arrogant, especially when the people around her had told her that the Shi family and the Bo family were the only top families in the imperial capital, and the an family had the highest status.

However, there were no girls in those two families, and the only one was lost. So, an mu naturally became the most distinguished girl in the whole imperial capital’s circle of rich and powerful!

She was like a moon surrounded by a myriad of stars. She spoiled everything, so she was naturally arrogant.

He was not afraid of anything and even dared to offend Shi Qingyun.

master Sheng, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that Shi qinglan doesn’t have an invitation. I have to follow the rules.

An mu shrugged helplessly. otherwise, if the others bring their relatives and friends, won’t the rules be broken? ”

Upon hearing this, the aura around Shi Qingyun suddenly turned cold.

Even Bo Li Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at her, a sinister look gradually filling the bottom of his eyes.

The two men were about to flare up, but they did not expect Shi qinglan to speak first. She chuckled, ” ha …

“Miss an, you mean I’m not qualified to board the ship?” Shi qinglan was making a statement with certainty.

An mu replied proudly, ” that’s right!

The two men’s eyes were cold, but Shi qinglan’s expression was languid and charming, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised.

She smiled. that’s funny. I haven’t been back to the capital for a few years and I’m still not qualified to board the stars.

“What do you mean by that?” An mu frowned and looked at Shi qinglan.

The girl raised her pretty face slightly, and her red lips were slightly pouted. When she looked at an mu, her eyes were a little cold.

The other young Masters who had not boarded the ship also came to watch.

Shi qinglan’s Red lips parted slightly, and the ending of her voice was deliberately dragged out, ” I mean …

there’s something that I’m afraid you don’t know, Ms. An. Since you’ve offended me, I don’t mind explaining it to you.

She chuckled lazily, as if she was talking about something ordinary. starry sky … It’s my ship!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl’s body suddenly emitted a sharp aura.

Shi qinglan looked at an mu with a sweet smile. Her voice was clear and cold, and her determined tone suddenly exploded in the crowd!

“This is so funny!” An mu sneered and expressed her disbelief.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. do you think that everything belongs to you just because the Shi Financial Group is rich? You dare to use anything to slap my face? I’m really sorry … I’ll also give you some science!”

“Brother Yan borrowed the starry sky from an old friend. Have you heard of it? He was the top player in international shipping! Do you think you’re worthy of being his Big Boss friend?”

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