Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 376

Chapter 376 – 376 That Must Be The Daughter Of The Shi Financial Magnate!

376 That must be the daughter of the Shi financial magnate!

The cruise party on the weekend arrived as scheduled.


The invited young Masters came to the beach in luxury cars. The deep blue sea connected with the blue sky. The sea was slightly rough, and one could smell the faint smell of the sea after taking a deep breath …

A white luxury cruise ship was docked on the shore.

Since it was a party, the girls dressed up in gorgeous gowns, and the boys naturally dressed up in suits and leather shoes, looking forward to having a romantic encounter of their own at sea.

an mu, it’s amazing that you could rent this cruise ship!

this is the most luxurious and valuable cruise ship in China, the star fanxing. It’s one of the most expensive cruise ships in the world!

I’ve always wanted to meet on the stars. I didn’t expect Anan to help me achieve this goal!

A few girls dressed in beautiful gowns were chatting together.

An mu was wearing a long pink evening dress, and her tone was a little coy. no, it’s all thanks to brother Yan. He borrowed the stars cruise from his friend.

“It’s a blessing to be able to gain President Jiang’s favor!”

that’s right. Director Jiang is the dream lover of young girls, but now he’s prostrated himself at miss an’s feet ~”

“I also want a boss like him. I heard that the owner of stars is a Big Boss who is even more powerful than President Jiang! I wonder what kind of person he is …”

The girl’s compliment made an mu very happy.

After all, for many daughters of rich and powerful families who only knew how to drink and chat, it was their lifelong desire to win the favor of men and marry into a rich family that was higher than their own family.

Recently, when they heard that Jiang Yan had returned to China, many girls had tried to steal his heart … But they were all defeated.

Only an mu seemed to have won Jiang Yan’s favor.

“Stop it, you guys.” An mu smiled shyly. brother Yan won’t be happy if he hears about this.

She knew that Jiang Yan didn’t like to make a fuss about the stars.

Jiang Yan seemed to respect the owner of stars cruise ship a lot. An mu was really curious about what kind of role he played …

It should be a man, a man who was more powerful than Jiang Yan.

“Let’s change the topic then. By the way, Anan, I heard that you attended the family reunion dinner of the Shi financial magnate’s daughter. Isn’t she super pretty?”

Hearing this, an mu’s expression became a little unnatural.

She gently pinched the corner of her dress. She could not swallow her anger when she thought of how she had been humiliated by Shi qinglan and even expelled from the banquet …

“Anan?” The girl looked at her in confusion.

He felt that there was something wrong with an mu, and she seemed to have something that she could not tell him.

Some of them had vaguely heard some discussions about an mu.

It was rumored that she had been driven out by the Shi financial magnate, but the cause and the truth of the matter were unknown.

After all, the threshold for the acknowledgment banquet of the Shi financial magnate’s daughter was very high. The Shi family had only invited a very small number of people from the wealthy families to attend, and small families had no right to come into contact with such a top-notch wealthy family.

“MMH … I’ve seen it before.” An mu pursed her lips and said.

“How is it? It was said that she was super beautiful, and the adjectives used to describe her were devastatingly beautiful … Is there really such a stunning beauty?”

“Anan is already pretty enough, how can she be prettier than her? Don’t tell me you think you’re a beauty that only appears once every fifty thousand years?”

“That’s not necessarily the case … However, it’s normal for a top rich family like the Shi financial magnate to need to promote their young Masters. A few articles will definitely be able to boast about their looks.”

“But master Sheng and hubby are really handsome! My husband’s looks in the entertainment industry are really good …”

An mu felt a little uncomfortable when she heard these discussions.

Before Shi qinglan was acknowledged by the Shi financial magnate, she was the one who was the center of attention. As the daughter of the an family, second only to the two top financial magnates, all the men were in love with her …

After all, everyone wanted to pursue the one at the top.

Therefore, after Shi qinglan’s appearance, all the men in the circle of the rich and powerful fell for her, as long as they had seen her before. Those who had never seen her before were attracted by her mystery.

She had heard that her face was exquisite, but she had never had the chance to see her …

This kind of woman always made men’s hearts itch.

“Actually, she’s just like that.” An mu was a little jealous.

She pursed her lips. she’s from a small place like ning city, after all. To be honest, she’s not that presentable.

Since she had only sent Shi qingxun and Shi qingan an invitation, and not Shi qinglan, she would not be able to hear these words.

However, she did not expect that not long after she finished speaking, she suddenly heard a cry of surprise from the crowd by the sea.

“Then … That must be the daughter of the Shi financial magnate!”

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Shi qinglan, dressed in a long sea blue dress, walking towards the crowd.

The noble ocean blue set off the girl’s delicate snow-like skin, and the hollow sleeves matched the autumn air, but they were not too tightly covered. Instead, there was a sense of mystery that was half-covered.

The dress fell naturally, not to the point of dragging the tail, revealing her sexy and slender ankles. She was wearing a pair of exquisite and gorgeous nude pink high heels, and the back of her foot was even fairer.

To avoid the sea breeze, Shi qinglan tied her hair up.

With only a few strands of hair sticking to her ears, her Swan-like neck was straight and white, and her posture was so noble and elegant that it made people envious.

“Heavens! It’s really a beautiful dream …”

An mu’s sisters looked at Shi qinglan, and when they saw her beautiful face, they instantly turned into lemons.

But who didn’t like pretty girls?

“I feel like I’m going to become Shi qinglan’s fan! She really didn’t let down her family’s genes. I knew it, master Sheng and her husband are both so good-looking, how could she be bad!”

The girls could not help but scream like groundhogs.

When the boys looked at Shi qinglan, they could not help but be stunned. It was said that love began with the appearance, and the girl’s face could easily move people …

“Quickly look! Master Bo and master Sheng are also here!”

Just as everyone was immersed in Shi qinglan’s beauty, another cry of surprise was heard!

Two men in suits and leather shoes followed closely behind and appeared on both sides of Shi qinglan. The three-person formation made them look like bodyguards …

Bo Zhicheng’s eyes were deep, the slightly raised corners of his eyes were flirtatious, and his every movement was noble, elegant, and gentlemanly.

Shi Qingyun’s face was cold, and his body exuded a cold aura. He was noble and exuded an aura that kept people away.

The two of them surrounded Shi qinglan, one on the left and one on the right. The three of them were simply gorgeous! When all the girls saw the two top men in the rich circle surrounding her …

They were so sour that they had turned into lemons!

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