Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1023 - Need to Solve the Problem Immediately

Chapter 1023: Need to Solve the Problem Immediately

Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Yuan turned his attention to Bei Xu.

When he saw Bei Xu’s despondent expression, Lin Yuan nodded at Wen Yu to signal at her to use Star Spirit Seat.

He sacrificed some of the less useful law on the Sacred Sword Wielding Queen’s skirt and transferred over the Life Knot Rock Crystal that he had picked out for Bei Xu.

“Here’s another gift for you. Take it slow and don’t be sad. Hard work is always rewarded

Lin Yuan’s words were like a pillar of light that landed on Bei Xu.

Yin Lin had also noticed Bei Xu’s disappointment in himself and hastily said, “I was only able to start a faction because I had help. It would take me more than a year to do it myself.”

Bei Xu pouted shyly.

Besides his mother, no other female creature had comforted him before.

He could not help but blush. As bashful as he was, Yin Lin’s words comforted him.

Bei Xu was a cheerful person, and his sadness dissolved as quickly as it arose.

He immediately launched into a retelling of his experiences in the past week.

Lin Yuan, Wen Yu, and Yin Lin all felt shivers go up their spines when they heard about Bei Xu’s brushes with death.

Luckily, the Sharp Shadow Bat had gained Bat Colony Sucking. Otherwise, there was no way that Bei Xu would have survived until now.

Lin Yuan thought about the Life Knot Rock Crystal that he had just sent to Bei Xu through Star Spirit Seat.

Bei Xu would have an easier time walking on the tightrope between life and death with the Life Knot Rock Crystal.

Once they reached the 15-minute mark, Wen Yu coughed and said, “Leo, let’s move on to choose the two new members of the Astronomical Parliament.”

Lin Yuan nodded. He was also excited to meet the two new members.

Wen Yu activated the cat’s eye stone on her forehead, and the other constellation seats beside Andromeda and Perseus lit up.

Soon, a female figure draped in cold willpowers appeared in the Astronomical Parliament.

The woman was dumbfounded and could not understand why she had appeared in such a place.

Once she appeared, both Bei Xu and Yin Lin held their breaths.

She was going to be their companion from now on.

In contrast, Lin Yuan and Wen Yu had excited expressions.

Both of them could see the woman’s past experiences.

Lin Yuan felt that the girl’s life was just like the story of Cinderella, but she was playing the evil stepmother.

She was not only evil but also dumb, in Lin Yuan’s opinion. The wish that had brought her to the Astronomical Parliament was: ‘if my sister can lose this baby, I’ll give up everything in exchange’

Lin Yuan’s eyebrow twitched as he shook his head at Wen Yu.

If they let this woman stay, he would become a fetus murderer!

Wen Yu immediately pushed the woman out of the Astronomical Parliament.

Soon, another figure comprised of willpowers took her place.

Yin Lin and Bei Xu were stunned by the recent development.

They had been under the impression that fate had brought them to the Astronomical Parliament, but now, it seemed that those two on the golden thrones had intentionally plucked them out to save them.

This made the gratitude that Bei Xu and Yin Lin were nursing become heavier.

The second person was just like Bei Xu as he also came from a continent that Lin Yuan had never heard of. He had been invited by a prestigious family to become their son-in-law and had appeared here because he had enough of his wife’s family’s mistreatment.

His daughter had been bored and pulled out the fur of her grandmother’s dog-species fey. As punishment, her grandmother had forced her to stay in the dog-species fey’s cage to reflect.

This enraged the man, and his wish was: ‘If the War God descends, Im willing to give up everything I have.

Lin Yuan did not understand what the man meant, so he asked, “Why do you want the War God to descend

The man clearly did not understand what was going on as he was studying the starry sky curiously. He replied to Lin Yuan absent-mindedly, “When the War God descends, 10,000 warriors will accompany him, and they”

Before the man could finish speaking, Lin Yuan had already instructed Wen Yu to kick him out of the Astronomical Parliament.

For a person to descend from the sky, he had to be a king-class expert at the very least. The lazy man had no right to call out to 10,000 king-class experts.

Wen Yu immediately clenched her jaw when she heard what the man said.

Luckily, the daughter of that prestigious family had invited 88 sons-in-law, and the man did not stand out. Otherwise, the family would have kicked him out long ago.

However, Wen Yu wondered if the daughter of the prestigious family was able to handle so many husbands.

At this point, Wen Yu furrowed her brow.

Why shouldI care if she can handle it?o

She shook her head to clear her mind of all thoughts and called the third candidate to the Astronomícal Parliament.

This person’s body made of willpowers was small and weak, and it was clear that he had only recently comprehended a Willpower Rune.

When Lin Yuan checked on the third person’s life experience, he raised an eyebrow. Unexpectedly, this person came from the Iron Hammer Federation in the Startling Lines Continent

Although this person did not come from the Divine Wood Federation, he was still from the Startling Lines Continent.

The third candidate was a young man that looked around the same age as Chu i and came from a humble background.

Nonetheless, he was in better shape than Bei Xu because he had the love of his family at least.

His grandfather was the leader of a tribe, and this young man had Creation Master talent. All the members of the tribe respected this young man greatly.

By checking through the young man’s life experience, it not only gave Lin Yuan an understanding of the young man’s life but about the culture in the Iron

Hammer Federation as well.

Lin Yuan noticed Wen Yu’s questioning look and nodded.

This young man was willing to give up everything he had in exchange for the survival of his family, and Lin Yuan saw no reason to grant such a wish.

However, this young man was in a different situation to Yin Lin and Bei Xu.

Yin Lin and Bei Xu’s situations had not been emergencies, and Lin Yuan had been able to give them a week to think it over before asking them if they were sure about joining the Astronomical Parliament.

This was not the case for this young man because his tribe was going to be attacked by the Curpite Clan in a few hours.

Lin Yuan could tell from the young man’s willpower that the strongest fey in the Horseshoe Tribe was his grandfather’s Rock Smash Mole. Meanwhile, the Cuprite Tribe had a Class 2 Creation Master as well as several Gold feys.

It was clear that the Horseshoe Tribe loss was guaranteed.

Hence, Lin Yuan needed to become clear on the young man’s issue immediately.

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