Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1022 - Bei Xu is Hurt

Chapter 1022: Bei Xu is Hurt

Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor Atlas Studios

After what Lin Yuan said, Yin Lin did not have to be conflicted any longer. She felt that she was always relaxed when she was in Lin Yuan’s presence.

Yin Lin remembered that she had bought a faction territory and said, “Leo, Ive started the faction, but it’s not built yet. Thus, we’ll have to play the long game.”

Lin Yuan’s eyebrow twitched.

Yin Lin lived up to her title of Azure Envoy. She had obtained a faction territory so quickly. This also meant that Yin Lin was putting a lot of effort into the task he had given.

It was not appropriate for Lin Yuan to know about Azure Envoy affairs, but he was very interested in Yin Lin’s private faction.

“Since you already have a faction territory, you should start to shape it according to your faction role. What plans do you have for your faction’s role? asked Lin Yuan.

Yin Lin replied confidently, “T have two plans. Firstly, I’m going to use my martial power to venture into the water world. Secondly, Im going to use my faction territory’s geographic features to protect and nurture the hundreds and rare coral reefs nearby. I will eventually combine both plans so that I can gain resources from the water world to increase my Creation Master resources.”

Lin Yuan nodded, feeling that Yin Lin had a well-thought-out plan for the expansion of her faction.

By basing the faction’s role on the geographical features and using Yin Lin’s own resources and title, Lin Yuan guessed that Yin Lin’s faction would quickly become strong within the Azure Federation. She would even have an easier time than he had trying to expand Sky City in the Radiance Federation.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to speak, Yin Lin went on to say, “Leo, have you heard of the Radiance Azure Waterway? I was able to gain a mature Island Whale after I became an Azure Envoy. As rare as coral reefs are in the Azure Federation, there are still some feys that market on it. I plan on using the Island Whale to travel the Radiance Azure Waterway and trade resources.

Through this, the price of the corals will skyrocket.”

Lin Yuan and Wen Yu glanced at each other. Yin Lin did not know that they came from the Radiance Federation.

Lin Yuan also had the ability to travel between the federations. In fact, he had three channels.

The first was through the Astronomical Parliament’s Star Spirit Seat. However, this method had a high cost and could not be used on a large scale.

The second channel was the Floating Island Whale. After the Spirit Lock spatial zone evolved, the incubation time we shortened significantly. Nonetheless, the Floating Island Whale still needed three more months to hatch.

The third channel was the Ethereal Jellyfish’s Space Tunnel. Although the Space Tunnel was stable, it could only be used to access one federation. Due to the distance, Lin Yuan could not use it for trading

Suddenly, an idea popped into Lin Yuan’s head.

“Do you have any difficulties in utilizing the rare coral resources?

A bitter smile spread across Yin Lin’s face.

Despite being an Azure Envoy that could use the powerful martial forces of both sides of her family, she did not have a lot of Creation Master resources.

Rare coral-species feys were so delicate that they needed many Creation Masters to watch over them constantly.

The resources that were needed in the greatest amount were pure heavenly-maiden-grade elemental pearls.

Yin Lin could not depend too much on her family for Creation Master resources.

Why don’t we establish a partnership then? When you send someone on the Island Whale to the Radiance Federation for trading, you can go see Listen of the Listening Heron Chamber of Commerce. Just tell him how many and what type of heavenly-maiden -grade elemental pearls you need. The next day, you can send someone to collect the heavenly-maiden-grade elemental pearls from Listen”

Yin Lin was stunned

Since Yin Lin had been chosen as an Azure Envoy, she was naturally a smart person. She now guessed that Lin Yuan was from the Radiance Federation.

Even if he was not from the Radiance Federation, he had to be connected to it in some way.

Yin Lin also knew that Lin Yuan possessed an unimaginable amount of

Creation Master resources and that heavenly-maiden-grade elemental pearls were peanuts to him.

Lin Yuan had effectively solved her faction’s problem.

Yin Lin did not think that it was a partnership but rather a selfless contribution.

Lin Yuan had already given her sight, and it was a debt that she would never be able to repay.

Yin Lin did not want to accept Lin Yuan’s help without offering anything in return in such a situation. She hoped that she would be able to be of some use to him.

I shall give a respective amount of heavy water to the numberof heavenly-maiden-grade elemental pearls that I’l take to Listen Lin Yuan nodded. Heavy water was worth twice of strange flames in the Radiance Federation.

The opening of the Class 6 abyssal dimensional rift in the Radiance Federation would result in many factions venturing into the abyssal world.

Eventually, the price of heavy water in the Radiance Federation would rise to three times that of strange flames.

Heavy water had the same effect that strange flames had on fire-type feys, and many water-type feys required heavy water to evolve their bloodline.

Lin Yuan did not possess any fey that required heavy water, but it was still a resource that he should stock up on.

Bei Xu, who was initially excited to tell Lin Yuan about his achievements, slowly fell silent.

Compared to Yin Lin, he had basically done nothing.

The more he thought about it, the more hurt he felt. He had tried his hardest and almost died four times in the past week.

However, he neither had a clue on how he was going to build a faction nor had he accepted any subordinates..

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