Eternal Melody

Chapter 984 My Beautiful Monster Part 85

Chapter 984 My Beautiful Monster Part 85


Yes, this is the conclusion she came up with after realizing that he lied to her. He may have lied but it doesn't matter to her. Maybe that makes her weird. But this person is so important to her. She doesn't want to lose him over something as silly as lies.

The lies he told her do not matter, what matters is his actions and words. His actions that speak more than any word would.

'He loves me. I can feel his love for me everyday since I came here. Someone who loves so dearly cannot be a bad person.'

There are lies that protect people, and his intentions are clearly to protect her.

Lucifer frowned. "I don't like the idea of you hurting yourself."

"Then, should I leave someone behind to kill me?"

"If that happened, I'd rise from the dead and hurt them myself."

"Lucifer." Sumire said softly. "I really was worried. Please, try to avoid getting hurt like that again."

"I understand my wife. I also don't want an early death."

So he says. But leading a criminal organisation means throwing your life away.

Sumire sighed frustrated. She supposes this is the best compromise they can make for now anyway.

But, she wonders what happened. She has seen her husband's ability on more than one occasion. He is stronger than most people. The fact that there is someone stronger out there should frighten her, but instead.

"Maybe next time, I can try going against this person?" Sumire suggested.

Lucifer has made it clear on more than one occasion that she is stronger than him.

Lucifer paused and for a moment Sumire thought that he would get mad and advise her against it. But to her surprise, his lips curve to a smirk.

"Very well. But, we shall do some extra training sessions to make sure your ready."

Sumire blinked startled. "Your not against it?"

Lucifer shakes his head. "I do not believe keeping you trapped in a cage in the name of protecting you is the best way to go about things. You're strong my wife, stronger than me I may add. If he threatens our borders again, I shall take you with me."

"To fight alongside each other?"

"If that is what you wish, though I doubt you will need my help." Lucifer suddenly lowered his face so it was on her stomach. "Toh told me about you throwing up, and having unusual appetite."

"Ah yes."

"There is a doctor amongst my knights." Lucifer started.

Sumire already knew what he was going to say before he finished his sentence.

Cheeks colouring she finished his sentence for him. "To check if I'm pregnant?"

Lucifer nodded and paused. "I do not want you getting your hopes up. I told you I was cursed and about the monster inside me. Those two factors tend to make me infertile. However, the circumstances in this life have changed greatly. I must prepare for unexpected factors. If you are truly feeling such symptoms, then there is a high chance."

Sumire nodded. She understands that but her gaze fell on her stomach. If she tells Lucifer she feels another presence there, she wonders how he would react.

"If you do end up having my child. I have to explain that the procedure isn't normal." Lucifer paused. "A week or two after the child is born, they may experience unusual growth."

"As in, the kid will grow up quickly?"

Lucifer nodded. "The abrupt growth is due to the combination of the parents' powers inside the child. If it's a strong ability, the growth will be faster. But, rest assured. They will not become a full fledged adult overnight. Their growth will stop at five human years."

It's a lot of information to process but considering everything that has happened since she came here. It shouldn't surprise her.

Sumire extends her hands out and Lucifer raises his face. He only takes one look at her hand before sitting up and grabbing it.

"I hope, I'm pregnant." Sumire mumbled softly.

"Do you really want a child?"

Sumire nodded. "It gets a bit lonely when you're off on business and doing work. While you have allowed me to help with your paperwork. It still isn't enough." She paused and laughed. "I don't know what it is. It just feels like before I was always busy, and on my feet. So, I'm a bit restless now."

At her casual words, Sumire noticed Lucifer flinch but didn't comment on it. They can have the discussion another day. Right now, she just wants to focus on him.

Lucifer leans forward and places a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I apologize for making you feel lonely my wife."

Sumire shakes her head. "It's okay because I know the reason you work so hard is for me. But, I would like your children. Not just to keep the loneliness at bay. But because I want to have a family with you Lucifer."

As far as she recalls, she has only spent two months with this man. So others may judge her for being too hasty. But, for now she wants to trust her gut feeling which is her desire to be close with this person.

Lucifer's gaze is gentle. "Do you want a boy? Or a girl?"

"Mmmm, a little girl would be nice. But, I want a boy. A young boy that looks exactly like you."

"That is the same reason I would give, when I say I want a girl." Lucifer trails off. "No matter the gender, I am sure they will inherit their mothers loveliness."

Sumire's cheeks coloured and she brought the blanket to cover her face. But when she briefly peeked, she saw an even gentler look on Lucifer's face. He would normally tease her about her bashfulness. Lucifer truly must want a child.

It shouldn't be surprising, considering the lifestyle he lives. Being the head of a criminal organisation is difficult. She has seen him stressed, and lose his temper on more than one occasion due to the mistakes of his subordinates. She has also seen him punish them. How each time he punishes them, the darkness, his beast slips out.

He probably wants something normal in his life. After she took all these factors into consideration, it truly doesn't surprise her that he lied about her being his wife.

"You should return to sleep my heart."

Sumire peeked from the blanket. "What about you?"

Lucifer quickly discarded his robes and joined her on the bed, pulling her close to his chest. "I shall be beside you, always."

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