Eternal Melody

Chapter 983 My Beautiful Monster Part 84

Chapter 983 My Beautiful Monster Part 84


Sumire bolted up and realized that she was on the bed and not in the bathroom anymore. Did she pass out? The last thing she remembers is Lucifer kissing her. She glanced down and realized that she was still naked, cheeks colouring she brought the blanket to cover her bare frame. She looked around for any article of clothing, only to spot Lucifer on the chair beside the bed staring at her.

"Hi." Sumire said awkwardly.

Lucifer smirked. "Hello wife."

"Do you feel better?" Sumire asked as she looked him up and down.

Unlike earlier, there were no more traces of blood on Lucifer's body. He changed out of his dirty clothes and wore a plain black collared shirt and trousers. His usual black cloak was missing. This must be one of the rare times she has seen him without that cloak, he even wears that thing to bed.

Lucifer nods and cups her face. "How about you my wife?"

"Mmm, I'm a bit tired." Sumire admitted.

Lucifer took more blood from her than she thought.

"Get some more sleep." Lucifer instructed.

Sumire tilted her head. "Will you be leaving?"

Lucifer shakes his head. "While you slept, I made some arrangements so I can heal for the next few days." He trails off. "In other words, I am all yours."


He continues to caress her cheeks. "I apologise for acting like a brute while taking your blood and making love."

"Uh, it's alright."

His gaze softens. "Why don't you tell me about what's been happening the past few days?"

"But we've been talking nearly everyday." Sumire pointed out.

Lucifer chuckled. "I'd like to hear about your day in person.

So she repeats

"Are you sure I'm not boring yiu?"

"I'm sure."

Sumire stares at his expression. Indeed, there is no shred of doubt there.

"I hate seeing you in this state. You mentioned an 'Aki' is he the one who hurt you?"

Lucifer paused but nodded. "Yes. I was caught slightly of guard, he's never bested me in a fight before."

"You should never underestimate your opponents. You should always prepare for the unexpected."

Lucifer looked at her with pride and her cheeks coloured. "F-forget I said that."

"No, your point is valid. Your so wise wife. Should I reward you for it?"

"N-no need." Sumire stammered.

"But, I must insist. You need a reward."

Sumire breaks free from his hold. "I'll---"

Lucifer pulls her back into his embrace. "I don't need food. I need you wife."

"Husband." Sumire said softly.

"When you say husband, I get so many ideas in my head."

She hit his chest and he chuckled. "What happened to those bedroom plans, wife?"

"They went out the window when you returned to me half dead."

"It did take me by surprise. But, I wouldn't have died from those wounds."

"Don't speak in past tense just yet, you're still hurt." Sumire paused and traced the large scar on his chest. This must have hurt.

This Aki person, how dare he hurt Lucifer?

"You're pulling quite the face now."

"I'm angry." Sumire snapped.

"Because he hurt me?"

Sumire nodded. "How dare he. If I ever see him myself, I'll personally strike him down."

She's angry, but right now she wants to focus on Lucifer. Lucifer who returned to her, who is alive and in her arms right now.

Lucifer chuckled. "That I would like to see."

"I'm serious. Nobody, nobody can hurt you."


"Because," Sumire brushes her lips against his neck. "-you belong to me. Yours."

"Wife." Lucifer said, mesmerized.

"Mine." Sumire repeated and then she bit.

So close, she came so close to losing him. Before she even got the chance to tell him how she feels. Time truly is fickle. If she doesn't say those words soon. Something may happen to tear them apart.

This man, he belongs to her.

Even if she cannot say those words to him. Even if he has to wait a life time to hear them. He already belongs to her. He won't ever belong to another.

Lucifer caresses her back and strokes her hair. "You must be hungry. I apologize for not noticing."

She didn't stop to answer, and continued drinking.

"Wife, do not worry so much. I know it looked bad. But, I would have handled it. Your blood does wonders to my body, I'm sure you've noticed."

She has, and she would have willingly offered every drop to save his life. The thought should have frightened her. To what lengths would she go for this man? This man, who she only has scattered memories of their past lives together.

"I was frightened." Sumire mumbled briefly, pulling away. "I still haven't gotten a chance to tell you how I feel."

"I am aware of your feelings, my heart."

Sumire bit her lip frustrated. "But, I haven't said those words."

Why can't she say it? Even though she came so close to losing him. Why can't she say it. It's just three words! But, even thinking about it feels like a sin.

Whatever argument Lucifer and her had that caused them to part ways. It must be weighing down on her mind subconsciously. Was the fight so large, that she can't even say words of endearment towards him now? Maybe Toh will know more details. She ought to ask him the next time she sees him.

"My heart." Lucifer said softly. "I don't need to hear fancy words to understand your feelings. Your actions more than prove your affections."

"My actions?" Sumire repeated.

Lucifer nodded. "I already knew how fond of me you were. But your actions in the throne room. When I was half conscious, I heard every word, every threat you made about those who caused me harm."

Her cheeks coloured. He heard all that?

"It pleased me greatly when you started to return my kisses, and let me touch you more. But nothing pleased me more than hearing what you said in the throne room about burning the world to ashes if anyone harmed me again."

"I meant it, every word. If anything happens to you. Everyone--I'll destroy everyone and everything." She muzzled her face against his. "Then, I'd end my own life. A world without you, wouldn't be worth it."

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