Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 838 Soul Illusion

Chapter 838 Soul Illusion

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 02:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

"Doesn't she know that she can transform back if she firms her will?" I asked Asong looking at Aba the jewel-eyed cat monster racing for her life from a three-headed Cerberus.

The space we were in right now was the shell monster's dream space. As the monster's master Asong was directly the master of this dream space. She could almost do anything in here, and if my guess was clear in here we cannot hurt her soul but she could hurt or swallow our souls as nourishment. Like the Oceandream turtle monster did with the souls of the parasites hiding under its shell.

As the master of this dream space, Asong could create illusions, and do all sorts of things inside the space to trap the souls and manipulate the trapped souls to her will, like how she turned Aba's soul's appearance to resemble a jewel-eyed cat and summoned an illusion of a three-headed Cerberus to chase after. Though Asong was the master of this space she could not surpass her realm restrictions. Though she could change the setting of Aba's soul appearance to a cat monster here, Aba could revert to her original appearance by concentrating and breaking Asong's influence on her soul. The same went for the rest except for Susan because her realm was very low compared to Asong's realm.

If Asong wanted to she could trap Susan's soul in an eternal illusion or just swallow her soul as nourishment. In the case of Anna and the rest of our souls, it would have been impossible for Asong to bring us in if had resisted so in the dream space to she had zero control over us we could awaken from here if we concentrated and willed it. But things would have been different if Asong's realm was the same or higher than the rest of use.

Asong's origin card showed a lot of potential, if not for Asong's realm limiting it, it could easily be considered the strongest support type card. It should not be underestimated just because it was a support-type card because its unique abilities made it a force to reckon with even though it was categorized as a support-type card.

Though Asong's realm has held back the power of the card, it will not be for long for Asong to level up with the help of the card's abilities after it had treated her condition. As Asong could trap and swallow the soul of the low-rank monsters and use their souls as nourishments. Then with the help of the dream body refining ability not only will the card help her cultivate her physical body but also stimulate her active soul control.

So, if Asong was patient and open-minded enough to swallow the soul of a bunch of monsters she could easily make up her realm in time. Even without that option, her origin card had other abilities that could help her practice her realm. Not to forget the world's blessing, Asong did not have to go to the extreme she could achieve what others dreamed about for their entire life without having to struggle for it.

Her origin card was basically made to help her cultivate her active soul control while sleeping, now all she was missing was time. Asong would claim a chair among the world's strongest even if she did not want it. The world's blessing had made it clear.

"No, I think this is the first time she is dealing with soul illusion," Said Asong

"Yes, madam. This the first time princess has faced soul illusion." Agatha answered Asong. As the guard of Aba, she knew about her strengths and weakness better than Aba herself.

"Well, then this will be an unforgettable first encounter with soul illusions for her," said Asong.

"Yes, madam. But how long are you planning to punish princess?" Agatha hesitated but finally asked Asong if she would be ending her punishment for Aba soon.

"How long? Until she figures out how to deal with soul illusion." Asong answered Agatha.

"..." Agatha sighed feeling hopeless about the situation of her princess as she knew with her princess's aptitude it would take an eternity for her to figure out how to deal with a soul illusion.

"Are you sure demigod Windsor would be okay with you treating his only daughter like this?" I asked Asong, who seemed to be taking pleasure in Aba's expenses.

"Don't worry about Demigod Windsor, he will thank me if this girl learns even a little bit about respecting her elders," Asong said as she looked at Aba with a look of sadistic satisfaction on her face. It seems she held a lot of grudge against Aba for calling her grandma.

"Madam, please go easy on her highness, you know she is not that bright enough to figure out how to escape the illusion on her own. Her soul will be exhausted even before she figures out the answer." Agatha sought leniency for her young lady.

"Agatha you underestimate Aba a lot. I guess you can't help it since you raised her. Stop seeing her as your little sister, once you do that you will see a lot of untapped potential in her. Aba is not the type to learn by reading, she is the type that learns by being on the field while risking everything." Asong saw what Agatha failed to see in Aba. Clown Mask's future vision was proof of it.

The method that Asong spoke of to teach Aba was a bit extreme which involved learning by risking your life, I guess that style suits protagonists like Aba. Though this method was risky it yielded unimaginable returns if one were to survive it that is. I think this would be a piece of cake for the hero of humanity that was able to re-establish a lost government and fend off the three mischiefs and their army of goons single-handedly.


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