Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 837 Ungrateful Politician

Chapter 837 Ungrateful Politician

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 02:42

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

"Yeah, about that, how many people can that shell of yours fit? Is the space within it limited or unlimited?" I asked because if the shell monster could store card apprentice in it limitlessly then it would one scary card but I knew it had to have a limit even with the world's blessing. Otherwise, Asong's origin card would be too overpowered.

If Asong's origin card can store an infinite number of card apprentices and give them all the same benefits as Asong, then it would become history's strongest support card ever. With benefits such as the dream body refining, Asong would be able to train an army of expert card apprentices.

The fun part doesn't stop there, since Asong's origin card got the blessing of the world's will I am guessing it can also help her with rule comprehension which means if her card had no limit to the number of card apprentices it could hold then her origin card's ability could help numerous card apprentice comprehend the rule at fast pace regardless of their ego gem grade and synchronization rate. If we consider all these possibilities of Asong's origin card it was overpowered with or without the limit on the number of people it could store in its shell.

Even without knowing all the abilities of Asong's card, I started to see that I had created some very handy but all my thunder was stolen with the last-minute appearance of the world's blessing. I fucking did all the hard work and the world's blessing was taking all the credit. Just take Asong's ungratefulness for example it was all because she thing her origin card was able to do what it was able to because of the World's blessing so she didn't even thank, I fucking created a card to treat her chronic illness and she doesn't even show the card info of the origin card I fucking created.

Compared to this ungrateful politician I couldn't help but appreciate Elliott. After I helped him morph his genetic disorder into his strength he was so grateful to me that he displayed his gratitude to me by gifting me a freaking dungeon calamity seed apart from the regular bill. But Asong did not even say a thank you. I blamed the world's will for stealing my thunder by blessing Asong's origin core.

"No the space inside the shell is not limitless, it is limited by my realm. That means the space in the shell would increase with my realm, so in the future, I should be able to store more people in the shell." Asong answered.

"So, how many people can you hold in the shell for now?" Asong's answer was vague, I don't know if she answered as such purposefully so I asked her again. But this was enough for me to know that Asong's card was bounded by commonsense and it was not one of those broken cards with unlimited power.

"You ask many questions, you know that. I am going to bring you in, don't resist." Asong avoided answering my question and then announced that she would bring me into her dream space.

"Nope, not happening until you answer my questions." I used the soul pupils to get the answers Asong was avoiding but all I could see were that all the soul pathways of the shell monster's body were gathering and converging within the monster's shell but these soul pathways soon vanished into unknown space in its shell. That was all I could watch with the help of my soul pupils as they could not see into the unknown space, similar to how the soul pupil could not see past the dungeon gate. Therefore I could only press Asong for an answer.

"Okay, you party pooper. For now, the space in the shell has a volume of about 3000 cubic meters, so it should be able to create 10 independent spaces with a volume of 300 cubic meters, enough to hold individual card apprentices. Yeah, so it should be able to hold 10 card apprentices for now. So now including me 7 independent spaces are occupied and 3 more should be possible." Asong answered as she did the math.

"10, huh. Not a lot but enough." I said and then added, "Are you able to control the benefits they receive within the monster shell?"

"Yes, that is given," Asong answered.

"Good, So are you going to cont-" I was going to ask Asong other questions about her card bothering me but was interrupted by Asong's message to my grimoire. I was intrigued because Asong communicated with me through other means even though we are facing each other this must be important.

[Stup up, and come in. There are too many ears listening outside. I will answer all your questions inside.]

Reading the content of Asong's message I could help but look at the shell monster, then I realized that maybe Asong did not trust her ten semi-demigod bodyguards. Because apart from them nobody else was watching us.

Realizing that it would be best for me and Asong for me to continue to ask Asong about her origin card inside her dream space. I did not resist and let the tentacles of the shell monster swallow me.

"This is interesting," I said watching the boundless field of white in front of me. What was even more interesting was that it took the shell monster less than a second to put me in deep sleep and pull my soul into its dream space after swallowing me.

"Master Wyatt, you are here too." Cole greeted me, which was unexpected as I thought Susan was the one to greet me first but she seem to have found a friend in Ann. Good for her.

"Yes, so where is Asong," I asked only to her voice from behind, "Over here."

As I was about to question Asong again I was interrupted by a jewel-eyed cat followed by a three-headed Cerberus that ran past us yelling, "Big sis Asong make it stop."


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