Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 354 - Chapter 354: Is My Brother Blind?

Chapter 354: Is My Brother Blind?

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Everyone was baffled.

Where did this new guy come from?

Did Ke Yuanqi intentionally bring someone to undermine Xiao Anli’s authority?

A troublemaker?

His strength was too formidable!

Not only could he spar with a captain, but he even had a slight advantage!

“Bang!” Xiao Anli, who was looking embarrassed, got up again, emanating fury.

His whole body seemed to be smoking, and a mysterious totem flickered on his chest, his aura completely changed.

He was determined to kill this guy!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two figures instantly appeared one on each side, blocking Xiao Anli and Wang Ye in the center of the battlefield.

“You can stop now,” Yan Fanxing said. “This sparring has gone far enough.”

“Get lost!” Xiao Anli glared at Yan Fanxing.

“If you want to fight, I’ll accompany you,” Yan Fanxing, now composed, looked at Xiao Anli without fear.

“Huh.” Xiao Anli scornfully spat. “I’m not interested in bootlickers.”

Yan Fanxing’s face turned pale.

“Oh!” Wang Ye sighed softly.

“Come on, spill more! I love this kind of gossip!” Wang Ye thought.

“Humph.” Xiao Anli snorted and turned to leave.

Suddenly, like a light breeze, a black figure appeared in front of Xiao Anli, a devilishly exquisite face revealing a smile. “Captain Xiao, did you forget something?”


Xiao Anli’s face turned ashen, staring fiercely at Ke Yuanqi, his injured chest heaving.

“Ah, what evaluation should I give, Captain Xiao?” Ke Yuanqi grinned with narrowed eyes.

“Don’t be so smug!” Xiao Anli’s eyes were red. “One more member won’t change anything. Your Azure Mountain Squad will still be at the bottom!”

“No, no, no. We have two more now.” Ke Yuanqi said, holding up two fingers. “We have five members in our team, one more than yours.”

“Get lost!” Xiao Anli rebuked angrily.

“Ah, Captain Xiao is so petty.” Ke Yuanqi turned around and said to the other two captains. “Lost the sparring, won’t even give an evaluation.”

“I didn’t lose!” Xiao Anli’s eyes almost popped out.

Ke Yuanqi shrugged, looking nonchalant.

Let’s see how long you can be smug!” Xiao Anli glared at Ke Yuanqi and glanced coldly at Wang Ye. Gritting his teeth, he opened his mouth and spat out one word. “Pass.”

“Ah, what did you say? I can’t hear you?” Ke Yuanqi feigned surprise, hand beside her ear.

“Pass!” Xiao Anli shouted angrily.

He released a breath and left, suppressing his anger.

Ke Yuanqi held her stomach, laughing uncontrollably. Tears were about to fall from her eyes. “Today, not only did they gain two new members, but they also infuriated Xiao Anli. Awesome!”

“Childish.” Yan Fanxing looked at Ke Yuanqi and smiled.

“None of your business! Hmph!” Ke Yuanqi snorted, crossed her arms, and approached Wang Ye. “You’re Wang Ye? My brother never mentioned you to me.”

“I’m not from Deep Blue Team.” Wang Ye said.

Ke Yuanqi’s brother was the commander of Deep Blue Team, Ke Yuanzhen.

The elites of the Azure Mountain Milky Way Army were gathered here.

“Is that so? Is my brother blind? He can’t even see such a talent.” Ke Yuanqi complained.

“No wonder Ke Yuanzhen didn’t want to join the Silver Warband.” Wang Ye thought.

“Well done, Wang Ye!” Ke Yuanqi patted Wang Ye’s chest and grinned. “Welcome to the Azure Mountain Squad!”

“Please gently.” Wang Ye thought.

Wang Ye’s chest felt the impact.

The captain’s stature was small, but the strength was extraordinary.

Indeed, just like her father.

Even the personality, passed down through generations.

Just… the height difference was quite significant.

“Wait!” Yan Fanxing interjected from the side, smiling. “We haven’t made a judgment yet.”

“Hmm?” Ke Yuanqi turned, glaring at Yan Fanxing with dominance.

Yan Fanxing shrunk his head, still smiling. “He’s passed. He’s passed. We need to have a sense of ceremony.”

“If you have the guts, don’t back down.”

The captain had his way, it seemed, and had recruited a few soldiers.

Hard to tell.

This girl had admirers.

Apart from her slightly cute face, petite and conquerable stature, what else was there?

Wang Ye glanced at Yan Fanxing.

“Another one obsessed with appearances. Same with him.” Wang Ye thought.

Successfully joined the Silver Warband!

Yan Sanqi remained somewhat in a dreamlike state, feeling as if she was in a dream.

Originally, she just wanted to broaden her horizons and accompany Wang Ye on a journey.

During the assessment challenge, she hadn’t harbored any expectations. After all, the Silver Warband was too high a level for her.

But she got in?

Led by Captain Ke Yuanqi, Yan Sanqi entered the Silver Warband’s Azure Mountain starship and was later assigned to her cabin.

Right next door to Wang Ye, even closer than in the Xu Wolf Guard.

That feeling was indescribably marvelous.

“You like Wang Ye,” Yu Yuyu suddenly said.

Yan Sanqi’s expression changed, hurriedly denying. “No, no way!”

“That’s infatuation,” Yu Yuyu commented.

“We’re not suitable,” Yan Sanqi blushed.

“Because of your status?” Yu Yuyu looked at her.

After a brief hesitation, Yan Sanqi lowered her head. “I’m just a slave, not worthy of him.”

“Have you asked him?” Yu Yuyu inquired.

Shaking her head, Yan Sanqi replied, “He wouldn’t like someone like me. I come from a humble background, don’t have a good figure, and my personality isn’t great.”

“Liking someone doesn’t come with so many conditions,” Yu Yuyu remarked.

Yan Sanqi forced a smile. “I don’t want to think about these futile matters now. Being able to stay by his side is already satisfying. Joining the Silver Warband feels like a dream.”

“Your strength will improve rapidly here.” Yu Yuyu continued, “Of course, the risk of falling will also be much higher.”

“I’m not afraid.” Yan Sanqi shook her head, her eyes gleaming. “This is a chance given to me by fate. I will cherish it and strive to become a genuine member of the Silver Warband.”

“You’re aware you sneaked in, right?” Yu Yuyu looked at her.

“Sister Yu, I…” Yan Sanqi hesitated for a moment, and she didn’t know how to explain it.”

“How you got in isn’t crucial. What matters is what comes next.” Yu Yuyu said, “The pace in the Silver Warband is fast. Adapt to life quickly and then execute missions.”

“So soon?” Yan Sanqi was taken aback. “What kind of missions? When?”

“I’m not certain. Missions are all about seizing opportunities.” Yu Yuyu explained, “Our team is ranked quite low. If we don’t want to end up at the bottom after the Ancient Battlefield, we need to be proactive.”

“Alright.” Yan Sanqi tensed up.

“Ranked 30th? Isn’t that quite high?” Wang Ye browsed through the information on the Milky Way Ace Team and the Silver Warband.

The first thing he did after joining the Azure Mountain Squad was to gather information on various aspects.

“There are only 33 teams in total.” Lan Jian said with a bitter smile. “We’re ranked fourth from the bottom.”

“That’s the captain’s fault,” Wang Ye remarked.

Lan Jian shook his head and explained, “It has nothing to do with the captain. We had a rough start this time. During our second mission, we were ambushed by devil race experts, resulting in the loss of two team members. Xiaoyu and I were also injured. It was only thanks to the captain’s intervention that we were saved from total annihilation.”

“I couldn’t tell she was so loyal,” Wang Ye remarked.

“Captain Ke is a very good person. She’s willing to stand up for team members and doesn’t put on airs. It’s just that…” Lan Jian paused slightly.

“But what?” Wang Ye raised his eyebrows, eager for gossip.

“It’s nothing,” Lan Jian shook his head. “After that mission, we took some time off. Although we accepted a few missions afterward, they were all lackluster, with mediocre rewards.”

“There are some missions with requirements for the team’s ranking that we can’t take.”

“Some missions requiring a specific team size are also off-limits.”

“That’s why our ranking has been stagnant.”

Wang Ye nodded.

He had already reviewed the information on the Silver Warband’s various teams.

33 cosmic nations, and 33 teams in the Silver Warband.

Currently, the top three were the Taiwu Squad, the Ji Yanan Squad, and the Heidun Squad.

“They are all cosmic nations with comprehensive strength ranking in the top ten of the Taishi Starfield,” Wang Ye said, recalling some knowledge about Taishi Starfield.

The Red River Cosmic Nation, the End Mountain Cosmic Nation, the Darning Cosmic Nation, the Azure Mountain Cosmic Nation, and the Silverjade Cosmic Nation are the closest cosmic nations to the Ancient Battlefield in the Milky Way.

Out of the 105 cosmic nations in Taishi Starfield, except for the Silverjade Cosmic Nation, the other four were not ranked.

The strength of the Silver Warband’s teams affirmed this observation.

The Silverjade Squad currently held the highest rank, at sixth place.

Next was the End Mountain Squad, in 15th place.

Darning Squad was in 19th place.

The Red River Squad and the Azure Mountain Squad were like difficult brothers, with one at 24 and the other at 30, not differing much.

“12.75 million battle credits?” Wang Ye sighed.

When he first discovered the New Hetuo Planet, ranking in the exploration mission, his team’s battle credits were just a little over 2 million.

Compared to the Azure Mountain Squad, it was merely a fraction.

“It can’t be compared to the tasks of the Milky Way Army,” Lan Jian said. “The difficulty of everyone’s missions and the enemies they face is vastly different. In the Silver Warband, every mission has to be fought for with your life.”

Wang Ye nodded.

The difference in battle credits between each squad was quite significant.

The first-ranked Taiwu Squad had accumulated 123 million battle credits.

Second and third places were 112 million and 105 million, respectively.

The Red River Squad had 21.23 million battle credits, nearly 10 million more than their team.

“It’s not easy to surpass them.” Wang Ye didn’t care about the ranking. He was more concerned about how much he could earn. “Oh, right. How are the team’s battle credits divided?”

“According to the contribution and performance of each mission,” Lan Jian explained. “It’s a little different from the missions of the Milky Way Army.”

“Yes,” Wang Ye nodded. “Is the captain the one who picks the missions?”

“How can the captain be picky?” Lan Jian said. “The missions are all snatched, especially for teams at the back. We have to take on all kinds of missions. Otherwise, we will be in a headache if we end up at the bottom.”

“Alright, the more, the better.”

Wang Ye was quite satisfied with the Silver Warband’s system.

The reason he came here was to earn battle credits!

He needed 100 million battle credits!

To be precise, it was 99 million.

Currently, although it was very challenging, there was at least hope here compared to when he was in the Xu Wolf Guard!

“The mission is here.” Lan Jian’s eyes lit up. “The captain got the mission.”

Wang Ye was stunned.

This was too fast…

“My butt hasn’t even warmed up yet!” Wang Ye thought..

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