Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 353 - Chapter 353: Not All Rookies Are Soft Persimmons!

Chapter 353: Not All Rookies Are Soft Persimmons!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Can’t pass.” Wang Ye’s mind was crystal clear.

Although Sanqi’s final bloodline eruption had injured Yan Fanxing, it was due to catching him off guard.

Moreover, Yan Fanxing had always been lenient toward her, only defending and not attacking.

The last counterattack demonstrated his strength, the perfect combination of the path of time and supernatural abilities. If it were him, he might not be able to withstand it.

It was almost like an instant kill, and the real gap in strength was evident.

Suddenly, Wang Ye’s heart skipped a beat as he turned around.

On the distant horizon, a petite black-clothed girl was faintly visible. Her sharp gaze resembled laser beams that shot straight toward them.

It passed through him and landed on Yan Fanxing, who avoided eye contact.

“…Pass,” Yan Fanxing’s expression changed slightly as he delivered the final verdict.


Even Yan Sanqi was a bit bewildered, let alone Wang Ye.

In a battle, one had to go all out.

She was aware of the strength difference, so she unleashed her bloodline at any cost. However, she didn’t expect the unexpected outcome…

Did she pass?

The female captain of the Whale Moon Squad was also stunned. Her vote was partly to encourage Yan Sanqi, a fellow woman, and partly to mock Yan Fanxing.

She knew Yan Sanqi wouldn’t pass, but the result was surprising.


Her sword intent is commendable, and her tenacity is particularly precious. This indomitable spirit moved me, and in the end, she even managed to injure me,” Yan Fanxing said with a peculiar expression.

“Cut it out!” Wang Ye thought. Was he afraid others wouldn’t know he had been lenient?

“Despicable!” Xiao Anli, the Red River Squad’s captain said. His gaze shifted towards the distant black-clothed girl, brimming with fighting spirit.

The black-clothed girl crossed her arms, raised her chin slightly, and displayed a smug smile. Though far away, tension filled the air.

“Step aside! Next one, I’m testing!” Xiao Anli walked out and coldly addressed Yan Fanxing.

Yan Fanxing smiled wryly. He wanted to speak but was at a loss for words. Feeling somewhat guilty, he shrugged and retreated to the side.

“Choose the captain of the Whale Moon Squad,” Xiaoyu’s voice reached Wang Ye’s ears.

Wang Ye’s gaze fell on the Whale Moon Squad’s female captain, who smiled kindly.

Excluding the hostile cosmic nation, relations between the other teams were generally good.

Although competition existed during missions, there were also many opportunities for cooperation.

But this wasn’t what he desired.

“Then let’s go.” Wang Ye stepped forward with a smile, facing Xiao Anli, the Red River Squad’s captain, without hesitation.

He was different from Sanqi. Regardless of which captain Yan Sanqi chose, she couldn’t pass the test.

However, he could enter whichever captain he chose!

Since that was the case, he might as well test his current limits and see how much difference lay between them and the top-ranked experts of the Silver Warband.

Initially, he did intend to challenge Yan Fanxing, but it would be impolite to do so under these circumstances. Since Xiao Anli had stepped forward to provoke him, he would fulfill his wish.

Not all rookies were pushovers!

All the captains displayed increasingly varied expressions. Even the black-clothed girl watching from afar was surprised and looked at Wang Ye with curiosity.

“Think it over,” Yan Fanxing reminded.

“Shut up!” Xiao Anli glared at Yan Fanxing, who sulkily retreated to the side.

He did go easy on her, and there was no way to refute the scolding.


Xiao Anli’s aura spread out.

Absolute Spatial Control unfolded, enveloping the entire area in his realm.

His body, initially hard to distinguish between reality and illusion, twisted like starlight, reminiscent of Wu Yuan’s lingering afterimage.

Advancing the path of space, resonance with space.

Different from Space Distortion primarily targeting enemies and dimensional cracks controlling the overall situation, the three advanced paths of space resonated at the same frequency, mainly affecting oneself, seamlessly integrating with space.

“Not even a hint of opportunity,” Yan Fanxing remarked, feeling pity for Wang Ye.

Absolute Spatial Control.

Xiao Anli’s opening move was his signature technique, overwhelming opponents with his mastery of the path of space.

Attacking or defending seemed impossible.

Under Xiao Anli’s Spatial Control, Wang Ye felt like a fish on a chopping board, awaiting inevitable slaughter.

Yet, Wang Ye remained composed.

The Space-lock Saber materialized, and the Space-lock Battle Domain unfolded.

The frequency of the entire space instantly shifted.

Gasps of surprise echoed among the onlookers.

Xiao Anli’s particle-like form was instantly reassembled, returning to his original state.

Wide-eyed, Xiao Anli couldn’t believe that his ultimate move had been neutralized.

Swoosh! Xiao Anli’s demeanor turned serious.

His figure shot forward, swiftly initiating an attack.

The Space-lock Battle Domain couldn’t affect Wang Ye in the slightest.

With an extraordinary understanding of space, Xiao Anli moved like a ghost.

A black battle sword appeared, vanishing in the void and reappearing before Wang Ye in the next moment.

The sword’s radiance transformed into a dark purgatory, seemingly capable of devouring everything. Darkness descended, bringing forth intense fear and destruction, accompanied by countless malevolent spirits emerging from the purgatory.

A sword technique seamlessly fused with the path of space!

Wang Ye was no stranger to this.

Nante had trodden a similar path.

However, Xiao Anli’s Space Sword Technique surpassed Nante’s immature Space Spear Technique by leaps and bounds.

The strength of his sword intent far exceeded that of Brother Tu!

Boom! The Thunder Fusion Technique unfolded.

With the eruption of ninth-stage combat energy, the white origin of thunder surged.

A cosmic beast Kui cattle image abruptly manifested in the void, as if it had invaded purgatory, obliterating all malevolent spirits. The accompanying white lightning annihilated the darkness of purgatory.

With the Space-lock Saber in one hand and the Nine Sharp Saber in the other, Wang Ye faced the situation fearlessly.

Xiao Anli’s sword technique was incredibly elusive, yet it was mostly parried. The remaining attacks struck Wang Ye, who promptly revealed the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor. It seemed like an endless surge of white lightning had found an opening and counterattacked Xiao Anli.

Xiao Anli, possessing a robust physical form, was undeterred by the backlash of white lightning. However, Wang Ye’s resilient defense, swift counterattacks, and the continuous emanation of saber intent posed considerable challenges for him.

Exploiting the formidable defense of the indestructible artifact, Wang Ye relentlessly launched attacks!

This proved to be quite a formidable opponent!

Xiao Anli had long abandoned any traces of disdain and forgotten that this was merely an assessment.

The opponent was exceptionally strong!

The majestic saber’s intent clashed with the ethereal sword’s intent in the void.

The forceful dark substance power collided with the dominating might of the Thunder Fusion Technique. The residual force radiated outward, generating layers of abilities that gradually dissipated the remaining energy.

Both combatants engaged in a fierce and relentless battle!

Despite Xiao Anli’s advantages in physical strength, level, and sword intent, Wang Ye’s Thunder Fusion Technique and the white origin of thunder were no trifling matter. Furthermore, his treasures surpassed Xiao Anli’s by an entire tier!

The clash of sabers and swords, accompanied by heavenly lightning igniting earthly fires, left onlookers in awe.

Was this truly a newcomer?

Was this a Dark Energy level warrior?

Although treasures played a role, Wang Ye’s ability to contend with Xiao Anli positioned him as one of the standout rookies.

He was the captain of the Red River Squad!

Even if he ranked lower among the captains, he was still beyond the reach of ordinary members.

Lan Jian and Yu Yuyu exchanged glances, unable to conceal the astonishment and delight in their eyes.

They had gained a powerful new teammate!

Wang Ye’s extraordinary strength far exceeded their expectations.

Even Yu Yuyu, with her extraordinary intuition, only sensed Wang Ye’s remarkable strength, but…

This surpassed all expectations!

“Impressive,” Yan Fanxing praised.

“Yuanqi hit the jackpot this time,” remarked the captain of the Whale Moon Squad with envy.

In the distance, the black-robed girl beamed.

Not only did she cross her arms over her chest, but she also crossed her legs and floated in the air, watching this earth-shattering battle happily.

Continue the fight! Revel in it!

She had worried about a lack of members in the team, and now two formidable ones had arrived. Moreover, one of them possessed genuine strength!

Although Xiao Anli hadn’t fully unleashed his power, what he had displayed was already commendable.

“Oho, he got angry out of embarrassment. He’s going to get serious,” the black-robed girl sneered.

The successive attacks had yet to yield the anticipated results.

Xiao Anli was becoming visibly impatient.

If news spread that he struggled in a battle against a newcomer, where would he hide his face?

Ninth-stage combat energy versus ninth-stage combat energy!

The energies exploded.

Xiao Anli’s combat energy transformed into a battle domain, seamlessly merging with the spatial frequency.

In a momentary burst, it overwhelmed Wang Ye’s Space-lock Battle Domain, as the Super Star level combat energy surged relentlessly from all directions.

Without hesitation, Xiao Anli was determined to expend every effort.

He aimed to swiftly conclude the battle.

In this instance, Xiao Anli, now revealing the true combat prowess befitting a captain, caused the surrounding space to resonate. Sword rays converged from all directions at an extraordinary speed.

Wang Ye, with minimal room for evasion, defended himself using the Six Intents of the Kui Cattle Saber, while the white origin of thunder transformed into a robust defense, with the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor prominently displaying itself.

Wang Ye’s eyes gleamed with focus.

He initiated an Illusion Spell!

“What a pathetic maneuver.” Xiao Anli scoffed, considering this ability nearly useless against him. However, in this critical moment, it functioned like a precise locator, completely exposing his position.

Chi, chi!

The Whitewheel Origin projectiles shot forth rapidly. The potent high-dimensional energy showcased the might of an indestructible artifact.

Xiao Anli’s expression shifted as he detected the anomaly the moment he resisted the attack.

Despite his swift evasive maneuvers, Wang Ye seized every opportunity, bombarding Xiao Anli with countless Whitewheel Origins, akin to throwing grenades.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The explosive release of the fearsome energy from the white origin of thunder continued.

Continuously consuming Xiao Anli’s combat energy to sustain the same-frequency battle domain, Wang Ye’s attacks once again disrupted his offensive.

Furthermore, with a total of 36 Whitewheel Origins, Wang Ye, skillfully controlling both Energy Control Spell and Whitewheel Origin Intent simultaneously, created a scenario where Xiao Anli had no place to hide. It resembled a goddess scattering blossoms, intensifying Xiao Anli’s predicament.


The first Whitewheel Origin penetrated Xiao Anli’s body, detonating with a resounding explosion.

Xiao Anli’s widened eyes and contorted face revealed the intensity of this unprecedented injury.

Subsequently, successive Whitewheel Origins relentlessly bombarded him, escalating his plight.

“Is it over or not?” Xiao Anli bellowed, desperately fending off the relentless onslaught.

Suddenly, Xiao Anli’s expression changed. He looked up, and his pupils constricted.

Wang Ye had silently appeared in the sky!

Channeling the might of the cosmos, he resembled a frenzied Kui cattle, unleashing the ultimate assault.

“Come!” Wang Ye’s combat spirit soared.

Combining the Six Intents of the Kui Cattle Saber with the One-Hit Spell, countless Whitewheel Origins converged from all directions upon Xiao Anli, enveloping him in a torrent of white lightning.


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