Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 796 Good Or Bad...

Chapter 796 Good Or Bad...

Stuffing the beer box on the back passenger seat, Xiao Min sat on the front passenger seat. "We can move."

Assistant Li started the car, and soon they reached one huge and lavish looking building and went upstairs to the elevator. 

"Is it your place, senior? I mean, do you live in this building?" Xiao Min asked as they stepped out of the car.

"Hmm!" Nodding, assistant Li, stepped towards the elevator of the building.

"Wooh, you are rich," Xiao Min commented. 

"I am sure that that small pocket of yours must have a good amount of money to not able to handle it all."

"Still not as much as you have, senior."

Soon both reached the top floor of the building. Instead of going to any flat on that floor, assistant Li went towards the staircase, which ended up at the rooftop of the building. 

"You live at the rooftop?" Xiao Min asked.

"Did you leave your brain behind when you followed me?" 

"Ohh, my bad. Are we going to drink here?"


Nodding, assistant Li led the way on either side of the rooftop that had one small part of the rooftop converted into a portable room. Shade with the transparent walls of thick plastic, which had a comfortable couch in the center along with the center table. It even had a few cabinets to keep things and few artistic structures to give it a lively feel.

Siding one part of the plastic wall, assistant Li entered it, and Xiao Min followed him holding the box of beers. 

"This is cool, senior. I didn't know you were creative like this to have your drinking place."

"This belongs to my boss." Saying, assistant Li pushed one button, and those protective plastic walls rolled upward to let the cool breeze enter the place while Xiao Min didn't know what to say. 

Assistant Li continued, "Xi Cheng and I used to drink sitting here the entire night and talk about everything, even if it used to be crap most of the time. That was the only time when both of us used to go back to being friends instead of being the boss and employee."

Xiao Min knew assistant Li and Xi Cheng were friends before just like he and Lu Qiang were. Xiao Min, too, lost his boss and friend so he could understand assistant Li's pain.

"Are you going to wait for me to open the box and serve you a drink?" assistant Li asked as he sat on the couch, which faced towards the parapet wall of the rooftop, and they could see the clear starry sky in front of them.

"Ohh! Sorry senior." Saying, Xiao Min opened the box and pulled out the bottles from it. Opening the lids, he passed one to his senior while got one for himself. 

As they continued to drink, assistant Li spoke, "I can feel your pain now."

Xiao Min understood what his senior was referring to.

"Hmm! I just wish if all this had not happened," said Xiao Min as he took a sip.

"Hmm! I wish if there was a way to stop it long back," assistant Li added.

"I wish if there was a way I could save him."

"I wish there was a way to stop him from leaving that day."

"I wish I could turn the time and bring him back."

"I wish the same. Only if I could have held him back…." assistant Li stopped.

Both continued adding to what they wished for as they felt sad and guilty for not being able to stop anything from happening.

"I sometimes wonder why all this happened, and was it necessary for the things to go to this extent and then stop?" Xiao Min expressed.

"We don't think like this when things are about to happen, but regret it later." assistant Li countered. 

"Why did he have to choose this way and kill someone?" Xiao Min asked as his senior sat silent. 

Xiao Min felt as if he just did something to hurt his senior, "I am sorry, senior. I know this is not the time to talk about it. I am sorry for hurting you."

Assistant Li emptied the entire bottle and said, "You don't need to." Pausing for a while, he continued. 

"I am not justifying his actions, but I would say every person has their reasons which we might find normal and think he or she would have chosen another way instead of doing this or that. But what we forget is, we can't feel what kind of pain that person goes through at that moment to push him to make a rash decision. It might be wrong in our view, but for that person, it must be the only right way as everyone decides wrong and right according to their comfort and what can help them to get rid of the pain. One's happiness always turns into someone's sadness."

"Right but hurting someone….."

"What your new boss is doing, Xiao Min?" assistant Li interrupted him and left Xiao Min speechless. 

Seeing him silent, assistant Li spoke again. 

"Hurting and killing someone can't be justified with what kind of motive they did it. My boss did it to protect something dear to him, and your boss did it to take revenge. But everyone considers his motive as greed while her motive as a justice."

"I never thought like this senior. It makes sense."

"He was not a bad person, Xiao Min. I saw him for a long time, and he never did anything to trouble anyone, but once he stained his hands, things went in such a way that he had no option but to be bad all the time to mark his threat in other's minds who could have troubled him. After all, he was an illegitimate child, and anyone would have mocked him."

"That's why my boss never took any strict action against him," Xiao Min concluded.

"Hmm! The only wrong thing my boss did was, he fell in love with the wrong person." 

"Ms. Nicky?" Xiao Min aksed.

"Hmm! She was his step-sister, and they shared the same blood, so how can one accept it. I know it must be tough for him to go through it."

Xiao Min knew they were not siblings, but hearing his senior, he understood that Xi Cheng didn't share this secret with his assistant, so Xiao Min decided not to bring it out.

Thinking for a while, assistant Li spoke again, "You should worry about your boss now."

"I think it's late now."

"Hmm, then we can just wish the time would turn into a good one."

"I wish the same," saying both opened new bottles and continued drinking the entire night.

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