Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 754 I Don't Wish To Go...

Chapter 754 I Don't Wish To Go...

SURPRISE CHAPTER... This is the reward for you all as the first time ever we crossed 2k votes in a single day. Today is my off day but it pushed me to write for you guys and I did it. Though we are not back at #5 yet, we can try to be there soon... fighting..keep voting...Sunday, more chaps.


That day Jiang Yuyan didn't have office as it was the weekend. After meeting An Tian, she went back to Lu Mansion as she needed to talk to Lu Jinhai about Lu Lijun. Lu Feng accompanied her too. 

In Lu Jinhai's room…

"What did doctor An Tain say?" Lu Jinhai asked.

"His opinion is the same as you, father. We need to send Lu Lijun away," Jiang Yuyan replied sadly because she was the one to blame for sending a kid away from his family.

Lu Jinahi looked at Lu Feng who was sitting on the couch beside Jiang Yuyan and asked, "What's your opinion about it, Lu Feng?"

"My opinion is the same as An Tian," Lu Feng replied.

"Hmm! I have already made an arrangement," Lu Jinhai said as he had already decided to send Lu Lijun away.

Jiang Yuyan's heart sank with this while Ning Jiahui was sitting silently because she was sad about sending Lu Lijun away at such a young age. Given his condition, it was necessary to keep him with the family but there was no other option. She has lost her one son and now she had to send her other son away.

"Where are we sending him?" Jiang Yuyan asked, still feeling uneasy with the thought of sending Lu Lijun away.


Jiang Yuyan exclaimed, "England! But it's the foreign land and how would he adjust among the foreigners?"

"Uncle, I agree with Yuyan. Can't we keep him in China?" Lu Feng asked.

Ning Jiahui was already aware of where Lu Jinhai was sending her son but she could do nothing but to bear with it. 

"Aren't we being so cruel with him," Ning Jiahui asked.

"Don't think of it as his mother. Just think about what would be better for his future," Lu Jinhai instructed. 

Ning Jiahui wanted to protest but she knew her husband wouldn't listen this time so gave up on it.

Lu Jinhai understood the woory everyone felt towards Lu Lijun and spoke. "Don't worry. He won't be alone there. I have my friend's family there and they will look after him. and the school he will attend is one of the best one" Lu Jinhai replied.

"Father, we know him and he won't be able to adjust with strangers and their family. In China, we can go and meet him often so he can feel better." said Jiang Yuyan. 

"I don't want any of us to meet him often and if we keep him in China, it's easy for him to find his way back. I want him to be away from here and come back only after he finishes his education," Lu Jinhai declared and the two women present their almost thought of him as the heartless person. 

Lu Jinhai knew what these two ladies were feeling like and said, "You might think I am being heartless towards my son but being a father and also one man, I can understand him better. I can understand what will happen if we don't send him away and we don't let me forget about it. Though we are sending him away, I doubt he will forget it so it's just a bet I am putting him."

"I agree with uncle. Knowing how Lu Lijun is, I can say it won't be easy to make him forget it, so let's just do what uncle has suggested," said Lu Feng. 

"What if he won't forget it?" Ning Jiahui asked.

"We will think about it in future. For now, let's just prepare to send him," Lu Jinhai replied. 

"When are we sending him?" Jiang Yuyan asked.

"Next week," Lu Jinahi replied. 

"How are we going to inform Lu Lijun about it? Who will tell him that he had to go away?" Ning Jiahui asked as she added, "Don't expect me to do it?"

Just then someone spoke and they all froze in the place.

"Where am I going?"

Everyone looked at the source of the voice and Lu Lijun was standing in the door of his parent's room.

No One could say a word so Lu Lijun stepped ahead and said, "I won't go anywhere."

"Lu Lijun, come here and have a seat," Lu Jinhai said while others were ready to get Lu Lijun's angry reaction.

"You are going to England for the studies," Lu Jinhai replied. 

"I don't wish to," A firm reply came from Lu Lijun.

"I know you don't wish to but as a father this is what I have decided for you. I want you to study well and education there is the best."

"I can do my best here too, father."

"You are a smart kid so I want you to do even better," Lu Jinhai replied. 

"Father, my decision is final and I won't go anywhere," Lu Lijun declared.

"I am not asking you but commanding you to do so, Lu Lijun," another firm reply came from Lu Jinhai.

These two were arguing calmly while others felt their hearts beating faster as Lu Lijun didn't have the habit to hear no again and again which was what his father was doing at the moment. They knew he would explode anytime soon. 

Ning Jiahui signalled Jiang Yuyan to do something and she nodded. 

Jiang Yuyan kept her hand on Lu Lijun's shoulder who was sitting in between her and Lu Feng. 

Lu Lijun, we can discuss it in a better way. First lets see what school it is and what …."

Lu Lijun stood up from the couch, "There is nothing to discuss about. I won't go anywhere and that is my decision."

Declaring, Lu Lijun stepped towards the door and left the room. Though he looked calm, one could sense the anger inside him. He must have suppressed it considering his father's condition and instead of showing it, he left the room.

All felt worried but Lu Jinhai warned everyone. 

"No one is allowed to pamper him unnecessarily. Let him get angry or whatever he wants. Now it's time for him to understand that it's not always possible for the things to happen in the way he wants. It would be good for his future and he would start accepting No as the answer."

Lu Jinhai who never meddled in the matters related to Lu Lijun till date because of Lu Qiang, he looked like a strict father who would not give up in front of his stubborn son.

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