Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1189 - Boxing and rapping!

Chapter 1189: Boxing and rapping!

In the boxing ring.

Fresh blood and sweat dripped on the floor.

Both sides were relentlessly exchanging blows, throwing punch after punch, trying to score a hit on their opponent.

After a few moments of exchanges, Ye Fei Li was hit so many times that he couldn’t help but retreat.

“Kill him!” the spectators all loudly cheered.

“Pursue, don’t give him time to breathe!” the coach of the long-bearded robust man called out.

The long-bearded robust man immediately stepped forward and threw a punch with all his strength.

Ye Fei Li appeared a bit hesitant but still tilted his body to dodge.

After all, in both strength and experience, the long-bearded robust man was clearly one step superior, coupled with his coach’s reinforcement, Ye Fei Li couldn’t judge the power of this blow.

“Take advantage of the brat’s loosened guard, he’s still too inexperienced!” the coach loudly shouted.

The long-bearded robust man uttered a loud grunt and swiftly pursued!

“Speed! Your speed! Faster!” the coach hurriedly urged.

While the robust man was already going as fast as he could, he suddenly sped up a bit more.


A heavy blow struck Ye Fei Li’s face and coughed up a mist of blood.

Tilting his body, Ye Fei Li retreated a few steps to take distance again.

“A good chance!”

The coach appeared ecstatic as a faint glow appeared over his body——-

He was about to fully exert his power!

“Catch the rhythm, use that killing fist technique to kill him! Don’t let him run away!” the coach shouted one thing after another.

The long-bearded robust man’s body started giving off the same glow.

He roared as his stature gradually grew larger.

His boxing gloves were now covered in a thick layer of steel that emanated an overwhelming pressure just by looking at it.

At this point——–

Gu Qing Shan suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted towards the long-bearded robust man: “Yo~ ladies and gentlemen, you gotta listen to what I have to say!”

Azure Dragon Shadow Hex – Binding!

“This boxer and his coach are fucking complete garbage, what straight, hook, or uppercut? Anyone who dares to touch my good brother is going to have to prepare a countdown towards their death!”

“Boxing is boxing, the hell are you guys cheating for? Even a boxer wanted throughout the entire Reality has to resort to such things, I’m going to cut all of them down with this sword in my hand, mark my word!”

“I say you’re going to die, then you’re definitely going to die, even if [Chaos], the Apocalypse, or Samsara comes here, even though this path is full of danger and crisis, with our sword, our gun, our fists, we’re going to level it all!”

Gu Qing Shan paused, then suddenly raised his voice:

“Ye~ Fei~ Li~ stand up and fight this to the end! This pair of young and old geezers are trying to cheat, but they don’t know I have this hex, stop their bodies, drop their speed, make his punches always miss. Triple hook, seven barrages, just hit him like a storm, hit him till he drops, then clench your teeth and give him a final hit!”

“Got it!”

A pair of bloody red wings spread widely behind Ye Fei Li; the crimson glow focused all onto his arms to form several projections of sharp spikes.

“AAAAA, DIE, BRAT!” the long-bearded robust man shouted.

Ye Fei Li lowered his body, then abruptly threw both hands to the ground.


The entire bar trembled from this impact.

The long-bearded robust man lost his footing slightly.

It was at this moment!

Ye Fei Li turned into a blurred image that circled around the long-bearded robust man several times in a split second.

His punches were lightning fast!

The crimson images struck the long-bearded robust man’s body, again and again, not allowing him any time to block.

——-although the long-bearded robust man’s power had reached his peak, his speed was slowed down too much by the Azure Dragon Hex.

His body couldn’t keep up!

Bam bam bam bam bam bam!

The sound of a barrage of punches resounded.


Ye Fei Li focused all the crimson glow around his body to his fist and struck the robust man right at his chest.

The robust man collapsed, completely unable to move or to even try and stand back up.

“No…” the long-bearded robust man laid completely flat, spitting up blood as he obstinately trembled, “I can destroy an entire world with a single strike, I’ve killed numerous living beings, how could… I die… like this…”

His head went limp, he had stopped breathing.

Instantly, the boxing ring, his body, the coach, everything disappeared.

Lines of grey text appeared in front of their eyes.

[Second gamble: Death Match (completed)]

[Congratulations, your coordination, and cooperation had led to this death match ending with your victory]

[While the other part wasn’t competing fairly, you sharply managed to notice this, then quickly coordinated with one another and used an even more brazen method to triumph]

[If one day you face the challenge of the Apocalypse, hopefully, you will recall your enthusiastic display earlier]

[Against the Apocalypse, one must utilize every mean at one’s disposal in order to triumph]

[The third gamble shall now begin]


A flash of light descended and swept the three of them away from the bar.

Smoke and fire filled the air.

In the middle of a city of steel and concrete, the occasional sound of an explosion could be heard.

Fighter planes could be seen flying through the skyscrapers above.

Tanks, military, and soldiers had gathered as defensive fronts to discharge their ammo towards some sort of enemy.

The sounds of screams, cries, howling, and explosions were heard.

The entire world was in shambles.

Gu Qing Shan, Zhang Ying Hao, and Ye Fei Li all walked out from a large supermarket.

Ye Fei Li grabbed the nearest bottle of iced water and gulped it all down.

“What’s the situation?” he panted and asked.

“Not sure, this seems like a very primitive technological world” Zhang Ying Hao commented.

“Apparently, they’re fighting against a kind of Apocalypse—— right, congratulations, Fei Li, that guy earlier was quite strong” Gu Qing Shan said.

Ye Fei Li was a Man Killer Fiend.

An entity that could grow stronger simply by killing.

That boxer just now was exceptionally strong, but due to him staying in the Great Gate world, his strength was normalized, and he had no choice but to fight Ye Fei Li on equal footing.

That was why he couldn’t accept his death.

“Thanks, regretfully, my strength is still being suppressed, so I can’t evolve right away” Ye Fei Li replied.

“No need to hurry, we still have one last trial to go through” Gu Qing Shan said.

The three of them all turned to the void of space.

Lines of grey text appeared on UIs in front of them.

[Third gamble: Assassination]

[This is a battle between Order and Chaos]

[Opponent: All carriers of Order]

[Short synopsis: During this Apocalypse, a kind of Order had silently descended on this world in an attempt to aid them against the Apocalypse. In the middle of this era of struggle between Order and Apocalypse, an innate Deity of Chaos had been born]

[Order had discovered the appearance of this Deity of Chaos; it had rallied the entire force under it to assassinate them]

[Attention: This Deity of Chaos hasn’t fully awakened; she is incredibly immature and would be helpless to go against this world-wide hit]

[She can be killed by a carrier of Order at any moment]

[Furthermore, the Apocalypse had also realized the existence of this Deity of Chaos, it is also in a hurry to eliminate this Deity of Chaos]

[Under these serious circumstances, you have two paths to choose from:]

[One, you must protect her until she awakens;]

[Two, you must come up with a way to take her and flee from this world, away from all forms of danger, after which you will have passed the trial]

[No time limit]

[Special warning: This is not a game, nor is it a drill, everything in this world is real and occurring at this exact moment]

[You must save her no matter what!]

[If that Deity of Chaos loses her life here, you will also die!]

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