Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1177 - Battle against the Deity of [Chaos]

Chapter 1177: Battle against the Deity of [Chaos]

As Shannu thrust her sword forward, several of the Soul Shrieker’s arms bent behind themselves.

The clusters of grey light erupted from those hands and shot straight towards Shannu.

Divine Retribution!

Whether it was speed or power, this type of Divine Retribution wasn’t something that Shannu could take head-on in her current state.

Shannu could only choose to stop her sword in track and dodge.

The grey clusters of light nearly grazed her, then flew away into the unknown.

Gu Qing Shan activated his sword seal.

Millions of tiny striking noises resounded from the Earth sword.


Boundless fire appeared turning the entire sky into a sea of flames.

The Soul Shrieker was right in the middle of it, so the spells and techniques it had prepared were completely prevented.

「『 That is nothing, I have the great power of the entire Era of [Chaos]! 」』

The Soul Shrieker roared and tried to clasp two arms together in order to unleash another kind of Divine Retribution.

Gu Qing Shan was already prepared as he turned his hand to grab the Chao Yin sword, then heavily slashed the void of space inside the sea of flames.

Deep blue frost-like mist washed over the Soul Shrieker’s body like a tidal wave!

The Soul Shrieker was frozen from this attack.

At this point, within the scorching sea of flames, was a wave of boiling frost.

Within the flames and frost, the Soul Shrieker tried opening its mouth, but couldn’t even utter a word of the chant.

Its body gradually became slower and slower until it could no longer move.

In the split second that Gu Qing Shan put his swords away.

An invisible sharp presence emanated from his body, howling as it slashed the Soul Shrieker.

Asura Divine Skill, [Sun Moon Eclipse!]


Something unseen shot through the void at incredible speed.

The Soul Shrieker’s body was slashed in half and slowly descended below the sky.

『「 You think you can kill me like this? 』」

The Soul Shrieker displayed a wide grin, then both halves of its body turned into strands of grey mist that quickly converged back together.

Its body had returned to normal.

Gu Qing Shan glanced down below.

On the ground, within the intense battlefield, Anna was exerting her prowess.

——every monster on the battlefield had completely ignored their opponents, and even their own survival to charge at her.

She had to face an unimaginable number of enemies!

Although quite a few people had come to her aid, Anna’s pressure was only growing as time passed.

The Soul Shrieker noticed the concern on Gu Qing Shan’s expression: 『「 How unusual! How truly unusual! Gu Qing Shan, so it turns out even you have things that you fear. If I had known, I would have killed that girl a long time ago, however, perhaps it still isn’t too late…』」

Clusters of grey mist were gathering from the void of space around into its hands again.

『「 Go! This is the will of [Chaos], erase that woman! 』」

The Soul Shrieker shouted.

A pillar of Divine Retribution that was several dozen meters in width descended from above towards Anna.

Gu Qing Shan immediately flew down, using [Ground Shrink] several times to stand in front of the Divine Retribution.

He drew the Earth sword!

Boundless fire converged as a burning flame that drifted on top of his sword.

[Parting Fire]!

This was the Divine Skill of extinguishing flames, by using the destructive property of the sea of flames, it cut all techniques apart.

For this strike, Gu Qing Shan had converged all of the flames into the blade, but he was unsure what the results of using it to face the Divine Retribution would be.

Gu Qing Shan swung his sword with all his might!

Flames and gloom.

They heavily clashed!


Gu Qing Shan was sent flying backward.

The gloomy light of Divine Retribution was shattered and scattered into the void, but then quickly returned to the sky above.

They had returned to the Soul Shrieker’s hand.

The Soul Shrieker displayed a cruel smile and raised the grey light in its hand.

「『 Gu Qing Shan, since I’ve discovered your weakness, you will—— 」』

Gu Qing Shan abruptly vanished from below then reappeared in front of the Soul Shrieker.


『「 I’ve been waiting for this! 』」

The sword and the grey light clashed once more.

Invisible shockwaves scattered in all directions like a circular tsunami.

This was the battle between mortal and Deity!

Gu Qing Shan turned his hand to grab another sword, preparing to strike again.

All of a sudden, a giant dark figure descended from above to send Gu Qing Shan flying.

「『 Demon Dragon? 」』

The Soul Shrieker was shocked and quickly pondered.

Why did he only return now?

However, the chance it took for this strike was indeed perfectly-timed, taking advantage of when Gu Qing Shan was completely off-guard.

Could he have been hiding here the whole time?

What a scheming fellow he is…

While the Soul Shrieker was thinking that, the black dragon suddenly turned around and opened its jaw to attack it.

This was completely out of the Soul Shrieker’s expectations.

Why did the black dragon attack Gu Qing Shan, then immediately proceeded to attack me?

Caught off-guard, the Soul Shrieker was bitten by the black dragon.

『「 You’re mad—— 』」

The Soul Shrieker shouted in shock and fear.

Instantly, the black dragon turned into an autumn-clear blue steel sword, then vanished from in front of the Soul Shrieker.

Gu Qing Shan switched places with the sword and put his hand on the Soul Shrieker.

From the moment that the Demon Dragon appeared to ambush Gu Qing Shan, Gu Qing Shan was sent flying, to the Demon Dragon turning back and attacking the Soul Shrieker; all of it happened seamlessly in a mere breath’s worth of time.

Even the Soul Shrieker’s reaction speed could not fully comprehend what had just transpired in such little time.

And Gu Qing Shan had already acted.

The pattern that resembled a golden coin faintly appeared on his body, then his arm into the Soul Shrieker’s body.

The Earth God’s [Absolute Prohibition]!

[Absolute Prohibition: Any being struck by your attacks will have all of their supernatural abilities completely sealed away. Duration: 1 minute]

This was one of the three powers of the Earth God, an ability at the same level as [True Luck] and [Shelter], which could only be used once every 30 days, an extremely precious ability.

The Soul Shrieker instantly lost all of its powers.

But it wasn’t panicked, only surprised: 「『 What kind of technique is this, how could it have fully sealed my divine power? 」』

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say a single word and simply wielded the Earth sword.

A violent sword phantom danced along the blade of the Earth sword, then split into countless sword phantoms that slashed the Soul Shrieker’s body innumerable times in a single moment.

Thousand Blades of Flaying Flesh!

When had the Soul Shrieker ever endured such torture before?

It couldn’t hold back the desperate screams

“Keep this in mind” Gu Qing Shan slowly spoke: “I’m not afraid, my desire to kill you is simply becoming increasingly greater”

The sword flashed and passed through the Soul Shrieker’s neck.

[Earth’s Choice]!

The Soul Shrieker’s body was completely destroyed, turning into fine dust that scattered away.

But its head remained, laughing hysterically.

『「 Bahahaha, Gu Qing Shan, do you really think I didn’t know of the Earth sword’s abilities? 』」

「『 I have the power of the entire Era of [Chaos] aiding me, my soul had been protected with countless Causality Laws, you can never kill me! 」』

After making that declaration, its head finally crumbled and disappeared.

A second later.

A sharp screech could be heard from inside the grey wall of fog that connected heaven and earth.

The wind howled and the fog fluttered.

“So it’s not dead even with that huh? Seems like the giant corpse wasn’t wrong” Gu Qing Shan whispered.

In front of him, a figure slowly stepped out from the grey fog.

The Soul Shrieker.

It slowly shook its head: 『「 Gu Qing Shan, that technique of yours just now was certainly impressive, but your woman is still going to die 』」

Gu Qing Shan looked down below.

The legendary monsters of [Chaos] were still charging madly at Anna.

More and more enemies were gathering around her.

Barry and Kitty had both returned to Anna’s side to aid her in battle.

Everyone was gathering towards Anna.

Both sides had realized the other party’s tactics.

On the battlefield, both [Order] and [Chaos] had gathered around Anna for the climax of the war!

Gu Qing Shan pulled his gaze back and turned to the Soul Shrieker.

The giant corpse’s words resounded in his mind:

“That will depend on which level of Deity of [Chaos] they are. If they’re the Deity of [Chaos] who ushered in their Era, the entire Era of [Chaos] will come to their aid, providing them with unlimited vitality and power, unable to be defeated”

The entire Era of [Chaos]…

Gu Qing Shan stopped his thoughts, cleared his throat, and asked: “Did it hurt?”

The Soul Shrieker froze, then doubtfully asked: 『「 What are you saying? 』」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Just now when I flayed your flesh with a thousand blades, did it hurt?”

The Soul Shrieker’s expression became dim.

It stared intensely at Gu Qing Shan, then spoke full of hesitation: 「『 No, that can’t be it, that technique of yours just now wasn’t an ordinary one, it isn’t something you can continuously use as you pleased! 」』

The Earth God’s [Absolute Prohibition] was naturally not something he could use as he pleased, but Gu Qing Shan wouldn’t admit that.

He simply smiled, then casually brandished his swords: “Really now? If you really think that, care to try again?”

The Soul Shrieker’s gaze was stuck close to his sword and remained silent without saying a single word.

Indeed, under the Era of [Chaos]’s protection, it could not die.

But even so, it didn’t want to experience that immense pain for a single more time.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “You see, I know that [Chaos] can save you, but I swear, as long as you keep going after my woman, I’ll keep making sure that you experience that pain over and over until the end of time”

The Soul Shrieker suddenly laughed.

『「 Gu Qing Shan, even if you can continuously use that technique over and over, you’re still never going to catch me, and it will all be for naught 』」

『「 Because the one you’re up against isn’t me, but the entire Era of [Chaos] 』」

Its body slowly retreated and melded into the wall of grey fog, disappearing from Gu Qing Shan’s vision.

Watching this fog, Gu Qing Shan doubtfully asked: “How are you supposed to fight me like that?”

「『 I don’t need to fight you, Gu Qing Shan 」』the Soul Shrieker’s voice resounded from inside the fog, 『「 The mythical creatures of [Chaos] have prepared themselves for much too long, while the [Order] you just unleashed had only just awoken, it is insignificant—— so I can simply use the human wave tactic to drown you to death 』」

Gu Qing Shan froze

——some True Deity of [Chaos] you are, refusing to fight after being subjected to a single Earth God’s [Absolute Prohibition]!

The Soul Shrieker’s voice was raised high and resounded throughout the entire world: 「『 Subjects of [Chaos], your only target now is to kill that young Death God! 」』

More and more mythical creatures began to step out from the fog.

They simply charged forward, ignoring the attacks of everyone else, and headed for Anna.

From inside the grey fog, the Soul Shrieker declared:

『「 Gu Qing Shan, the Era of [Chaos] had taken over the 900 million World Layers, its power had already grown infinitely stronger beyond all imaginations. And today, I guarantee that your woman will die in front of you! 』」

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

The giant corpse’s words resounded in his mind:

“You must give up an [Order] to the Era of [Chaos] as the price to request an Apotheotic Combat”

“Apotheotic Combat?”

“Indeed, the Era of [Chaos] requires the strongest Deity to help it eventually achieve supremacy”

“The Era of [Chaos] allows the carriers of [Chaos] to compete for the Deific Authority, in which a final victor will be decided!”

“Remember, only by stripping them of their Deific Authority can you——-“

Gu Qing Shan suddenly raised his hand.

He seemed to be holding something, but no one could see clearly what it was.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the grey wall of fog that connected heaven and earth, then abruptly shouted: “I, Gu Qing Shan, hereby offer the [Demon King Order] as the price to request an Apotheotic Combat!”

“I want to challenge the Soul Shrieker for its [Chaos] Deific Authority!”


The boiling grey wall of fog suddenly became still.

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